Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 667 Destined to be together [38 more]

Chapter 667 Destined To Be Together (38) [Second More]

"Ye Zi, is Lin Yifan really a singer now?"

"Yezi, can you ask her for an autographed photo of Jiang Yijie for me?"

"Yezi, I really envy you, you have such a good relationship with Lin Yifan!"

Xiao Yezi has recently become a popular person on campus. Everyone knows that she and Lin Yifan are close, so they all come to ask her about Lin Yifan and Jiang Yijie!
At first, Xiao Yezi was very excited and patiently answered everyone's questions, but after a long time, she was really tired!
Repeated questions, said dozens of times a day!
This time, Ye Zi wrapped herself tightly, like a thief, and wanted to go to the cafeteria to have dinner.

"Yifan, I'm going to be bored to death recently!" Ye Zi made a crying face.

"What's the matter, Little Yezi?" Lin Yifan replied quickly, "Did Jiang Yijie mess with you?"

"not him."

"Every day people come to ask me about you!"

"My mouth is worn out, and I'm crying." Ye Zi made an aggrieved expression.

Lin Yifan really didn't expect this to happen!

There have been too many headlines recently, and now when I turn on the TV, it is the chorus of her and Jiang Yijie, which can be heard in shopping malls, restaurants, streets and alleys, wherever I go.

The promotion of DS is really insane!
"Thank you little Ye Zi, give me a hug!" Lin Yifan sent a hugging emoji.

"How are you and Jiang Yijie doing?" Lin Yifan was always worried. After all, Lu Mingcheng had reminded her himself.

"It's good. He's been busy recently and doesn't have many contacts." Ye Zi said here, clicked on the picture again, and looked at it with nostalgia.

Looking at the time of the last chat record, it was still three days ago, Xiao Yezi was inevitably disappointed.

I don't know, what is Jiang Yijie doing now?sing?Still taking pictures?Did he think of himself?

At this moment, the phone vibrated, and Ye Zi thought it was Lin Yifan who replied to the message.

"Little leaf~" is Jiang Yijie!

Ye Zi immediately put down his chopsticks, and replied excitedly, "Uncle Jiang." There was a cute smiling face behind it.

"Did you miss me?" Jiang Yijie just took a shower and was lying on the bed. After a day of filming and recording, he was very tired!

He picked up the phone, blinked, and sent it with a sunny smile.

After Ye Zi saw that photo, the girl's heart immediately beat happily!

In the photo, Jiang Yijie has water droplets remaining on his blond hair, just like the boy in the comics, he puts one arm under his head, showing a clean and seductive smile!
Ye Zi clicked save without hesitation!

"So handsome!" She couldn't help but praise.

Moreover, such a handsome person is her boyfriend, Ye Zi still can't believe it.

"Exclusive private photo, this is the only one!" Jiang Yijie would feel very relaxed as long as he chatted with Ye Zi.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Jiang Yijie frowned subconsciously, looked at the time, it was 08:30, Xiao Le definitely didn't have the guts to bother him at this time.

Who would that be!
The doorbell is ringing again!
"Wait!" Jiang Yijie's tone was very impatient, he dragged his tired body to get up.

When the door opened, there was a pure-looking girl who looked a little familiar.

When the girl saw Jiang Yijie, her eyes were obviously filled with surprise, her cheeks turned red all of a sudden, and it took a long time before she said, "Master Jie, I'm Xuanxuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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