Chapter 2 Self-defeating
He thought that he could establish a gentle and elegant goddess image in front of him, but who knew that he forced himself into a shrew...

After Mo Duoduo chased him out, Frank blamed all the responsibility on Xu Jiawei.The two began to quarrel over who messed up Mo Duoduo's plan to pursue love.

Standing on the sidelines quietly watching this good show, Zhang Minglang wanted to know whether the woman who could kick open the toilet door would give up so easily.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for your big mouth, how could Shen Zhongqian turn his face? Well, now Duo Duo can't join the acting club, let alone get close to Shen Zhongqian!"

Although Frank was still worried about Mo Duoduo, he was also a little happy because he finally had a chance to blatantly criticize Xu Jiawei.

Xu Jiawei knew that his big mouth was the cause of the trouble, but he didn't want to admit it on the surface: "What's the use of what you say now, what we have to do now is to find a way, how to help Duo Duo recover!"

"How to redeem it, come and tell me how to redeem it! You haven't seen Shen Zhongqian's vicious look just now, as if whoever likes him is like doing the wrong thing of murder and arson. Hmph! Let's see how Dodo forgives this time You." Frank vented triumphantly, and his posture became more and more arrogant.

Xu Jiawei was holding back her anger, she gritted her teeth: "I don't believe that Shen Zhongqian can be so heartless! You must know that Duo Duo has been secretly in love with him for 3 years and came to this school because of him!"

Zhang Minglang, who was watching the show, finally couldn't bear it when he heard this sentence: "That girl Mo Duoduo came to this school because of Shen Zhongqian!"

Hearing Zhang Minglang's voice, both Frank and Xu Jiawei focused their attention on him.

"By the way, aren't you good buddies with Shen Zhongqian? You have such a good relationship, otherwise, would you advise me? Let Dodo enter the performance club! Although she has a bit of unreasonable intentions, her purpose is not pure, but she is not guilty. Until death, right?" Xu Jiawei looked at Zhang Minglang as if he was grasping at straws.

Hearing this, Zhang Minglang waved his hands: "Don't look at me, I can't help it. Our Mr. Shen is notoriously strict. You can't understand his passion for acting. He It’s not that he particularly dislikes girls who like him. He just thinks that being in love is a waste of time and energy. And those who entered the acting club for him, he thinks it’s disrespectful to acting. So, you guys Don't look at me, I can't help it."

Zhang Minglang's words completely interrupted Xu Jiawei's thoughts.

She knew clearly in her heart how important it was for Mo Duoduo to enter the acting club this time.But it was such an important thing that was ruined in his own mouth.

I should really sew my mouth shut...

While Xu Jiawei was doing deep self-reflection, Mo Duoduo opened the door and walked in with a bitter expression and extremely low pressure.

"Duoduo, are you okay? What did you say to Shen Zhongqian? Why do you look like this?" Frank noticed that something was wrong with Mo Duoduo, and hurriedly greeted him courteously.

Mo Duoduo didn't answer but lowered her head, walked to the seat next to Xu Jiawei, and sat down quietly.

"Hey, Dodo, don't scare me. What's wrong with you? Did that Shen Zhongqian say something annoying? I caused this disaster! I will bear it myself. You sit down and I will apologize to him .”

Seeing Mo Duoduo's appearance, Xu Jiawei felt more and more guilt in her heart. She stood up and was going to discuss with Shen Zhongqian.

But as soon as she stood up, Mo Duoduo took her hand, then shook her head: "Don't go to him."

"Why? I want to ask him, what kind of rule is it not to allow girls who like me to enter the performance club!" Xu Jiawei's tone was a little angry.

"He didn't stop me, but let me in." After finishing speaking, Mo Duoduo lay down on the table, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Hearing her words, the three people present exclaimed in unison: "What?"

"You mean, Shen Zhongqian agreed with you to join the acting club? Isn't he angry?" Zhang Minglang confirmed again with some disbelief.

Mo Duoduo nodded: "Well, he agreed for me to join the acting club."

"Wow! Let me tell you that Shen Zhongqian can't be so impersonal! Duoduo, tell me, how did you convince him just now? You won't use a beauty trick, right?" Xu Jiawei sat down happily, and then crackled Start gossiping.

Listening to Xu Jiawei's words, Mo Duoduo thought about what he had done just now, his throat was blocked, his nose was sore, and he lay down on the table and cried loudly.

"Hey, why are you crying! You can't be so happy! Isn't it just that you can join the performance club! Is it necessary to cry with excitement?" Seeing Mo Duoduo crying, Frank began to panic.

Xu Jiawei on the side also hurried to persuade: "Yes, yes, why are you crying! Are you crying because you are happy, or because you are sad! Could it be that Shen Zhongqian said something that made you sad?"

Mo Duoduo shook her head, her voice choked up: "I thought I could establish a gentle and refined image of a goddess in front of him, but who knows, I forced myself into a shrew..."

After saying this, Mo Duoduo felt another burst of sadness, and cried even harder.

When Xu Jiawei and Frank heard this, they looked at each other in a daze, and continued to comfort Mo Duoduo.

Zhang Minglang, who was standing opposite them, had an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although I don't know what kind of method this girl used to make Shen Zhongqian agree to join the acting club again, but what can be guessed is that this method must be different from ordinary people...

Although Shen Zhongqian pretended in front of outsiders that he hated girls liking him and hated talking about it, but as his friend, he knew that this guy had never been in a relationship, let alone liked him. Any girl would pretend to be so proud...

"If two people like this are together, it will be very interesting..."

Zhang Minglang looked at Mo Duoduo who was crying on the table, and a thought flashed in his mind.

Ever since he uttered such embarrassing and sarcastic words in front of Shen Zhongqian, Mo Duoduo became a little delirious.For example, after returning to the dormitory, she seemed to have lost her soul, lying in front of the window, looking out of the window with dull eyes, while humming a sad song out of tune.

Finally, under Zhang Aiya's hoarse threat, she lay back on the bed and kept quiet.

When she woke up the next day and saw that Zhang Minglang had sent her a text message, telling her that there was going to be a meeting for new students of the performance club in the afternoon, she began to fall into anxiety again.

Such anxiety also caused Xu Jiawei to suffer a lot.For example, as soon as the two rushed to the classroom to report, Mo Duoduo found that the backpack was lost in the cafeteria.For example, when the teacher asked two-by-two groups to perform self-introduction, Mo Duoduo simply acted dumb.

"Hurry up and go to that freshman meeting and get your soul back! Otherwise, I really can't stand you!" Xu Jiawei, who was tortured by Mo Duoduo's absent-mindedness all morning, ended the whole day After class, he said with relief.

Mo Duoduo took a look at Xu Jiawei, and a thought flashed in his mind, because of this thought, Xu Jiawei in front of him has never been as kind as he is now.

As the saying goes, it is better to have fun alone than to have fun with others, and if you die, you have to be a supporter.With this in mind, Mo Duoduo took Xu Jiawei's arm and made an innocent expression: "Jiawei, are we best friends?"

Xu Jiawei shivered when he saw the abnormal Mo Duoduo, and finally felt a sense of ominous premonition in his heart.

She took a few steps back, kept a little distance, and said, "What? What do you want me to do? Say it!"

Mo Duoduo narrowed his eyes and showed a smirk: "Think about it, how boring it is for me to go to the performance club alone, why don't you come with me!"

When Xu Jiawei heard this request, he simply took a few steps back, and then flatly refused, "Don't even think about it!"

"Hey, Xu Jiawei, you forgot that you were punished for copying texts in your third year of high school, who helped you write so that your hands cramped!" Mo Duoduo began to bring up the past.

Xu Jiawei knew that if things went on like this, the result of the development of the matter would only end with the two of them recalling the past together, with snot and tears, so she hurriedly stopped her and said, "Okay, I really want to help you, but you know , Not everyone can enter this performance club, I really want to enter, but I don't know if Shen Zhongqian will agree!"

When Xu Jiawei was full of confidence and thought that he was going straight to the point, Mo Duoduo showed a terrifying smug smile: "Don't worry, as long as you agree, I guarantee you can go in."

After speaking, Mo Duoduo took out his mobile phone, pressed Zhang Minglang's number, and started typing.

Ten minutes later, she received a text message on her mobile phone, which said: "I helped you this time, then you must forget my secret, or I won't help you."

Seeing this text message, Mo Duoduo was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, she sent 4 words: "It's a deal."

So, when Xu Jiawei thought he had escaped, Mo Duoduo shook his phone and announced, "Okay, now you are a member of the performance club just like me."

"Hehe. Alright." Xu Jiawei tried her best to force a wry smile. For some reason, there was always a premonition of danger in her heart.

With an ominous premonition, Xu Jiawei was dragged by Mo Duoduo to attend the performance club's welcome party.

The orientation meeting is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is the speech of the chairman Shen Zhongqian, and the second part is the self-introduction of the new students.

After everyone arrived, Shen Zhongqian walked towards the podium with steady steps.

"First of all, on behalf of the performance club, I welcome everyone to join. I hope that in this big family, everyone can grow and gain warmth. Next, I will announce a few regulations for the performance club. First, I hope that during the club, everyone, Be able to actively participate in club activities. Our club has a variety of activities, such as comic exhibitions and mountaineering activities next month, as well as a semester-long DV competition. I hope everyone can actively participate. The second..." When he said this, Shen Zhongqian paused for a moment, then turned his attention to Mo Duoduo. "

"The second is also a very important one, that is, I hope that the purpose of everyone entering the club can be relatively simple. The club is a place for everyone to learn and progress together, and I hope everyone will not have a certain purpose."

Hearing this, the face of Mo Duoduo sitting below has already turned into a tomato.Shen Zhongqian, who looked at Mo Duoduo, secretly showed a sly smile.

"It's really a devil, this is clearly for you..." Xu Jiawei leaned into Mo Duoduo's ear and said.

Mo Duoduo glanced at Xu Jiawei, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.In the end, I still gave Shen Zhongqian the image of a scheming and shrew...

In the next half an hour, Mo Duoduo became absent-minded again, his mind was full of the eyes Shen Zhongqian cast on him when he said the second rule.

"Duo Duo, Duo Duo." When she came to her senses, Xu Jiawei was gently bumping her shoulder, "It's your turn, let me introduce myself!"

Seeing Xu Jia winking slightly, Mo Duoduo stood up suddenly: "Hi everyone, I'm Mo Duoduo, I'm in performance class 2. I'm very happy to meet you. I hope to grow up with you in the performance club. Thank you."

Watching Mo Duoduo finished introducing himself, Zhang Minglang smiled.

This morning, there was no threat or threatened relationship between the two of them...

In other words, he can take care of this Mo Duoduo!

Thinking of this, Zhang Minglang, who had been silent all this time, began to speak: "Student, what is your purpose for joining the performance club?"

Looking at Zhang Minglang's sly smile, Mo Duoduo knew that this guy was embarrassing himself.She kept telling herself in her heart not to say it was for Shen Zhongqian, and said slowly: "I joined the performance club because I like acting and I want to meet more like-minded friends here."

"Well, very good, and very sincere, so what are your usual hobbies?" Zhang Minglang obviously didn't want to let Mo Duoduo go.

Don't mention Shen Zhongqian, don't mention Shen Zhongqian...

Mo Duoduo kept reminding herself: "My usual hobbies, like shopping, watching movies and so on."

"Oh, it's a common hobby, so what kind of boys do you like?"

Before he had time to tell himself not to mention Shen Zhongqian, Mo Duoduo blurted out: "Oh, like Shen Zhongqian."

Her answer caused an uproar, and made Shen Zhongqian's face darker than black charcoal.

Knowing that he was tricked by Zhang Minglang, Mo Duoduo shot Zhang Minglang with eyes that could destroy the earth.

The smiling Zhang Minglang knew that he had gone a little too far, and quickly explained: "Oh, so I also like Shen Zhongqian's type, many girls like his type, in fact, my type is also good. "

Zhang Minglang's half-joking addition made the students laugh, and the embarrassing atmosphere was relieved to a certain extent.

Mo Duoduo rolled her eyes fiercely at the perpetrator.

Obviously knowing that Shen Zhongqian doesn't like to talk about liking him and joining the performance club to get close to him, but he said that just now, Mo Duoduo really wanted to find a sponge and hit him to death.

Of course, the most hateful thing is the instigator——Zhang Minglang!If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have agreed in the morning!
Mo Duoduo regretted...

After finally looking forward to the end of the meeting, after Mo Duoduo thought about it for a while, she decided to explain to Shen Zhongqian carefully. Although it is said that explanations are often a cover-up, let's make the cover-up more natural anyway!

Thinking of this, Mo Duoduo pulled Xu Jiawei, who was on the back, to Shen Zhongqian's side.

Shen Zhongqian looked at Mo Duoduo thinking about what she just blurted out, frowned slightly, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, girls are still more troublesome after all.

"I want to explain to you, the sentence just now..." Mo Duoduo hesitated.

Shen Zhongqian put on a face of ice cubes, gave Mo Duoduo a cold look, then packed up his things and prepared to leave.

At this moment, Zhang Minglang grabbed him and raised his eyebrows at him: "Listen to her explanation..."

Shen Zhongqian pouted.

It's not that he doesn't want to hear an explanation, but he just feels that there is nothing to explain about this matter, isn't it just that he is about to say what he wants to say in a moment!
And why did Zhang Minglang get involved? Wasn't this guy the one who caused the disaster?

Although he wanted to go straight away to avoid trouble, Shen Zhongqian stopped for some reason.

"Let's talk..." Shen Zhongqian said coldly, he felt a little weird about his behavior of stopping in place.

"I didn't say your name on purpose just now, it was really just a quick talk, I hope you don't think too much." Mo Duoduo lowered his head, staring at his toes with some anxiety.

I know this is the explanation...

Such a thought slipped through Shen Zhongqian's mind, he told himself that since he had heard this guy's explanation, he should stride away.

But he still didn't take a step, but looked at Mo Duoduo's flushed face, and said: "Oh, it wasn't intentional, so it was intentional?"

Listening to Shen Zhongqian's words, Mo Duoduo panicked completely, and she waved her hands again and again: "No, no, no, it's really not intentional, and it's not intentional, I'm just talking quickly, I know you don't like others to use your name It's on my lips, so I also warn myself in my heart, but sometimes what I think in my heart is what I say with my mouth, and what I do is different..."

Sometimes what you think in your heart is different from what you say, or what you do?
Shen Zhongqian thought about this sentence for a while, and found that it is quite appropriate to apply it to himself.

"Will you be angry with me? If you are angry, then I will, I will..." Mo Duoduo stammered and explained, and after talking for a long time, she couldn't think of what Shen Zhongqian would do if she was really angry ...

"Just, what about you? Could it be that you are crying again?" Thinking of that day, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Shen Zhongqian's mouth.

Mo Duoduo waved his hands again and again: "Stop crying, stop crying, this time I won't cry."

Alas, what a shame, I really set myself up as a shrew.Mo Duoduo's heart seemed to be hit by a boulder, and then was thrown into the ice cellar.

"Then you can control your mouth and your heart from now on. Anyway, I already know that you like me. There is no need to keep reminding me, understand?"

After the teasing was over, when Shen Zhongqian realized that he was a little different from before, he began to pretend to be serious on purpose.

Mo Duoduo nodded hurriedly.

Seeing Mo Duoduo's reaction, Shen Zhongqian took the book and nodded in satisfaction, then strode away.

When Shen Zhongqian walked out of the classroom, Zhang Minglang who was standing by the side said thoughtfully: "This guy is different from before..."

And Xu Jiawei, who was standing next to Mo Duoduo, couldn't help but commented: "This Shen Zhongqian, what he said just now was not intentional, it was intentional. Are these words teasing you? If you are really so annoying , should have left without looking back, how can I have the mood to say so much..."

In order to express his agreement, Zhang Minglang nodded accordingly.

And Mo Duoduo, as if obsessed, kept repeating: "Molesting? Are you saying that Shen Zhongqian's performance just now was molesting me? I was molested by Shen Zhongqian? Hahaha..."

Mo Duoduo's performance made Xu Jiawei and Zhang Minglang's foreheads slide down three black lines at the same time, and a flock of crows flew over their heads.

Is this girl crazy?

Zhang Minglang thought so.

If love is a disease, then Mo Duoduo is already terminally ill.

Xu Jiawei thought so.

"Ah, I was molested by Shen Zhongqian, haha, I was molested..."

Until the time of dinner at night, Mo Duoduo still seemed to be under a spell, and this thought was always in his mind.

In the milk tea shop with people coming and going, Frank stared at Mo Duoduo who was smirking in the air with strange eyes, while Xu Jiawei on the side was already used to drinking milk tea on his own.

"What's wrong with her? Was she bewitched, or did she lose her mind?" Frank couldn't help asking.

Without raising her head, Xu Jia said coldly, "Well, it's true that I was bewitched, it's still love, and it's the most powerful kind."

"Did she do anything to Shen Zhongqian again?"

"Today you should ask Shen Zhongqian what he did to her..."

"Ah!" Hearing this, Frank opened his mouth wide in surprise, and then hurriedly asked, "Hurry up and gossip with me, what did Shen Zhongqian do to her!"

Xu Jia sighed slightly and told the ins and outs of the matter in detail.

After hearing the whole story, Frank raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't quite understand the matter: "That's all?"

"Well, that's it." Xu Jia spread her hands slightly.

"What kind of flirting is this? The real flirting should be like this." As he spoke, Frank slowly approached Xu Jiawei, his eyes began to blur. He stretched out his hand while talking, "Beauty, let me show you face tonight." Would you like to have a meal?"

Before his hand got close, Xu Jiawei replied angrily: "Get lost—"

Frank withdrew his hand knowingly that he was bored, and patted Mo Duoduo who was in a wandering state: "Hey, there are gossip about Shen Zhongqian, do you want to listen?"

Upon hearing Shen Zhongqian's name, Mo Duoduo immediately came to his senses: "Gossip? Gossip? Come on, tell me, what gossip does Shen Zhongqian have?"

Frank smiled mysteriously, and said slowly: "You want me to say it, wait for me to say it, don't cry..."

Hearing this sentence, Mo Duoduo's heart sank, but he couldn't resist his curiosity, so he continued to speak: "Go ahead, go on, I want to hear what gossip he has."

"Did you know that Mr. Shen has a scandal that you've been thinking about so much?" Frank took a sip of the milk tea with an extremely smug expression.

"Gossip target?" Mo Duoduo couldn't believe it.

"No way, like that kind of insulator, there will also be scandal objects..." Xu Jiawei made a comment lightly.

"That's for sure, and his rumored partner is a school girl named Xu Zimo. It is said that he is astonishingly beautiful and has excellent academic performance. His teachers and classmates are very popular, and he has also participated in several TV shows." Recording, can be regarded as a little famous. I heard from others that although Shen Zhongqian treats other girls coldly, he loves Xu Zimo very much. In school, people often see them talking and laughing like a pair. You observe Shen Zhongqian like this For a long time, why don't you even know about such important gossip?"

Mo Duoduo shook her head with a mournful face, her heart was occupied by that goddess-like girl named Xu Zimo.

Frank didn't notice the change in Mo Duoduo's expression, and continued: "Well, in this way, she is completely my type, she is beautiful, capable, and kind, and she is a 100% girl in my mind! "

When Frank was intoxicated with using all the perfect words to describe the Xu Zimo he had never seen before, Mo Duoduo's mouth was already pouting.

"Come on, it's a good match for such a proud woman to stand with Shen Zhongqian, but it's a waste to be with you." Xu Jiawei glanced at Frank with disgust.

Frank glanced at Xu Jiawei unhappily, and said in a displeased tone, "Waste? Being with me is a match made in heaven, okay? I'm compared with Shen Zhongqian, what's the difference! What's the difference! Tell me!"

Seeing Frank's panic-stricken appearance, Xu Jia sneered slightly and did not reply, but just glanced up and down at Frank.

Meaning, everything is bad...

Facing Xu Jiawei who responded with silence, Frank was immediately discouraged, and looked at it together with Mo Duoduo, the two were really equally miserable.

"Hey, let me tell you, enough is enough for you two, you, Mo Duoduo, just listen to the words of Frank, an unreliable guy, and you will fall from heaven to hell, what are you doing!" Looking at the two People, Xu Jiawei said.

Mo Duoduo raised her head and looked at Xu Jiawei: "Shen Zhongqian actually has a rumored girlfriend, I don't even know about such an important matter, Jiawei, do you think I can compare to that proud girl Xu Zimo?"

Xu Jia waved his hands impatiently, and patted his chest: "Don't worry, how can there be such a perfect girl in this world, you can not only match her, but also trample her under your feet, after all, your feelings for Shen Zhongqian have always been so persistent, In this alone, she is incomparable."

Mo Duoduo felt that her hurt heart was comforted a little, but at this moment, she didn't expect at all that after 24 hours, Xu Jiawei's attitude took a 180° turn.

"Duo Duo, don't say I'm not enough friends, I advise you to give up as soon as possible, surrender as soon as possible..."

It is the opening ceremony of Century Media College at this moment.

In front of Xu Jiawei and Mo Duoduo, Shen Zhongqian, a clean and handsome male host of the opening ceremony, wearing a black suit with a straight figure, is giving a speech for the opening ceremony.

Beside Shen Zhongqian is Xu Zimo, an elegant hostess with a sweet smile in a white dress and a shiny crystal hairpin.

Before seeing Xu Zimo, Mo Duoduo thought that the beauty of the world was just an exaggerated metaphor, but after seeing Xu Zimo, she knew that this word was just an honest reflection of the facts.

Wearing a long white dress, Xu Zimo's frowns, smiles, gestures and gestures are all a shining landscape, and standing with Shen Zhongqian, they look even more harmonious.

The typhoon of the two is stable and stable. Even the simple opening ceremony is brilliant because of their co-hosting.

"Why is the same surname Xu, so the difference is so big? Although I can be regarded as a beauty, but by her side, I can at most be regarded as a foil... Oh my god! Is such a perfect nose natural or artificially processed? Huh? And that pear dimple, that smile is too sweet! Even a girl, I can't hate her because I'm jealous of her beauty..."

Xu Jiawei looked at Xu Zimo like a work of art, and Mo Duoduo let out a breath, feeling his chest was filled with depression.

"Duo Duo, why don't you consider what I said, just give up, there are still a lot of handsome guys in this school, although they are not as good as Shen Zhongqian, but someone like Zhang Minglang is still okay!"

Listening to Xu Jiawei's words, Mo Duoduo couldn't help pursing her lips in disgust.Thinking of that day, that guy was locked in the toilet, didn't even dare to kick the door open, and was waiting for a girl to save him, she felt terrible...

"Why did you show that disgusting expression? I think Zhang Minglang is pretty good. He is tall and handsome. I heard that he is also a good professional..." Xu Jiawei showed a rare expression of appreciation to a boy.

"Tsk tsk..." Mo Duoduo looked at Xu Jiawei's appearance, clicked twice and then said, "Could it be that you have a crush on Zhang Minglang? Let me tell you, he is not as good as he looks..."

Xu Jia gave Mo Duoduo a slight look, and then pointed to Shen Zhongqian on the stage: "Then if your dream lover is not as good as you imagined, then what should you do?"

Facing this question, Mo Duoduo was silent for a while, then raised his head: "I know everything about Shen Zhongqian, what he likes and what he doesn't like, there is only absolute good in him."

Seeing Mo Duoduo's hopeless appearance, Xu Jia slightly shook his head.

For Mo Duoduo, Shen Zhongqian is not only a meteorite, but also a south wall, because once it hits, there is no turning back.

Half an hour later, the vice-principal still didn't finish his speech. What the vice-principal said can be summed up as: "Work hard, unite and forge ahead, and go forward bravely."

While listening to the speech absently, Mo Duoduo observed Shen Zhongqian and Xu Zimo on the stage.

The two stood on the left side of the stage, Xu Zimo kept his eyes on Shen Zhongqian, and Shen Zhongqian stared straight ahead.

As long as they stand there, the two of them are like the leading actors in an idol drama...

Mo Duoduo suddenly remembered that what Xu Jiawei said about Frank can actually be applied to himself. Standing with Xu Zimo is called a good match, and standing with him is called a waste...

Thinking of this, Mo Duoduo once again sighed heavily.

Originally, she thought that the scene in front of her was enough to make her sullen, but the next detail made her almost die from boredom.

While the vice-principal continued to chatter, Xu Jiawei's shoulder strap broke, she pulled the corner of Shen Zhongqian's clothes, and when Shen Zhongqian found out, he took off his suit and put it on her body, and put his arm around her shoulders. tower.

Watching this scene, Mo Duoduo felt as if a dark cloud had blocked her throat, and it was about to rain heavily in her heart at any moment.

Frank is right, Shen Zhongqian, who is very indifferent to everyone, is so gentle in front of Xu Zimo...

Maybe it's just because they have a good relationship, they are friends like best friends, just like myself and Frank, that's why they have such a rare tenderness...

Mo Duoduo kept comforting herself in her heart.

After finishing the long opening ceremony, Mo Duoduo went back to the dormitory and changed into her pajamas and collapsed on the bed like a pile of mud.

She originally wanted to have a good sleep, but as soon as she closed her eyes, Shen Zhongqian and Xu Zimo would appear in front of her eyes.

"You guys just have a school opening ceremony, are you so tired?" Seeing Mo Duoduo slumped on the bed, Zhang Aiya poked his head out of the bed and asked.

Xu Jiawei, who was applying a facial mask in front of the mirror, replied leisurely: "It's not that I'm tired from the opening ceremony, it's that her love rival is too shiny and hurt her heart."

"Rival in love? Are you talking about Xu Zimo?"

"What? Sister, do you know Xu Zimo too?" Mo Duoduo jumped up from the bed.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will win every battle. If you want to defeat Xu Zimo, you must first figure out what kind of character she is.

"Well, this school knows Xu Zimo's people should be no less than Shen Zhongqian! She can be regarded as the school belle of this school. It is said that she is very gentle and has a good personality. There are many people spreading rumors about her and Shen Zhongqian, but the two of them have never had a relationship. Admit it. But I have to say that Shen Zhongqian's gentleness towards Xu Zimo has never been with other girls. It's not of any interest."

After hearing Zhang Aiya's words, Mo Duoduo's mood became even more depressed. He originally wanted to find out some explosive secrets, but what he finally got was the news that Shen Zhongqian didn't really want to fall in love.

"Through my observation, I think this Shen Zhongqian is quite weird! At first I thought he didn't like girls, maybe he likes boys, but when I turned on the rotten girl radar, I found that he was so straight that he couldn't be straighter, so To sum it up, he just has a strange personality." Xu Jiawei looked at herself in the mirror while applying the mask.

Zhang Aiya thought for two seconds, and then said: "Yes, there are quite a lot of strange things about him. It is said that he never calls girls, and when girls call and text him, he never responds."

Hearing this, Xu Jiawei glanced at Mo Duoduo, and gave her a strange look to see how the person you like is like.

Mo Duoduo didn't answer, but just glanced at his mobile phone.

Now that she started school, she even forgot to get Shen Zhongqian's mobile phone number. If one day, Shen Zhongqian calls herself, she will die of happiness...

While thinking about it, an unfamiliar number called.

Mo Duoduo looked at the phone that suddenly rang, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

After finishing the thoughts just now, she shook her head, please, how could it be Shen Zhongqian who hit her, she warned herself.

"Hello, is this Mo Duoduo?" When the phone was connected, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the other end of the phone.

This sound made Mo Duoduo's heart beat fast like a small electric motor.

"Hello, is this Mo Duoduo? I'm Shen Zhongqian." Seeing that there was no response from the other end of the phone, he continued.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, Shen Zhongqian, you, you, hello, I'm Mo Duoduo." Mo Duoduo answered with a trembling voice while holding the phone.

Zhang Aiya and Xu Jiawei who were also in the dormitory all opened their mouths wide and looked at Mo Duoduo in shock.

"I'm downstairs in your dormitory right now, come down here, I need to find you." Shen Zhongqian's voice on the other end of the phone was so domineering that it smacked of orders.

"Oh, I'll be down right away." Mo Duoduo immediately ran out of the dormitory as soon as he finished speaking.

Two minutes later, Shen Zhongqian, who was waiting downstairs, saw Mo Duoduo, who was wearing pajamas with a piggy pattern, and blue pajama pants with a pigtail behind his buttocks.

Mo Duoduo dressed up like this is really happy, Shen Zhongqian tried his best to hold back his smile, and kept his usual cold posture and said: "The pajamas are quite special..."

Listening to Shen Zhongqian's words, Mo Duoduo came back to her senses and ran downstairs in her pajamas. Her face flushed instantly, and her voice began to stutter: "Uh, uh, this, this..."

Mo Duoduo anxiously wanted to explain, which made Shen Zhongqian feel very amusing.

In the past, he always felt that girls were troublesome, but after this Mo Duoduo appeared, he suddenly had a different feeling, that is, even though girls are sometimes troublesome, sometimes they are also quite cute.

"Please, please, what do you want from me?" Mo Duoduo lowered his head, not daring to look at Shen Zhongqian at all.

The boys who came and went in front of the dormitory door to wait for their girlfriends or send them off seemed to be attracted by Mo Duoduo's peculiar pajamas, and frequently cast strange glances at her.

These eyes made Shen Zhongqian feel a little uncomfortable, and the idea of ​​talking to Mo Duoduo was dispelled. He took out a bag of things from his bag and handed it to Mo Duoduo: "Because you can't enter the girls' dormitory, So please give this medicine to Xu Zimo, she said she has a bit of a headache today."

Shen Zhongqian's words made Mo Duoduo's heart fall to the bottom of the valley. She took the fruity white plastic bag and replied lightly: "Okay."

"Don't rush out of the dormitory wearing such trousers with tails in the future!" Shen Zhongqian glanced at Mo Duoduo, finally couldn't hold back a smile, then turned and left.

Shen Zhongqian's words made Mo Duoduo feel remorse again and wanted to bump her head to death, she clutched the tail of her trousers and quickly ran towards the dormitory.

Shen Zhongqian, who was walking on this side, finally couldn't help laughing, this Mo Duoduo is really an interesting girl...

Although he was also concerned about Xu Zimo's headache, he hadn't cared enough to deliver the medicine to the dormitory himself.

Shen Zhongqian looked at the new number just stored in his phone, and shook his head in doubt.

If he didn't come here specially to deliver medicine for Xu Zimo, then why did he come?
I don't know why, but recently he always does some inexplicable things for this Mo Duoduo...

For example, early in the morning, I picked up the list information of the drama club, and then searched for Mo Duoduo's mobile phone number...

Mo Duoduo, who was holding the medicine, felt like she was holding a pack of explosives. Of course, what she wanted to blow up most at the moment was not others, but herself.

How could he muddle-headedly agree to such a stupid thing as giving medicine to his rival in love?

Before she had time to be upset, Mo Duoduo discovered another serious fact, that is, she forgot to ask Shen Zhongqian which dormitory Xu Zimo was in.

Originally, she wanted to go back to the dormitory and ask Aiya-senpai, but when she thought that this question would lead to more gossip questions, she shook her head and ran straight to the dormitory administrator.

Mo Duoduo finally found out that Xu Zimo lives in 701.After struggling to climb the 7th floor and knocking on the door of bedroom 701, Mo Duoduo still couldn't get rid of the absurd feeling in his heart.

"Huh, who are you?" Xu Zimo, who was wearing a pink doll skirt pajamas, opened the door and asked with some doubts when he saw Mo Duoduo, who was out of breath.

Mo Duoduo handed the white plastic bag in front of Xu Zimo: "It's for you."

Xu Zimo was a little surprised: "For me?"

Mo Duoduo nodded vigorously. At this moment, she just wanted Xu Zimo to take over the white plastic bag that made her jealous as soon as possible.

"Shen Zhongqian asked me to give it to you, saying it was for your headache, so I bought it for you." Mo Duoduo explained.

Listening to Mo Duoduo's explanation, Xu Zimo showed a surprised expression: "Ah! Shen Zhongqian gave it?"

Mo Duoduo nodded again.

Looking at Xu Zimo who was so surprised, Mo Duoduo was a little puzzled, because in her imagination, Xu Zimo should be very accustomed to taking it, which is in line with the gossip plot she heard...

"Oh, okay, thank you." Xu Zimo took the white plastic bag, still with the surprised expression of disbelief on his face.

Mo Duoduo, who finally completed the task, let out a heavy sigh of relief, turned around with a sense of dejection, and walked towards her dormitory.

Just two steps away, Xu Zimo's voice came from behind: "Thank you, what's your name?"

Mo Duoduo didn't turn her head back, and responded coldly: "Mo Duoduo."

"Oh, Duo Duo thank you, and please help me thank Shen Zhongqian..."

Listening to Xu Zimo's words, Mo Duoduo pursed her mouth helplessly. Why are Xu Zimo and Shen Zhongqian so strange!

A concern, a thank you, why should she convey it?Don't they themselves have mouths and feet?
If she does such inexplicable things in the future, she will be a pig, a real pig.

(End of this chapter)

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