Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 611 A Destined Encounter [2 more]

Chapter 611 A Destined Encounter (85-89) [Second Update]

Listening to Lu Mingcheng's words enough to imprint on his heart, Lin Yifan wept with joy!

Her tears fell disobediently again!
"Don't cry!" Lu Mingcheng gently wiped away her tears with his thumb, "I will feel bad!"

This is the most beautiful love story Lin Yifan has ever heard!

The love in my heart spread uncontrollably.

Her eyes were full of sincerity, and her expression was serious, "Lu Mingcheng, I love you!"

Eye to eye!

It is love that is passing on!
"Yifan, I love you!" The deep voice came slowly!
Lin Yifan's little face became even more rosy.

The man was amused by her cute look, and he hugged her tightly in his arms, "My baby is shy!"

Hearing such a nasty title, Lin Yifan's heartbeat instantly became violent!

The next morning!
The cool sea breeze gently brushed the cheeks!

Lin Yifan lazily opened his eyes, and when his consciousness gradually regained consciousness!

Turning around, a magnified and beautiful face was in front of her eyes.

Mouth twitched!

You close your eyes, you open your eyes!
Appreciate the stars in the night sky and enjoy the morning light together!
She thought, this is the life she wants to pursue!
"Brother Lu, come and see!" As soon as Lu Mingcheng walked into the living room, he was called by Le Tian, ​​"This is what you want!"

He opened the exquisite box in front of him, put it on the coffee table, and pushed it towards Lu Mingcheng.

There is a piece of crystal clear jade lying in it!

"This is the best!" Letian's eyes sparkled, and he praised this piece of jade, "I have been in the jade business for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen a jade of this quality! Haha!"

"Brother Lu, do you want to collect it?" Letian looked at Lu Mingcheng with great interest.

Lu Mingcheng looked back at Le Tian, ​​looking in a good mood, "Since Brother Le guessed it, why bother to ask?"

"Hahaha! It's rare! It's really rare!" Le Tian smiled heartily, "I used to be really worried that you would be a bachelor for the rest of your life!"

"That girl is indeed good, worthy of you!" Le Tian helped Lu Mingcheng pour a cup of tea while talking!
"Huh? Why didn't she come with you!" Le Tian saw that Lu Mingcheng was alone, and asked suspiciously, "This little girl is really close to you, today is strange!"

Lu Mingcheng was playing with that beautiful piece of jade, the corners of his lips curled slightly, "She's still sleeping!"

Immediately, he got up from the sofa and made a call!
"Hello?" A dazzling red lip parted slightly. At this moment, she was basking in the sun on a beach in a certain country, "Mr. Lu, I'm on vacation right now!"

Although it's her private time now!
She Caiman also expressed her reluctance in her words!

But when I saw that familiar name, I couldn't help feeling a suppressed heartbeat!
"I have a piece of high-quality jade in my hand!" came Lu Mingcheng's clear voice.

"Send it to me?" She Caiman said without any scruples. Although she knew it was not, she still had a chance in her heart.

She picked up the drink in hand and took a sip, "It's not for me, I'm dead!"

"Only you dare to talk to me in this tone." Lu Mingcheng was not angry, but chuckled lightly, "But now..."

"Stop!" She Caiman immediately stopped Lu Mingcheng's next words!
The relaxed body suddenly stiffened, "If you have any orders, send an email directly!"

Although her voice sounded the same, her expression was uncontrollably tinged with hurt.

"Okay!" Lu Mingcheng replied, and hung up the phone!
The sun on the beach is particularly dazzling at this time!

Otherwise, why She Caiman felt that her vision became more and more blurred.

She raised her head proudly, stood up, and walked to the beach!

Lin Yifan moved slightly in his sleep.

She just felt very sleepy and tired, and she was still reluctant to lift her eyelids.

Lin Yifan sighed softly, she was really tired and wanted to sleep again, but she was so hungry!

But before she opened her eyes, she smelled a fragrance!
Could it be that he was hallucinating from hunger!

Immediately after her body lightened, she subconsciously opened her eyes and found that she was being hugged by someone.

Lu Mingcheng hugged Lin Yifan and walked to the dining table, which was filled with all kinds of dishes just brought by the servants!
After he sat down, he still held Lin Yifan firmly in his arms.

Before she could open her mouth, a spoonful of hot soup was brought to her mouth, "It's over."

A very petting voice came over!
Lin Yifan even felt that he hadn't woken up yet, that he was in a dream!

She opened her mouth gently, took a mouthful of hot soup, and immediately recovered a lot of vitality!

Afterwards, delicacies with different flavors were brought to the mouth.

Lin Yifan was only responsible for enjoying himself in someone's arms.

Until, "hiccup~"

She seemed to be fully awake and quickly covered her mouth.

The man put down the chopsticks in his hand!
Immediately, he covered her side face with his palm, and said in a gentle tone, "Are you full?"

As for Lin Yifan, he looked at the face in front of him seriously.

Handsome, handsome, with a unique pampering!
Facing such a pair of affectionate eyes, she was instantly shy and nodded her head.

"I'm full, I'm going to start reviewing!" The man got up, carried her to the closet, and took two clothes for her to change into.


Thank you Tai Ruo Anran for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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