Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 626 A Destined Encounter [1 More]

Chapter 626 A Destined Encounter (106) [One More]

It was the sound of the elevator opening!
Ye Zi was brought up by the front desk lady!

At this moment, Lu Mingcheng happened to be walking down the stairs!

The man was wearing a white shirt, his bony fingers were unbuttoning the black cuffs at this moment.

After seeing the leaves, he just raised his eyes slightly, then his eyes fell, and he rolled up his cuffs slightly.

The pace under the long legs was neither fast nor slow, and the alienation in his body made Ye Zi stand where he was, not daring to step forward, or even dare to open his mouth.

Ye Zi's nervous fingers scrambled together. Seeing the man who had already gone down the stairs, he mustered up the courage to raise his head.

"I..." Ye Zi was about to speak.

"Come and sit!" Only a cold voice was heard in a low voice.

Lu Mingcheng interrupted her and motioned her to come over to the sofa.

Ye Zi pursed her lips before walking over with difficulty.

After sitting down carefully, she straightened her back.

"Yifan is sleeping upstairs." Lu Mingcheng spoke first.

"I'm sorry..." Ye Zi choked up after a long while and said, "Yifan was injured just to save me."

Ye Zi bit her lip desperately, to keep the tears from falling down, "Is she all right..."

Lu Mingcheng's gaze fell on Ye Zi's wrist.

"Yifan attaches great importance to the friendship between you two." He said coldly, without any emotion.

Ye Zi was already a little scared of Lu Mingcheng, not to mention this time, Yifan was seriously injured, Ye Zi was really afraid that Lu Mingcheng would slap her to death here.

Ye Zi kept her head down, her hands clenched tightly together, her fingers turned white from being held by herself.

"Yifan won't blame you." Lu Mingcheng's Adam's apple rolled, paused for a moment, and continued, "I won't blame you!"

He looked at the girl in front of him for a second, and there was anger suppressed by him in his cold eyes, and then he got up, "You can sit here and wait for her."

After speaking, man, go straight up the stairs!
When his figure disappeared at the corner of the stairs, the only thing left in the living room was the flustered heartbeat of Ye Zi!

Ye Zi's tense body instantly relaxed, but the sense of guilt did not fade at all!
At that time, she thought she was dead.

She never expected that Lin Yifan would actually grab that fruit knife with his own hands!

This is enough to prove that Lin Yifan really regards her as a very good friend!

When she first took the statement at the police station, Ye Zi was very excited and angrily told all the evil deeds she knew about Reiko.

She admits that some parts are a bit exaggerated, but she will feel guilty or guilty at all!
She really hoped that a villain like Reiko would get the punishment he deserved, and never even come out to harm others!
This time she was able to directly assassinate Lin Yifan with a fruit knife, and if she didn't keep it all right next time, she would do even more absurd and vile things!

Thinking of this, Ye Zi raised her wrist and looked at the bracelet with the pattern of a lark, she finally couldn't help but shed tears.

If she encounters danger again in the future, she hopes that she can help Lin Yifan!
Lu Mingcheng went to the study next to the bedroom.

His face was extremely cold and tense, especially when he thought that Lin Yifan was seriously injured and hurt, but in order not to worry himself, he pretended to be okay!

This will only make him feel more distressed!
He took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, dialed a number, and said, "Go do something!"

(End of this chapter)

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