Chapter 757 Love Needs a Test (63) [Fifth Watch]

In the company, Zheng Chao has successfully entered the job. His job is to assist Sister Wu. To put it bluntly, he is a job with rights!
Zheng Chao euphemistically said that he does not need an internship salary, just to exercise his ability!

His lord mother was naturally happy when he heard that, and just put him in with a word!
Sister Wu is such a smooth old fried dough stick, so she naturally knows what to do.

"Everyone stop what you're doing!" Sister Wu clapped her hands twice to get everyone's attention.

"Let me introduce to you, our new colleague, Zheng Chao!" Sister Wu pointed to the boy beside her.

"She is a special assistant hired by the company to help me share the work. In the future, everyone must cooperate with Special Assistant Zheng as much as possible. Let's applaud!"

After Sister Wu finished speaking, she applauded first, and everyone quickly followed!

People in this department have basically seen Zheng Chao, and they are still a little surprised by Zheng Chao's airborne.

But everyone knows in their hearts that the rich second generation is here to play tickets, and they should be careful in their daily service and not to provoke anyone!
Zheng Chao was smiling, very satisfied with everyone's attitude!

"Young Master Zheng, this is your seat!" Sister Wu smiled and pointed to a dedicated seat.

Zheng Chao glanced at that position, which was a bit deliberate, and it was the seat to be taken care of at first glance.

"Sister Wu, give me a seat close to Ye Zi!" After Zheng Chao finished speaking, Sister Wu only had a look of surprise in her eyes, but she immediately arranged it.

She directly transferred the colleague next to Ye Zi.

"Young Master Zheng, you sit here!" Sister Wu's executive power was super strong, and Zheng Chao expressed his satisfaction!
"Young Master Zheng, if it's okay, I'll go get busy." Sister Wu's posture made her look like Zheng Chao's assistant.

After Zheng Chao sat down, he looked around.

It's just that the position of Ye Zi was empty, which was beyond his expectation. He wanted to surprise her and see how surprised she looked.

Zheng Chao looked at Ye Zi's position thoughtfully.

"Young Master Zheng, Ye Zi asked for leave today!" At this moment, Xuetao, who was sitting next to him, took the initiative to speak.

"Ask for leave?" Zheng Chao passed his eyes over.

Xuetao immediately became shy, because Zheng Chao is really handsome. Although they can see celebrities every day, Zheng Chao's appearance is still the kind that makes people's heart beat faster when they see him, especially now Still looking at myself.

"Well, I don't know the reason, why don't I call Ye Zi and ask?" Xuetao said blushing.

"No, you're busy!" Zheng Chao said, turning the swivel chair back.

Leaf asked for leave?
She wouldn't really want to break up with Jiang Yijie, would she?
"Did Jiang Yijie come to the company today?" Zheng Chao pushed the swivel chair to Xuetao's side.

Xuetao was startled, so frightened that she almost spit out a mouthful of water, but luckily, she swallowed it forcefully, "Cough, no."

"He asked for leave too?" Zheng Chao was even more surprised.

"I'm not sure about this." Xuetao pretended to be calm, but her heart almost jumped out!
She held the cup tightly with both hands, "He is a big star, and I am a small employee. His itinerary will not be disclosed to us."

"Okay, thank you, get busy!" Zheng Chao thought for a while, then turned the swivel chair back.

Only then did Xuetao dare to take a big breath, looking at that handsome figure, Xuetao was secretly pleased.

Because I can see such a handsome face every day in the future, this is simply a reward for her heavy work!
(End of this chapter)

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