Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 640 Destined to be together [8 more]

Chapter 640 Destined To Be Together (8) [Fourth Update]

The fans who got the gossip have been waiting here for a long time!

They look forward to it!


A girl with a face like Huaichun!
Waiting for the idol in my heart to come!

It's a pity that the moment he got off the plane, he was already picked up by the car that was waiting in advance!
After the boy got into the car, he took off the peaked cap and black mask from his head!
A handsome and sunny face is immediately revealed!
He leaned back directly on the back seat and began to lie down!
The obvious displeasure on his face rolled back and forth!
The only thing that was quiet in the carriage was his irritable breathing!

Just a few hours ago!
He's still on vacation!
The only vacation of the year!
Sun, sand, bikinis!
He drank the coconut juice happily!
I was called back directly by a phone call!
He's only been there less than three hours and hey!

Do you want to bully people like this!
Anyway, he is also the company's newcomer, the new male singer of the year!

He also made a few guest appearances in several popular films!
What's wrong with taking a vacation!
Just oppress him like this?

Thinking of this, the ups and downs of the boy's chest became more obvious, he pulled the corner of his mouth angrily and blew, the golden hair that covered his eyes flicked, and then stopped limply.

Really annoying!
"Liu Ping, is your boss okay!" The boy's tone was clearly complaining!
Liu Ping glanced at the rearview mirror, with a sly look in his eyes, "I can help you bring this sentence to Mr. Lu!"

The boy gave him a blank look when he heard this, this Liu Ping is the best at pretending to be a tiger, he really wants to beat him up!
"Why did he call me back in such a hurry?" After a while, the boy couldn't help but spoke again!

"Sing!" Liu Ping replied quickly.

"Aren't you talking nonsense! I won't be singing someday!" The boy only thought that this was perfunctory, and even the perfunctory didn't have a serious attitude!

"To be precise, the company has hired a newcomer. Mr. Lu wants you to sing a duet with her!" Liu Ping glanced at the rearview mirror.

"Chorus? Big names?"

"But I haven't heard that the company has recruited newcomers!" The boy's sunshine showed a trace of doubt on his immature face!
"Old Liu, have you seen him?" The boy suddenly became interested, leaned over, and patted Liu Ping on the shoulder.

"I've seen it!" Liu Ping said in a calm tone.

"Male and female?" The boy immediately changed his words after asking, "It must be a woman, how can there be two men singing in chorus, it's disgusting!"

However, he thought of Boss Lu who didn't play cards according to common sense, and he felt a chill all over his body, "It can't be a man..."

"Girl!" Looking at the boy's appearance, Liu Ping couldn't help pursing his lower lip.

"What is it, do you know?" The boy patted Liu Ping angrily.

"College student!" Liu Ping continued to reply.

"I said, Old Liu, your tone is more and more like your boss now, so you can't say a few more words and let me keep asking!" The boy was obviously a little impatient.

"Are you sure you want to call him by this name?" As soon as Liu Ping opened his mouth, the boy frightened instantly!
He pointed at Liu Ping's back angrily, returned to his seat, and said, "Anyway, we can see you tomorrow, so I don't bother to ask you!"

"If she is dissatisfied, you may have to make a trip for nothing, young master, you should be mentally prepared in advance!" Liu Ping reminded very kindly.

"Do you need me to help you book a flight ticket in advance? If you get back in time, you can continue to enjoy ten hours of vacation!"

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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