Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1037 Cultivation Method

Chapter 1037 Cultivation Method
There is trust here, obviously he is not afraid of this guy running away at all, you know, this planet is so big, this ancient man Gu Duoyuan, can he still travel through other worlds?This is of course impossible. How can an ancient monk who has not entered the bigu period pass through the void.

"Okay, follow me, and your dream of ascension will definitely be fulfilled, and I will teach you the magic method of bringing the dead back to life!!" Wu Ming began to promise, patting Gu Duoyuan's shoulder, and said.

Li Xiran looked at it and felt that Wu Ming was a liar, but it was the same thing. Didn't Feisheng describe the person who left the world?
It seems to be the same when I think about it carefully. After ascension, people are no longer in this world. Where can I change without leaving?
"Master Xie!" Gu Duoyuan bowed and saluted gratefully.

Wu Ming waved his hand, but seeing that this guy didn't show any signs of rebellion, Wu Ming said to Gu Duoyuan, "Duoyuan, give me your incomplete method later, and I'll help you perfect it, my The method is too profound, maybe even a cultivator like Marquis Wu cannot accept my cultivation method."

"Yes, master," Gu Duoyuan replied.

Wu Ming shook his head. It seems that he will have to work overtime tonight. However, the holiday is more than a month, so there is still about a month left, so you can take it easy.

Villa, Wu Ming has never lived in such a nice place, so of course he has to enjoy it.

"The feng shui formation eye in this place has been broken. The feng shui condensed before is naturally not as good as the one brought by the Juyuan tripod. Instead, let's build a feng shui formation eye," Wu Ming murmured, and began to think, not for a copper tripod. , Destroy the feng shui of such a good environment.

At that time, Gu Duoyuan will still be prosperous.

One day passed, and in the morning, Gu Duoyuan got up early and waited in the corridor on the second floor.I saw that he was holding a scroll in his hand. This method of cultivation was inherited by an old man in his ancestors. In his generation, it is almost broken.

Wu Ming knew it since Gu Duoyuan was standing, but he was always reluctant to get up and "go to court" when he embraced a beautiful woman.

"Duoyuan, you can hire three cleaners to come over. As for ordinary thugs, you need to recruit two of them." Seeing that Gu Duoyuan had been waiting for an hour, Wu Ming forced his voice into a line, and sent a voice transmission to Gu Duoyuan .

Gu Duoyuan was shocked for a while, finally nodded, put down the somewhat worn scroll, and then went to find the salesman brother.

Anyway, he is just a light bulb now. Wu Ming is right. If you don’t understand, just ask. Anyway, this little brother thinks of the ancient flatterers who can be desperate for money, but Gu Duoyuan didn’t know. Now, it’s all for Money survives, no money, how to buy a house and a car, how to marry a wife, after marrying a wife, all the expenses needed to have a baby. .

Gu Duo didn't know that in ancient times, there were three wives and four concubines. Of course, he only had one main wife. As for concubines, he still had some concubines.The eldest wife was resolute, there was nothing he could do.

Gu Duoyuan left.Wu Ming also quietly looked at the lovely girl in front of him, with smooth cheeks, very elastic, exuding a beauty that was between a woman and a girl, touching it was like touching a piece of warm precious jade.

Three thousand black silk, soft and silky, exuding the youth of a girl, no matter how you look at it, you don't feel a little greasy.

"If, in this life, I can have so much money, give you what you need, and just enjoy it for the rest of my life, I am willing to let go of my strength and grow old with you, but I am afraid that all this is a dream. At that time, I will be powerless... ..."

"Then teach me how to practice, husband!"

Wu Ming just looked at Li Xiran like this, and murmured softly with helplessness, but the next moment, Li Xiran suddenly hugged him and responded softly.

The last call, husband, seemed to be without the slightest estrangement. It seemed that they were a real couple after they entered the marriage hall and Le received the certificate of national blessing. .

"I can only teach you how to practice from the outside family, and the cultivation from the inside family is not good for you." Wu Ming nodded, rubbing Li Xiran's hair, and said.

"Anything is fine, as long as I can be with you in the future. By the way, I want to be like Gu Duoyuan. I can maintain my appearance. I didn't expect you when you were young to look at me with wrinkles."

Li Xiran doesn't mind, and she doesn't know about outsiders and insiders, but for the easy part, these are the only requirements. If she gets old, Wu Ming is still young, which makes her feel very inferior.

"Well, yes, but you need to persevere every day. The outside family and the inside family are the same, because my cultivation method is different, so if you don't have to persist in practicing every day, you will be different." After Wu Ming laughed, he gouged out the bridge of Li Xiran's nose All of a sudden, he began to tease.

Tai Chi Gong, this is a kind of cultivation method that Wu Ming can think of that includes internal and external cultivation methods, but when thinking of this cultivation method, Wu Ming just thinks of a person in that world, even if he becomes a forest goddess, he still cannot escape. Lose……

"Nini..." Wu Ming recalled some things, but he still felt that this kind of method was not suitable, but the others were purely acquired by foreign families, and did not have the effect of maintaining appearance.

Practice Xuanming Jue?As for other exercises, none are suitable. There are quite a few exercises in the Douqi Continent, but this is the earth, and there is no Douqi.

As for magic, don't even think about it, there is no magic power, unless you go to the west to grab resources.But the magic awakening stone does not necessarily exist in the west.

"I can stick to it!" Li Xiran vowed, but then he scratched Wu Ming's waist and asked, "Grandpa with white beard is fake, right? You can tell at a glance that you are fooling people."

"Hehe!" Wu Ming smiled, and did not deny it. They were all fooling Fat Master and others. The law is not passed on lightly, and it has been determined since ancient times. Otherwise, there are so many peerless martial arts because of this peerless skill.

If the aptitude is not enough, it will be embarrassing to go out after practicing, and ruin the reputation of a high-level martial arts.You see, the Nine Yin Scriptures, the Nine Yang Magical Skills, the Eighteen Palms Subduing the Dragon, the Six Meridian Excalibur, and the Nine Swords of Dugu, that one is not famous all over the world.

"When the time comes, take your time and teach you how to practice first. Before school starts, you should be able to become a beginner, because you still rely on the spiritual liquid you helped scoop up last time.

You know, without those things, even if there is a method, in modern times, it is impossible to achieve the state of Gu Duoyuan. "Wu Ming said to Li Xiran.

"Husband? Can you tell me about your cultivation level, what level are you at now, what level is Gu Duoyuan's!" Li Xiran was also curious, and wanted to know if this realm really existed.

"Well, I am now in the Qi refining stage, the eighth level of Qi refining, and Gu Duoyuan is a strong foundation builder, one level higher than me. Because of the level of cultivation method, I am higher than him, so I can suppress him. The aura is stronger than his."

"After the foundation is established, is it a golden core?"

"No, after the establishment of the foundation, there will be a bigu period. Most people don't pay attention to this state, because the strength is only a little stronger. The only difference is that they can continue to practice without eating..."

(End of this chapter)

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