Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 602 A Destined Encounter [3 More]

Chapter 602 A Destined Encounter (75) [Third Watch]

The pounding heartbeat is hard to restrain!
Look at the tall figure walking in front of you!
Lin Yifan stood where he was, with an uncontrollable expression on his face!

She seems to be teased~
The flushed cheeks are really embarrassing~
Lin Yifan freed up a finger, hung up the newly bought food, and quickly followed the pace of Boss Lu~
"Boss Lu, would you like a bunch?" Lin Yifan handed over the skewers in his hand.

Someone Lu took a bunch and casually took a bite!
But it's just this bite!
Why did Lin Yifan's girlish heart flood when she watched it!

It's the expression on his face that's so pretty when he's eating!
Still rolling Adam's apple is too sexy!

Or, the posture in which he holds the string is so alluring~
The immobile gaze had already caught Lu Mingcheng's attention, "Isn't there enough food?"

"Enough to eat! Enough to eat!" Lin Yifan quickly regained his senses and stuffed skewers into his mouth.

This flustered heartbeat that can't be put down!

stop now!

Lin Yifan covered her heart, she felt her heart was about to jump out!
"Stop it, stop it!" Lin Yifan whispered.

She had to temporarily close her eyes and take two deep breaths!
"Oh my god! Huh~" Lin Yifan spat lightly, and continued to follow the big boss!

How come the more excited you are, the better your appetite!

Lin Yifan looked at his empty hands and felt that he was not full!
She glanced at the endless stalls around, to see what else to come~
Lu Mingcheng hadn't known how many times he was amused by her cute appearance and chuckled out loud.

"Look over there!" He said softly, bringing her back to consciousness.

The environment here looks better, at least there is a dining table where you can sit. Sure enough, Boss Lu's requirements can't be too low!

After Lin Yifan sat down properly, he waited for Mr. Lu who read the menu seriously to order!
It was useless for a while, and several delicate snacks were already on the table.

"It looks really good~" Mommy, my appetite is really good today!
He looked up to meet someone's inquisitive eyes.

"That... Maybe the physical exertion is a bit heavy today~ hehe~" Lin Yifan explained awkwardly.

Even though he ate more than the big boss, he was still yelling hungry!
What a fat thing!

But in fact, Lin Yifan's eyes were already glued to the snacks!
Little Yezi, have you been possessed?

Lu Mingcheng patiently wiped a pair of chopsticks, handed them to Lin Yifan, picked another snack that he thought was the best, and pushed it in front of Lin Yifan.

"Thank you, Boss Lu~" With a sweet voice, he couldn't hide his happy smile.

Lin Yifan took a piece and put it in his mouth, "Mmm~ delicious!"

"Try it too!" She picked up a piece and handed it over.

Only then did he realize that he was using his own chopsticks, so he quickly took them back and pushed the plate over.

Lu Mingcheng watched the changes in her expression, the corners of her eyes and brows were soft.

Lin Yifan felt that he was a little abrupt, just when she was about to pull the plate back!
A pair of chopsticks fell up!
With a little surprise in his eyes, Lin Yifan followed the chopsticks and looked over.

I saw someone took a piece, put it in his mouth, and said something serious, "Not bad!"

Pursing her lips, still with that unstoppable smile, "I'll just say, it's delicious~"

that smile!
It's really sweet~
All night, Lin Yifan ate and ate non-stop!
"Hi~" Her body trembled slightly, her little face was covered with a layer of blush.

"Are you full?" Lu said lightly, but his tone was unusually soft.

"Hmm~" Lin Yifan's big eyes rolled playfully, he was very shy, and nodded immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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