Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 609 A Destined Encounter [5 More]

Chapter 609 A Destined Encounter (82) [Fifth Watch]

"Huh?" After understanding, Lin Yifan became even more shy, and the little rabbit in his heart seemed to run faster!

At this time, Lin Yifan's expression fell into someone's eyes, besides being cute, he was cute.

So he took the initiative to hand over the profile!

It's just that Lin Yifan didn't move for a long time.

Someone stretched out that slender index finger, and nodded on the side of his face, "Student Lin!"

The little rabbit that Lin Yifan held down just now started jumping around in his heart again!
Lin Yifan quickly covered his chest!
It's just that handsome side face is right in front of my eyes.

Lin Yifan felt that her nervous palms were sweating, so she moved over with a blushing face.

The distance is getting closer every second!

Seeing that her lips were about to touch that profile face.

In an instant, a certain boss turned his head!

A certain boss moved extremely quickly, and then said with a serious face as if nothing had happened, "Continue to review!"

Leaving a small face still in surprise!

"Oh..." He got up in a panic and hurried away, only to find that the chair was still in place.

Quickly lower your head and go back to get it.

In a panic, the knee accidentally touched it.

Lin Yifan quickly reached out and rubbed it!

But still dare not look up!
Someone just looked at her flustered cute look with a smile on her face!

The corners of the eyes and eyebrows and the corners of the raised mouth express his joy at the moment.

After sitting down again, Lin Yifan still felt guilty, the scene just now was too fast!

She scratched her head shyly, the pen holder was about to be bitten to pieces by herself!
But I dare not look at someone!

Lu Mingcheng picked up the English book again and read it.

After a long time, Lin Yifan finally calmed down a bit, and dared to quietly look at someone from the corner of his eye.

But when she raised her head cautiously, she met those eyes directly!
"Huh!" He let out a low cry in surprise, and quickly lowered his head!
The steady heartbeat just now came galloping again!

He was actually caught by Boss Lu!
Lin Yifan's big eyes kept turning and turning, and her pen was already killed by her panicked bite!

I saw, a slender finger appeared in sight!

Tap lightly, with a deep and provocative voice: "Concentrate!"

Lin Yifan really wanted to tell someone, how did you want me to concentrate just now!
But shyness had already overwhelmed her, and she couldn't do anything except keep biting the penholder!
Lu Mingcheng never knew that a shy look could make people so excited!

Especially seeing her at a loss, I couldn't help but want to tease her more!

The corner of the mouth that has always been cold, has not been turned up for the first time today!

"I... I finished reading it!" Lin Yifan really couldn't continue to review, she got up, closed the textbook, and left in a panic!
She rushed straight to the bathroom, her heart still beating fast!

She felt that her heart had jumped into her throat!
She went to the bathtub, filled it with water, and lay down in it!
"Huh~" I closed my eyes and let go, and finally got better!
But the next second!
The quick scene just now appeared in my mind again.

She opened her eyes wide in panic, and subconsciously grabbed the edge of the bathtub with her fingers!

She looked around in horror, and when she realized that there was only herself here, she slowly relaxed and lay back in the bathtub again.

At this moment, Lin Yifan splashed the water in embarrassment because of his wild thoughts just now!

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, she found that her skin had been wrinkled, and she got up from the bathtub!

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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