Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 587 A Destined Encounter [4 More]

Chapter 587 A Destined Encounter (60) [Fourth Update]

A tall figure slowly walked in from the door!

A fine layer of sweat hung on his forehead.

Breathing slightly, the whole person looks sunny and clean!

"Boss Lu!" Lin Yifan hurried over after seeing Lu Mingcheng coming in, "Breakfast is ready, please enjoy Boss Lu~"

The girl had a soft smile on her face, and while speaking, she made a gesture of asking, very playful!

Do not apply makeup, natural to carve!

Accompanied by the dusty temperament, it is like a fairy walking out of a painting!
Lu Mingcheng's slightly downcast eyes fell on that clean porcelain white face.

"Oh, yes, Boss Lu is going to take a shower first~ This way please~" After finishing speaking, Lin Yifan turned around and made a respectful gesture of invitation.

Lu Mingcheng didn't speak, he took off the bluetooth headset casually, and put it on the palm of Lin Yifan's hand.

Then went to the bathroom.

Lin Yifan looked at the gadget in his palm, the position still had the tactile sensation of Lu Mingcheng's fingertips sliding over it.

She shrugged, her eyes rolled, she looked playful and cute~
People say that a beauty is the most beautiful when she comes out of the bath!
That man is out of the bath!

It was the appearance in front of Lin Yifan's eyes!

Clean, delicate and eye-catching!

It turns out that Boss Lu's skin is so good!

Is this worth the nights he stayed up?
It doesn't make sense!

Refreshing, sunny, sexy and provocative!

Lin Yifan unconsciously stared dumbfounded...

Therefore, even if it is to open her eyes to see such a refreshing picture every day in the future, she must try her best to catch up with Boss Lu!

Perhaps, she was watching too intently.

Lu Mingcheng, who was eating, turned his head slightly, "What are you looking at?"

"That painting is so beautiful!" Lin Yifan quickly looked away, stuffing something into his mouth indiscriminately.

Lu Mingcheng followed her gaze and looked back!

"You like this?" His tone sounded a little playful.

Lin Yifan's eyes followed closely, and there happened to be a nude portrait hanging on the wall over there!

"Pfft!" Lin Yifan quickly covered her mouth, she almost spit out.

She just made up an excuse!

Also, how could there be such a painting in Lu Boss's castle!

Looking at Lin Yifan's flushed little face, the corners of Lu Mingcheng's mouth turned up slightly.

"Boss Lu, you have elegant taste!" Lin Yifan wiped his mouth, his tone was slightly awkward but still flattering!

Lu Mingcheng cast a sideways glance and said with a chuckle, "At three o'clock in the afternoon, I'm going to fly to Province D!"

"Oh!" Lin Yifan responded, and then quickly said, "I'll pack your luggage for you!"

Her eyes rolled, "Am I living here by myself these few days?"

She felt that it was wrong to ask like this, what if Lu Mingcheng arranged for her to go to another place!
"I will definitely help Boss Lu take care of the house, so don't worry!" Lin Yifan quickly added.

"Do you like staying here?" Lu Mingcheng asked lightly.

"I like it!" He replied without hesitation.

"This time, we need to go for three days." Lu Mingcheng continued, but his eyes were not on Lin Yifan.

"Oh..." Lin Yifan's brain was running fast, "Don't worry, Boss Lu, I will definitely clean up this place!"

Although it may not be possible to clean the place for three days and three nights from now on, Lin Yifan wants to challenge it. After all, the power of love is very powerful!
Lu Mingcheng gave him a suspicious look, with a half-smile in his eyes, "I wanted to take the servant with me!"

 Sleeper Chapter [-], I'm sleeping, see you tomorrow, babies~
(End of this chapter)

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