Chapter 13

Sheng Lan has never had a good impression of Ye Ke'er, and she also knows that Ye Ke'er has a bad impression of her.

The two were still able to coexist peacefully a few days ago, at least on the surface.

Although the miser loves money like her life, some of her concepts are quite good. For example, unlike some ostentatious entertainers who rely on assistants for everything, they open their mouths and stretch out their hands when they eat.

Yesterday afternoon, the play went very well, and they ate dinner and fruit together again. He thinks that the relationship between the two has somewhat eased.

But he was wrong!

When he went to the theater early the next morning, he took the initiative to greet her, but she just nodded slightly, with an arrogant attitude and a cold expression.

Sheng Lan frowned slightly - did he owe her money?No ah!
There were people coming and going in the theater, and everyone was in a hurry. Seeing her like this, he didn't bother to take care of her, so he went to his lounge to put on makeup.

An hour later, the field staff came to call him and Ye Keer.

"Mr. Sheng, Mr. Ye, the filming is about to start! Director Gu invites you two to come over!"

Sheng Lan walked out, just as the other party also walked out.

When their eyes met, she glared at him, turned her head and walked forward.

Sheng Lan raised his eyebrows suspiciously, at a loss.

He obviously didn't do anything, and he didn't offend her.

Why is the miser staring at himself?He must have stared just now, he was absolutely right!
He rolled his eyes angrily, and listened to Director Gu's lecture before leaving.

With a serious face, Director Gu said in a deep voice, "The next three days must be intensively filmed. A typhoon has formed on the ocean, with a large area and strong wind in the center. Meteorological experts say that the entire South Island will be affected. Most of our theaters will have to be demolished." , so as not to be destroyed."

Sheng Lan thought about it seriously, and said, "It's impossible to take so many photos in three days, and you can still rebuild them after dismantling them. Quality is more important than quantity."

"I know." Director Gu explained: "But I want to use the huge waves of the next three days as the background, which is very important for several scenes. No matter how good the computer effect is, it can't compare to the real sea."

Director Gu is not only demanding on actors, but also strives for excellence in filming scenes.

Sheng Lan chuckled lightly: "If the sea shows its power, you will attack us. Let's start!"

Director Gu hurriedly told them about the play, because it had been done two or three times yesterday, and the two acted very skillfully, with coordinated movements and perfect eyesight.

A few scenes only NG once, and it ended soon.

Director Gu looked at the sky and asked, "Let's do it again, okay?"

"Okay!" Sheng Lan said.

The field staff were busy getting ready again, and Liu Xing and Xiao He came over to hand them water.

Ye Ke'er sucked it lightly with a straw, her makeup didn't fade at all.

She asked: "Director Gu, maybe I have to move this way in this scene, do you think it's okay?"

"No." Sheng Lan said: "The light master can't fight over there, only from here."

Ye Ke'er was secretly angry, and really didn't like him interrupting.

"If you can't do it from this side, then go from the opposite side. Senior, I'm just consulting with Director Gu—"

"Is it still necessary to consult?" Sheng Lan gestured: "There is a difference in the lighting effect from here to there!"

Ye Ke'er is neither salty nor dull: "If there is a gap, make up for it. Things are dead, but people are alive."

"Is it possible that the scene can still be demolished? Filling the light will affect the three-dimensional effect of the face!" Sheng Lan said harshly.

Ye Ke'er got angry and said loudly: "Then make it up later! Maybe make up in a different direction, why not?"

"No, no, no!"

"Why can't it work?!"

The two of you said one sentence, and I said one sentence, one person was louder than the other, and finally even quarreled.

The field staff kept silent, and kept looking over curiously.

Assistant director Li Xin rushed over to persuade: "Both of you are professionals, it's great to share your views, but it seems a little too excited! Let's talk slowly if we have something to say."

(End of this chapter)

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