Immortal world foodie: husband makes me noodle soup

Chapter 468 The first breakthrough, wronged

Chapter 468 The first breakthrough, wronged
Following Yang Juanjuan's words, a stream of pure energy that was much stronger than before emanated from her body.

Qian Zang frowned deeply, and he quickly released a burst of immortal power to disperse her energy.

To be honest, what he is worried about at the moment is not Xiangyun, but the little apprentice.The power of the demon sleeping in the little apprentice's body, don't awaken it at this time.

"Don't get excited, you know what you are a teacher." Qian Zang pressed Yang Juanjuan's head, hugged her, and then took her into the Qiankun Pavilion.

Don't let her see Xiangyun's cruelty, otherwise it will make her emotional. When she is emotional, she will easily release energy unconsciously, which will awaken the sleeping demon power.

One second, she was still in Qian Zang's arms, and the next second, she was in the cold Qiankun Pavilion.

Yang Juanjuan became upset, frowning tightly, beating the pillow, complaining in his heart: Master, it's too much, if you don't do it, throw her here.She wants to fight too, fight!She wants to avenge Taotao, Zhong Xiaotian, and Shuangshuang...

If she becomes stronger, Master will let her fight.

Yang Juanjuan thought to herself, it was the first time she was so eager for power.She felt something in her body. Although she didn't know what it was, she knew that it could give her strength.

She meditated with her heart and sensed that thing with her heart, and round and not round marks appeared on her eyebrows, shining brightly.The light became brighter and brighter, enveloping her whole body.

Unknowingly, Yang Juanjuan entered the state of cultivation without realizing it.

The aura in Qiankun Pavilion was rioting, rushing towards Yang Juanjuan crazily, and the light on her body became brighter and brighter.


Yang Juanjuan seemed unable to bear so much aura, so he spit out a mouthful of blood.At the same time, a strange voice sounded in her mind, the voice sounded very regrettable: "Sure enough... it still doesn't work."

"Who?" Yang Juanjuan was confused, and passed out after asking this sentence.

Who is that voice that appeared in her mind?
After Yang Juanjuan fell into a coma, he kept thinking about this question in his head.When she was about to wake up, the voice sounded again: "I am not someone, I am me."

"Who?" Yang Juanjuan asked quickly, then opened his eyes, and saw that he was still in the Qiankun Pavilion, and there was no one else, let alone the owner of that voice. It turned out to be a dream.

Was everything last night a dream?

Yang Juanjuan couldn't figure it out, and wanted to shake his head to wake himself up, but just after shaking his head, he yelled out in pain: "Ah, it hurts so much."

"Little trouble, where is your pain?" Qian Zang was extremely nervous, and carried her out of the bed in Qiankun Pavilion.

"Ah!!!" Yang Juanjuan's head hurts, her dantian hurts, and her veins and veins hurt all over her body. In short, her whole body hurts, so painful that she can't touch it.

Qian Zang hugged her, just touching her, she couldn't bear the pain, and passed out after screaming "Ah".

"Little trouble, little trouble..." Qian Zang shook her, she woke up in severe pain, tears streaming down, and said with difficulty: "Master, don't touch me, I hurt everywhere."

"It hurts everywhere?" Qian Zang suddenly understood something, took out the bed in Qiankun Pavilion, and put her on it carefully.

Yang Juanjuan lay on the bed for a long time before the pain subsided. There were tears on her face, but she didn't have the energy to wipe it off.

And Qian Zang was worried that touching her would cause her pain, so he didn't dare to wipe it off, and just let the tears hang on her face, looking very pitiful.

"Master, what's the matter with me? Where's Xiangyun?" Yang Juanjuan rolled his eyes and looked around. It was already dawn, and they seemed to be in someone's house. "Is he dead?"

"No." Qian Zang replied, wanting to touch her head, but thinking of her pain, he held back again.

Xiangyun didn't want to fight him at all, Xiangyun only wanted the power of the demon in the little apprentice's body, and forced him to hand over the little apprentice with the lives of the common people.

He is not such a selfless person, the little apprentice belongs to him, how could he hand over the little apprentice to Xiangyun?What's more, with the power of demons, Xiangyun will definitely be more cruel than now, hurting the lives of innocent people more viciously, and he can't hand over his little apprentice.

Just when he and Xiangyun were in a stalemate, there was a sudden riot of spiritual energy in Qiankun Pavilion, and even the spiritual energy outside also rioted.

In an instant, the spiritual energy in the world seemed to riot, and they all rushed towards him, into the Qiankun Pavilion, and into the body of the little apprentice.

Qian Zang realized something was wrong and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.He was sucked into the center of the aura riot, and then lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he saw Yang Juanjuan passed out on the floor of Qiankun Pavilion, with blood on the corner of his mouth and weak breathing... He checked her injuries, except for a few broken tendons, there were no other injuries.

Her injury was caused by her unsuccessful breakthrough.

"Little trouble, why did you think of forcing a breakthrough last night?" Qian Zang asked.

Yang Juanjuan moved his head slightly, looked at Qian Zang, and blinked his eyes: "Did I break through last night? I don't know. I just want to become stronger, and I did break through unexpectedly. That's great." .”

When Yang Juanjuan said this, he couldn't wait to check his cultivation, but when he was lucky, his body immediately felt a piercing pain.

Her face turned pale from the pain, tears came out of her eyes again, and she asked with a bit of horror: "Master, why can't I be lucky?"

"Yeah. You forced a breakthrough last night, but you didn't succeed, so your tendons are damaged, so you can't be lucky for the time being." Qian Zang told the fact that the damage caused by the breakthrough cannot withstand the impact of luck, which is worse than a broken tendon. to be miserable.

"What?" Yang Juanjuan's eyes widened, and he didn't want to accept the fact: "I have suffered so much, but I didn't make a breakthrough?"

As he said that, the tears flowed down again, like water that must never be mentioned.

Why did others say that she made a breakthrough, but she managed to break through once, but she failed and left a lot of sequelae.

"Okay, don't be sad. Don't think about it anymore, don't want to become stronger, and do such dangerous things as breaking through." Qian Zang gently comforted him.

Yang Juanjuan sniffled, tears kept streaming: "Master, I am so wronged."


"Bah!" Xiangyun got out from a pile of corpses and saw that the demons were all dead, Ashan and the others were unconscious, and the sky in the east was pale.

They were in a coma all night. This discovery made him break out in a cold sweat.

"What happened?" Ah Shan woke up the second, and when she saw the corpses all around, her eyes showed horror.

Last night, she only remembered that suddenly, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth rioted.Then she got sucked into the Reiki Riot Center, and she doesn't remember anything after that.

(End of this chapter)

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