Chapter 209

Fairy Furong is her.

She has been cultivating hard in Yaochi all year round, and she has seen many gods, but she has never seen a god who is as beautiful and as touching as Qian Zang.

At that time, she was attracted by his alluring appearance, and her heart was secretly moved, and she stood there stupidly, unable to move for a long time.

It wasn't until someone pushed her that she came back to her senses and said with a shy smile, "I am Fairy Furong."

Recalling this, Ximen Chan smiled wryly, thinking that it would be great if time stood still at that moment.

She knew Qian Zang before Juan Su, but she was not as lucky as Juan Su to be liked by him.

Because of him, she and Juan Su became good friends.

She knew that Juan Su really liked her and regarded her as a good friend.She also likes Juansu, so why doesn't she want to treat Juansu sincerely.

It's just a twist of fate... If that incident hadn't happened, she and Juan Su might have been on good terms for the rest of their lives.

Recalling that incident, Ximen Chan still feels a tearing pain in her heart even now.

She hates Juansu, obviously she was the one who met Qianzang first, why did Qianzang fall in love with Juansu in the end?Juansu must have resorted to tricks to snatch Qian Zang away.

She wants to take it back!Be sure to grab it back!
Ximen Chan fell into painful memories, her face turned pale, she bit her lips lightly with her white teeth, as if this could relieve the pain in her heart.

"Sister!" A pair of small hands rested gently on her arms, pulling her back from the pain.

She turned her head and saw Yang Juanjuan who was close at hand. For some reason, she suddenly regarded Yang Juanjuan as Juansu.

"No!" Ximen Chan yelled in horror, while pushing Yang Juanjuan, she also backed away.

She and Yang Juanjuan fell to the ground at the same time.

Yang Juanjuan got up quickly, looked at Ximenchan for no reason, and asked with concern: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Only then did Ximenchan truly come back to her senses. She stared blankly at Yang Juanjuan for three seconds, then burst into tears, crawled over and took Yang Juanjuan's hand, crying and apologizing: "Sister, I'm sorry, let my sister see if there is anything wrong. Injuried?"

"Sister, I'm fine." Seeing that she was so nervous, Yang Juanjuan quickly said that he was fine, and then asked her what happened just now.

Ximen Chan wiped her tears with an embroidered handkerchief, and said embarrassedly: "I just thought of home and my parents, so..."

Speaking of homesickness, Yang Juanjuan also became sentimental, sitting side by side with Ximen Chan on the tree stump, looking sadly at the blue sky and white clouds above his head.

Ever since Zhan Ling said that Qian Zang lost his soul because of her, homesickness has become a concern for Yang Juanjuan.

She didn't dare to pin her hopes on Qian Zang anymore, she wanted to rely on her own ability to go home, so she would practice seriously afterwards.I just hope that one day, she can find her way home by herself.

At this time, she didn't know that even if she found the direction of home, the family she was looking for was no longer there.

Qian Zang knew that she always wanted to go home, and he always remembered what he promised her, and would take her home.But right now, they have more important things to do.

Looking at her sad and lonely silhouette, Qian Zang decided to put his own affairs aside first, and take her home first after the experience is over.

Looking at the sad figure next to her, Qian Zang felt very melancholy.

What should he do with her?


The misty forest is full of miasma, and the sun can't shine in during the day, and the light inside is dim and dim, and you can only see a distance of two feet around.

Not only is the light dim, but these miasmas also have the danger of eroding people's consciousness. Walking in the foggy forest must protect the whole body with power to ensure a clear consciousness.

Even so, Mingxuan and the others still went the wrong way a few times and turned around in place a few times, so the speed was very slow.

However, although they walked slowly and easily lost their way, they did not encounter any danger and walked quite safely along the way.

They walked almost half of the distance that day, and they clearly felt that the density of the miasma was much higher, and there was detectable dampness in the air.

The higher the density of miasma, the greater the harm to people.

They walked in for two days, but the distance was only a few miles. Xiang Neng, who had a relatively low cultivation base, passed out because of lack of mana, unable to resist the erosion of miasma.

Xiangneng, like Xiangyun, is a disciple of the Great Elder who cultivates his mind, so his magic power is not high.

Seeing that he had passed out, Mingxuan quickly set up a restraint on him to prevent the miasma from harming him.

Looking at the other people, they were also gradually showing signs of exhaustion due to the erosion of the miasma. Mingxuan had no choice but to ask everyone to stop and rest, and then continue to move forward after their mana recovered.


The man in Tsing Yi did know that there was a black swamp here, but because the ancient war had been tens of thousands of years ago, he didn't know whether the black swamp would appear in the same place a second time after it appeared once.

Of course, he also has his own selfishness, because there is a time limit for the appearance of the black swamp, and as the king of the anaconda, of course he wants to rescue his people first.

Based on these two considerations, he didn't tell Li Shibai what he knew about the Black Swamp, and asked them to find another one.

The man in Tsing Yi explained the matter, and he felt that from his point of view, he was not wrong.

However, Ge Xiaotao didn't think so, and still thought he was a big liar, and scolded: "Ran, don't make excuses for yourself, and speak so nicely. In fact, you are a liar, you tricked Li Shibai into treating you trust..."

When it came to getting emotional, she thought of when he was hugging her just now, and her anger soared: "You surnamed Ran, you scoundrel, a disciple, ruined the reputation of this girl, this girl wants to fight with you... !"

If it wasn't for Li Shibai's pull, the irritable Ge Xiaotao would have jumped up and tore the man in Tsing Yi apart.

After all, he is the king of the anaconda. Although the man in Tsing Yi was very helpless towards Ge Xiaotao, he didn't say anything, just silently arranging his clothes on the sidelines.

The one named Ran, the one named Ran...

Why does this title sound so awkward!

Suddenly, the man in Tsing Yi turned around and said three words to Ge Xiaotao who was still scolding: "Ran Baiying!"

Li Shibai and Ge Xiaotao were taken aback at the same time, and it took a while to realize that he was telling them his name.

"Brother Baiying, have we met somewhere?" Li Shibai knew that he was aloof, but he was willing to say his name, which meant that he regarded them as friends, so he dared to ask this question.

Ran Baiying laughed and said, "Maybe Ran looks too ordinary, which gave you this illusion."

Li Shibai answered with a smile, "Maybe so."

Seeing them chatting so happily, Ge Xiaotao felt very uncomfortable, and said to Ran Baiying in a bad tone: "Ran, what are you doing here?"

 Hehe, I admit that my name is relatively simple, but Xiao Qingqing's name and Qian Zang's name read together, there is a mystery.

  In the ancient war, the eight great beasts attacked as war beasts, and they will meet again in the future to fight against all evil spirits together.Oma, I'm spoiled.

(End of this chapter)

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