The Most Thrilling Tomb Tour: Tomb Raider

Chapter 14 Solar Eclipse on Agate Beach

Chapter 14 Solar Eclipse on Agate Beach (2)
We didn't say anything, everyone walked forward without a word, and Maimaiti sat on the middle of the hump and played "Rewapu", a unique Uyghur musical instrument that is similar to a pipa, and Huo Xiaoning you say "I" Singing a song line by line, without any worries.

The sun in the desert at noon was maddening, and even Maimaiti kept sipping the water in his skin, let alone those of us who came from afar.

The fat man picked up the watermelon he bought last night, and gently split it with a bayonet. The melon cracked open, revealing the bright red flesh and soup inside. Seeing this, everyone ate it together.

I gave mine to Xiangru, she may have caught cold last night, the night in the Gobi is not like the mainland, it makes you dizzy from the heat during the day, and makes you want to cover yourself with a quilt at night, especially in the desert.

After the fat man finished eating, he threw the watermelon rind back, and I quickly said, "Don't throw it away!" But he had already thrown it out.

"What's the matter? Back then, I didn't need money to eat out in the city, let alone eat some of your rotten watermelons! Hehe!" The guy grinned when he was full.

"After eating watermelon in the desert, you can't throw the watermelon rinds. It's not a matter of quality or lack of quality. It's about the life and death of later people, understand?" , Buckled under a "Camel Thorn".

"After eating the watermelon, buckle it up. If the people who come and go are short of a sip of water to survive, then if they find these watermelon skins, they can really extend their lives. This is an unwritten rule, and it can be regarded as a desert. You are very particular, do you understand?" I said to the fat man, he shook his head and stuck out his tongue at me.Others looked at me blankly after hearing this unheard-of words, but Professor Wu and Maimaiti smiled at me and nodded approvingly.

The weather is so hot, the water vapor on the ground rises slowly under the sunshine, looking around, the whole yellow desert is like a sackcloth spread on many hot buns just out of the oven, and we are like sackcloth on the sackcloth. Hot crawling ants.

"I have to find a shady place to rest my feet. I, I am old, so I need to rest for a while." Professor Wu said while walking.

I looked at Xiang Ru, she also looked a little sluggish, and everyone was also a little tired.Walking in the desert is like swimming in the sea. It takes a lot of energy. One foot is deep and the other is shallow. There is soft sand under your feet. If you walk too much, it will be like stepping on cotton, and it will make your hair dizzy. .

"Is there a shaded place to rest near here?" I asked Huo Xiaoning.

He went up to talk to Maimaiti for a while, and when I saw Maimaiti wave his hand at him, I probably knew what it meant.

"No, let's go further." Huo Xiaoning came over and said shyly.

"No, I can't go anymore, I can't take it anymore." Professor Wu simply stopped after speaking, and several students next to him hurried up to support him.

I looked around, asked the fat man to help Xiang Ru, and walked up a sand dune in front of me.

Standing on the top of the sand dunes, I looked far into the distance, and saw that there was an endless stretch of yellow sand all around, rolling up and down. That feeling really made me despair from the bottom of my heart.

"How far is it to Loulan?" I saw Maimaiti following him, so I asked him.

"It's not far, it's not far. Turn over the sand dunes in front, turn over the sand dunes in front again, turn over the front again..." I saw him pointing at a place I couldn't see at all, and said "again" more than a dozen times , interrupted his words.

"Uncle! Just tell me how long it will take to get there!"

"According to this speed! I can almost arrive tomorrow night." Maimaiti thought for a while and said.

I thought it wasn’t too far away. Since everyone is like this, it’s right to find a place to rest for a while. After resting, I’ll set out and go there in one go. Then I took out the binoculars and searched the surroundings carefully. .

Suddenly, a piece of golden light appeared in the northwest direction of the telescope, hurting my eyes through the lens.I rubbed my eyes and looked carefully again, only to see some taller shadows looming in the golden light.

"Huyanglin!" I shouted, Fatty, Hao Weiguo and Zhou Dawei ran over when they heard the sound, and shouted, "Where are you? Where are you?"

Hao Weiguo grabbed my binoculars and took a look. He also saw the place I mentioned, and quickly shouted: "It's there! I saw it! It's too dazzling!"

"Then let's go there quickly!" the fat man said impatiently.

"Can't go, can't go!" Maimaiti said in a panic.

"Why can't we go? Everyone is so tired now, and you won't let us ride the camels, we'll have to pay you!" Hao Weiguo shouted, pulling his neck.

"The camel is carrying things, and it won't work if it carries people." Huo Xiaoning and Professor Wu came together at some point, seeing us quarreling, Huo Xiaoning hurriedly explained to Maimaiti.

"Don't let me go? Don't blame the fat man for working hard with you for exhausting my sister!" The fat man looked at the exhausted Xiang Ru, rolled up his sleeves, and glared at Maimaiti. Ru hurriedly stopped him.

"Hey! How can you be like this? You have to listen to me, it's agreed! If you don't listen to me, I will leave!" Maimaiti's expression changed, and he was about to leave.

"Dare!" Hao Weiguo and Fatty rolled up their sleeves, and Maimaiti's move aroused public outrage.

Seeing this, Huo Xiaoning hurriedly chatted with Maimaiti for a while, Maimaiti looked at the sky and then at us, then reluctantly said to us: "Okay then! But we have to be there two hours before the sun goes down. Get out of there!"

I looked around again, and my eyes were full of majestic yellow sand. If we didn't spend the night there, would we sleep on the sand dunes at night?If that's the case, it is estimated that the sand dunes will become our natural graves the next morning, but there is no way, who called him a tour guide?I also don't want to intensify the conflict, which is not good for anyone.

So under my suggestion, everyone agreed to him, and walked together to that dazzling golden light.

Finally, we were getting closer and closer to the golden light. We dragged our tired bodies forward, and suddenly we heard the fat man shouting in front of us: "Look! What's on the ground?!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked up, and saw that the fat man walked to the edge of the oasis first. There were some red willows and some tall poplar trees growing in the oasis. The fat man grabbed something in his hand and shouted to us.

I supported Xiangru and walked over quickly, and everyone followed closely. We were all stunned there, with mouths that were so big that we couldn't close them.

I saw dazzling colorful gemstones scattered all over the ground, and they were the ones that shone dazzlingly golden in the sun just now!

Professor Wu picked up a red gemstone in the fat man's hand, looked at it carefully, and said, "This is agate, also called chalcedony, and it's usually not worth much, but the one in your hand is the best," he said. Then he held it up to the sun and swayed it in his ear again: "Not bad! It's the best of the best!"

We widened our eyes and listened to what he said, but we didn't understand why it was the best, so we picked up some agates one after another, looked at them like him, and asked him: "What kind of agate is the best?"

"There is a saying in the jewelry business called 'Agate without red is poor forever', which means that the red color is extremely important to distinguish whether an agate is good or not, just like the piece in the fat man's hand, the red one is covered with red. It looks like it is burning, which is called burning red. The ancients called this kind of agate red jade, also called "Joan". And there is a bubble of water in it, and it can make a sound when you shake it. This is an extremely rare water tank agate, so this The block is the best of the best, and it should be called 'Chishui gall agate'."

We have gained a lot of knowledge now, so we forgot to be tired and hurriedly picked up those agates all over the ground, only to find that the ground is almost full of this kind of top-quality agate, and each one is more outstanding than the other.

"Haha! We're getting rich!" Hao Weiguo cheered happily as he filled his pockets.

"I'm going to sell them when I go back and buy a lot of perfume! And beautiful clothes, how about Xiangru you?!" Song Bijun, who I always thought was quiet, also got carried away happily at this time, and asked while laughing. Follow Xiangru.

But Xiang Ru just smiled at her, pinched a few smaller ones and put them in his pocket, seeing that the fat man was still shoveling handfuls into the bag, Xiang Ru persuaded: "Brother, don't pick it up! Pick it up!" What's the use of so much?! Have you forgotten what we're here for?"

"What do you know? It's not easy for me to come across a chance to make a fortune. It's like a pie in the sky! Don't pick it up and let others pick it up? No wonder Maimaiti won't let me come over!"

Hearing what the fat man said, it reminded me that logically speaking, even if the whole village of Maimaiti came to pick them up, it would be impossible to pick them up.So there is no need for Maimaiti to lie to us, but why did he stop us?Seeing that Zhou Dawei and Professor Wu were also picking it up excitedly, forgetting their fatigue just now, while Huo Xiaoning and Maimaiti were watching us from the edge of the oasis but not coming in to pick it up together, I suddenly felt something was wrong, but where? something wrong?I can't say it.

"Hey! Don't pick it up! Let's go!" Huo Xiaoning and Maimaiti waved at us anxiously and shouted.

"You don't go, let's go!" Seeing that everyone ignored his words, Maimaiti and Huo Xiaoning ran over to us in horror and shouted.

"Fatty! Don't pick it up! Go away!" Infected by their terrified expressions, I suddenly felt a chill rushing up from the soles of my feet, hitting the top of my head, and then pulling the obsessed fat man up , grabbed Xiang Ru and walked towards Maimaiti.

"Hey! Don't these belong to the working people's wealth! Let the fat man pick up a few more!" The fat man was dragged by me before he finished speaking.

That feeling is getting stronger and stronger, as if in this oasis, some unknown things are watching our every move.

Suddenly, the sky began to darken in an instant!I looked up at the sun, only to see that it was no longer as dazzling as before, because a black shadow was swallowing it bit by bit.

Total solar eclipse!I shouted!A total solar eclipse is a strange and rare astronomical phenomenon in which the moon blocks the sun. The ancients used their rich imagination to call it "Tiangou eclipse sun". Some people have never seen it in their entire lives. I saw it once when I was very young. And now they asked me to meet again!
"Hu Da! Hu Da, I'm guilty..." Maimaiti thumped and knelt down on the ground, praying devoutly to "Hu Da", the supreme Allah in Islam, with a trembling voice.

Everyone put down the agates in their hands, looked up at the sudden change, and stood there at a loss.

My mood became more and more depressed, and suddenly I felt like stabbing myself in the heart with a knife. Looking at Fatty and Xiang Ru, they were also frowning, probably not much more comfortable than me.

Song Bijun was just about to take a picture of this rare astronomical phenomenon, when she lowered her head to take the camera, she suddenly yelled "Wow!"!Startled everyone!I thought badly, something went wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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