Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 573 A Destined Encounter [3 More]

Chapter 573 A Destined Encounter (45) [Third Watch]

After Lin Yifan finished speaking, the smile on his face became stronger and deeper!

Just like Lu Mingcheng's eyes at this moment!

There will always be hidden meanings in it that Lin Yifan can't figure out!

"Do you know what you're talking about?" The man's face was very cold, completely opposite to the sunlight shining in at this moment!
His eyes locked on the delicate and soft girl in front of him!
Because what she just said was exactly what she thought in her heart!

This is the first time someone has seen through his heart!

Danger looms!
"Don't you think so?" Lin Yifan looked at him with a mischievous smile, imitating his tone.

But in someone's eyes, it's like a provocation!
"Boss Lu, are you angry?" The faintly floating cold air flowed around.

Guess again!
"But I know you won't admit it!" Lin Yifan's tone was firm, it seemed like a joke, but it hit someone's heart directly!
"How do you know?" The voice became deeper and deeper, and the tone was clearly annoyed after being guessed right!
"Boss Lu, you look so scary right now." Lin Yifan took two steps back and sat back in her seat. She picked up the blanket next to her and wrapped herself up, "I'm a little sleepy."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes directly, not giving the other party an extra chance to speak!
Looking at Lin Yifan who suddenly became quiet, Lu Mingcheng sat up straight and leaned back relaxedly, but his eyes kept falling on her face.

Delicate and delicate, flawless!
Slightly prettier than the top actresses in the company!
It is indeed the best candidate in his mind!
Why can she guess her own mind!
And the words I vaguely heard when I was unconscious before!

He has many doubts in his heart!

But Lin Yifan's background is so simple, clean and transparent!

There is no trace at all!

This made Lu Mingcheng even more curious about the girl in front of him!
He wants to see through her!

But she is as clean as a piece of white paper and a glass of water!

Lin Yifan, who closed her eyes, felt restless in her heart. She didn't know if the proactive touch she had just done was right!
Will it affect Lu Mingcheng's opinion and even his attitude towards her!

But she couldn't help it!

How to restrain yourself in front of someone you love so much!

She didn't rush over directly, she had already worked very hard!

The warm sun is shining on my body, it is warm, and I didn't sleep all night last night, this will make me feel sleepy!
Originally, she wanted to pretend to be asleep to avoid someone's dangerous aura, but Lin Yifan didn't expect that she actually fell asleep!
Even and long breaths are gently conveyed in the quiet cabin.

That sleeping face is quiet and lovely, with a bit of sweetness.

Her body was curled up slightly. Although the blanket wrapped her body tightly, her little feet were playfully exposed.

Especially the pair of socks with two small ears made Lu Mingcheng unable to move his eyes for a long time.

He actually saw a bit of cuteness!


He looked sideways out the window!
The white clouds are layer upon layer, soft, like someone's face...


His Adam's apple rolled, and his lips were dry.

He casually picked up the water glass in front of him and put it to his mouth, only to find that it was empty!
It was the one that Lin Yifan emptied!

His eyes were lowered, and his eyes fell on the empty cup in his hand!

During the flip, under the sunlight, a certain place glowed with a faint luster, just like the color on Lin Yifan's lips at this time!

Thank you Dream Girl Seven Consecutive Rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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