Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 614 A Destined Encounter [1 More]

Chapter 614 A Destined Encounter (92) [One More]

In the dark and dilapidated hut, on the mattress covered with cotton wool, the man leaned over his desk and got up.

There was only a creaking sound of closing the door, and there was a smell of copper.

Reiko shrunk her body into a ball, and now, except for the musty smell, she was the only one left in the whole room!

Looking at the camera standing there, she got up like crazy, picking up anything at hand and was about to smash it.

But as soon as she raised her hand, her movements stopped.

She can't do this, because the director will come tomorrow, and not only will she be scolded, but she will also be asked to pay compensation!

How can she have money to compensate!
Reiko hastily put down the things in her hands, and put her clothes back on indiscriminately!

She gritted her teeth tightly, with resentment in her eyes!

Stepping on high heels, he limped out!

At this time, it was getting late, Reiko wanted to find a hotel to sleep in, but she couldn't swallow it when she thought about living like this every day in the future!
All of this should be blamed on that bitch Lin Yifan. If she hadn't been known everywhere, she wouldn't have been so eager for quick success and instant benefits to climb up the ladder, so that she fell into someone else's trap!
Thinking of this, Reiko hailed a taxi and went in the direction of the school!

She opened the bedroom door angrily, only to find that Lin Yifan's bed was empty!
After Ye Zi was lying on the bed crying sadly, she was too tired and fell asleep, and was woken up by Reiko's movement.

"Where's Lin Yifan?" Reiko asked loudly, looking at the confused leaves on the bed.

After seeing the person coming, Ye Zi gave her a blank look, and lay down again.

"I'm asking you something!" Reiko looked at Ye Zi's reaction and became even more frustrated. She quickly walked to Ye Zi's bed and asked loudly.

Ye Zi turned around sharply and covered her head with the quilt.

"Lingzi, why are you back?" At this moment, Momo, who was facing the bed, asked.

She looked at Reiko with weird eyes. The clothes on her body seemed to be the same as those who had just finished a fight, and there were still several bruises on her body, and the makeup on her face was a little faded. A wave of anger was like a big cock ready to fight, "Reiko, Yifan is not at school anymore."

"Not here?" Reiko raised her voice several degrees after listening, "Where did she go?"

"Yifan has passed the audition and is going to make a movie!" Momo whispered, then glanced at Ye Zi's direction guiltily, seeing that she hadn't moved, she felt relieved.

"Hmph!" Reiko snorted coldly, her face became even colder, and the corners of her mouth were bitter and mean, "Make a movie? Why should she go to make a movie?"

"How can she make a movie with a cousin?" Lingzi screamed, her face was full of anger, she felt like she wanted to cremate Lin Yifan on the spot.

Seeing Reiko's overreaction, Mo Mo quickly got out of bed and closed the door, otherwise a group of onlookers would have to be attracted.

"Lingzi, are you okay?" Momo hurriedly pulled up a chair and let Lingzi sit down to calm down.

Seeing how Momo cared about her, Reiko calmed down a little.

"Some people, don't pretend to be dead with me!" Reiko looked at Ye Zi who was still wrapped in the quilt.

"Aren't you a good best friend? She's usually closer than a real sister!" Reiko's tone was sour.

"What? They picked up Gao Zhifei and left without saying they would take you with them?"


Thank you wqlm for the six consecutive rewards!
Thanks for the blank, future rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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