Chapter 1007

Chapter 43, continue the boring training

The next day, Dongfang became pale, and a new day came before he knew it.

"Turn left, turn right..."

"Everything is there, let's walk together..."

"Let's go all the way, didn't you see you win six cards in the competition??"

On the playground, the training sounds of the instructors sounded, which contained a lot of love for the students. For example, if you love him, you must let him accept physical strength, training, and training to a higher level.

Among them, the camp of the third company also stands in a military posture, which is necessary every day. As a soldier, one must stand like a pine and walk like the wind.Among them, Wu Ming was a little bit thinking, the next day, did Mu Qingjun come home, but the spirit liquid he sent out recovered after the military training was over.

In a township hospital, Mu Qingjun had already arrived. Looking at an old man whose eyes were wide open and his hair was mixed with white hair, Mu Qingjun's eyes became moist because he knew from his parents that the old man would not last long. The elderly may also know their own situation. There are some things that don't give up time, and there are relatives, and some look forward to seeing the deceased wife. There are such conflicts and entanglements between each other.

"Grandma!" In the end, Mu Qingjun couldn't help but rushed in and shouted.

The old man's eyes were bright, and when he looked up, he showed a kindly smiling face, wrinkled face, and his smile was so charming and reluctant, "It's Qing Jun, is it summer vacation again, how are you doing at school? ?”

When the old man opened his mouth, it was full of concern,

"Mr. Qing is doing very well. This year he can be admitted to the best high school in the city, and then he will be admitted to a key university," Mu Qingjun's eyes were shining, and he responded with a smile.

"That's good, our family Qingjun is promising." The old man is also more relieved, the granddaughter is more sensible, and Mu Qingjun's grandmother also slowly closed her eyes, as if tired, but she couldn't control herself from falling asleep.

Looking at the sleepy grandma, Mu Qingjun held her hand and sat beside her.

Afterwards, I wanted to try the Lingquan that Wu Ming gave me. Mu Qingjun saw it, and it was just like mineral water. In fact, it was mountain spring water. According to what Wu Ming said, it was mountain spring water.

"Grandma, this is the spiritual spring I brought, drink it before you go to sleep?" Then, Mu Qingjun opened the jade bottle, put it into his grandma's mouth, and poured it gently, because the dose was not too much, Therefore, grandma drank it in one gulp, but felt her body relax suddenly, and then fell asleep peacefully.

Mu Qingjun looked at the calm and at ease grandma, if grandma's even breathing was not still there, she would have thought...

The next day, Grandma Mu Qingjun was discharged from the hospital ahead of schedule. All indicators were normal, and she could live for several more years. Only Mu Qingjun knew about this matter, and secondly, it was Mu Qingjun's grandma, but grandma also questioned it, of course, she still thought it was the hospital's efforts.

Back home, the family was happy, Mu Qingjun's parents, Mu Qingjun, and grandma who was surprisingly clear-headed.

As for Mu Qingjun's younger brother, he was still in junior high school and hadn't come back. .Junior high school is naturally not as relaxed as high school, mobile phones are forbidden, so his brother didn't know about it at all, and Mu Qingjun didn't know about it at first, Wu Ming reminded her.

In the city's No. [-] Middle School, there were sounds of military training everywhere on the campus, all for the military training parade that was about to end.

"Student Wu Ming, do you want to meet Qing Jun today?"

"Then there is no need to ask, the answer is yes!"


Easy-going, Wu Ming's left and right, these good people began to ask in whispers beside us, Wu Ming was just a small boy, he didn't say much, Mu Qingjun is coming back today, it's a day to ask for a day off, but how many days? Half a day off.

"Those two male soldiers, come out!" Then, the instructor's voice sounded, and the two boys around Wu Ming suffered. .

"Get ready for push-ups! Thirty! Go!"

Wu Ming looked at them, unmoved, but felt that every day was like this, or he would go to the next door to karaoke, let people sing duets, and finally his voice became hoarse, and he came back again.

After a short period of training, as for stepping forward, turning left and turning right, you are basically familiar with it, and you can basically pass it without any problems when you go up to the military parade.

Therefore, some faint and boring questions came out, but it still made people continue. .

In the afternoon, Mu Qingjun also joined in and trained together again.

Two days later, under the shade of a certain tree, Wu Ming and Mu Qingjun sat and rested, watching the training of other classes.

"Haha, in the past two days, I saw that you were listless in training. Didn't I talk to you?"

"No, I just feel that the person who is in the sun wants to shut up and reduce some water loss, even if he saves unnecessary consumption..."

"Thank you, Wu Ming..."

Mu Qingjun spoke first, and looked at Wu Ming who felt indifferent, and suddenly felt that Wu Ming didn't like military training very much, or rather, he didn't like such a leisurely and leisurely life.

The two were teasing, and finally, Mu Qingjun suddenly thanked Wu Ming.This gratitude seems irrepayable.

"Well, it seems that the spiritual spring on the mountain should have a good effect. I will prepare more next time and give you some to drink. The sick can be cured, and the sick can be prevented, haha." Wu Ming nodded without any hesitation. I don't care, these are just some simple ectoplasmic fluids, which are things of heaven and earth, but all living beings subtly accept it, and don't know how to use it.

Afterwards, I started chatting casually, talking about game in the mountains, among the clouds in the sky...

In this way, eliminate some boring. .

"Hush~" Then, the instructor's whistle blew, and it came from not far away.

Wu Ming and Mu Qingjun looked at each other, but smiled helplessly. However, this is still a realistic matter. Finally, they got up, finished the short rest, and started to line up to prepare for the next round of training.

"Everything is there, military posture, half an hour!"

The instructor glanced at everyone, and then gave an order. After such a long time, it was about to end. However, these were the "soldiers" he had brought with him. After a short time with him, he still felt a little reluctant and missed this environment. , such a young person.

At this moment, there are more than 50 pairs of eyes, looking straight ahead, holding their heads high, and standing firmly in a military posture. Although it is not very standard, they are very attentive.

Three or ten minutes later, the military posture was over, and some people began to walk forward. Soon, the military parade was about to pass. At that time, the school leaders and the battalion commander all gathered to see the results of the training for more than a month. With regard to face, every instructor has to take it seriously, just like a small test.

"This time, let's go well, the military parade will perform like this, of course, you can also perform supernormally, this is not prohibited!!" The instructor shouted, and finally said to start, everyone ran forward, listened to the instructor's command, cooperated, Complete a pre-exam simulation.

(End of this chapter)

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