Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1041 Little Lolita

Chapter 1041 Little Lolita

"Yes, young master!" As for what Wu Ming needs to do, he will not ask too much, and he still maintains the idea that the king is the king and the minister is the minister.

Wu Ming nodded, and then placed these jade plaques and the two bronze tripods here in Gu Duoyuan, which moved the ancient man for a while, thinking that Wu Ming trusted him too much.

It's just that Wu Ming thinks that even if you leave it here, you won't be able to create Wu Ming's big formation. This is a formation in the practice world.

"Honey~, are you done?" Just as he went up to the third floor, Li Xiran rushed towards him like a nimble kitten.

Afterwards, he hung on Wu Ming's body and refused to let go.

"Well, Xi Ran, you've been waiting here for a while today. I'm going back to school to pick up some things. I should be able to come back in the evening. This thing is very important. When I get it back, I will teach you how to practice. It's all right, be obedient." Wu Ming spoke softly to Li Xiran, never giving Li Xiran a chance to refuse.

"Well, then you have to come back early, remember, you want me to practice, and I can help you in the future." Li Xiran nodded and agreed, because, for Wu Ming, this matter may be true. It's very important that she doesn't die that kind of stupid woman, she knows how to choose, the only regret is that she is still like this, and she is still a girl. .

However, it was just like this that he trusted Wu Ming's character more, and he could hold back the one who put his mouth on it. If it were someone else, but, the stealthy Wu Ming? ?She never thought about it.

After a brief processing, Wu Ming then left City T and headed for the city's No. [-] Middle School where he lives.

Even Wu Ming was looking forward to the converging power brought by the three Juyuan Ding. He leaned against the window in boredom, looked at the scenery outside, and then looked at his phone, waiting for the train to quickly arrive at the area.

Touch the jade ring in his hand, the workmanship is quite exquisite, and the water species is also good, if you don't look carefully, you may not see that Wu Ming is still wearing a ring, even Li Xiran seems to have overlooked this detail.

That's because Wu Ming cast a small concealed breath technique, and then asked the red evil spirit inside to create a little bit of evil spirit to cover it up.

"This red evil spirit, I don't know if it is a lucky star or a real evil star. The evil energy provided to me every day is less than the spiritual energy absorbed, and I wasted a lot of spiritual liquid to cultivate..."

Wu Ming shook his head and smiled wryly for a while, and then felt a cold air emanating from the ring.

Seeing this, Wu Ming accepted all the orders.

"Even if you still have something to eat, if you have sucked you dry, take good care of you and see if you can cultivate a soul king!" Wu Ming smiled, stroked the jade ring, and said.

In the practice world, although there is a soul, the soul is also common. After death, due to various conditions and opportunities, it remains in the world. Being a person may be ordinary, but being a soul may be prosperous, because the soul does not look at the qualifications Yes, as long as you have spiritual energy, you can practice.

Therefore, there is also a mysterious and powerful race in the practice world. There is the soul race, commonly known as the spirit race, which only has souls and has no entity.

Although this race does not have an ancestor of the tribulation period, a spirit clan of the Mahayana period is enough to give an ancestor of the tribulation period a headache, because the strangeness of the soul is ever-changing.

Of course, the Spirit Race would not provoke an ancestor of the Transcending Tribulation Period at will. In that case, it would be like continuing to seek death after death.

Soon, the car arrived at the station, and followed the crowd out of the station.

A skinny monkey with dexterous hands and feet actually wandered through the crowd, and in the blink of an eye, took away the mobile phones, wallets, and some valuable valuables of some people who were concentrated on their way, at an extremely fast speed.

His footsteps were light. It seemed that this guy planned to make a lot of money today. After searching a lot of things, those people didn't notice.

After a large area, they turned to Wu Ming's side. Just as they reached into Wu Ming's pocket, they spotted Wu Ming's Apple...

Afterwards, Wu Ming took it in with one hand, grabbed his hand, and it turned out to be as smooth as a piece of jade.

"Huh? Let go?" Being caught by Wu Ming, the thin man was startled at first, and then said to Wu Ming.It's just that the voice is a little low.

Wu Ming pulled it a little harder, and the beautiful figure fell into his arms. It was a cute little loli, but she was too thin and a little short. As for the normal development of that place, it was not enough to use the word "giant" to describe it.

When the little person was in her arms, she was blushing and struggling, but her strength was probably smaller than that of a normal girl, she was only about 1.5 meters tall.

"Young man, this is a station. There are still a lot of people. If you can't bear it anymore, there is a hotel next to it. The price is just a little bit more expensive, but it can be relieved..."

"Hehe, that's right, the public, although the society is open, but you still have to think about others..."


One by one, the two little "couples", one tall and one short, who started to "show affection", started to mix this sour reminder, and the first one to join was an old man in his fifties and sixties, persuading him as if he had come here .

In this way, the person in Wu Ming's arms took the opportunity to bury himself in Wu Ming's arms, and he was ashamed to face others. As a pickpocket who went in and out of the "jianghu", he failed the assessment.

It's all to blame for this guy, and then, relying on Wu Ming's cover, he didn't know where Wu Ming took him, but that smooth little hand actually pinched Wu Ming, but Wu Ming didn't respond.

"Isn't this man a steel man? Doesn't he have any pain at all?" The little loli pickpocket was also suspicious, but the surrounding voices made her dare not raise her head.

Knowing that the voice was getting quieter, when he looked up, he was in a room. Looking at the couple's big bed room covered with roses in Chapter [-], two red clouds appeared on that pretty face, but he was still a little scared. The point is, she doesn't know that happiness comes so quickly, but, is today a crime? ?

Just as he was thinking about it, he was already on the soft big bed, looking at the tall and handsome young boy in front of him, she was speechless, her heart was beating, except her father, no, She didn't have such contact with her father, and she was not alone.

"You, what do you want to do, I, I tell you, I am the daughter of the pickpocket gang, if you dare to touch me, my father will not let you go."

"Oh? Then your dad didn't tell you, what do you have to do if you get caught in the assessment? It's normal to fail, and you can change your career, but there is still a rule. If you get caught, you have to talk to him if the other party is a man." Get married and live a peaceful life.”

"It's a woman, then..."

"How is it possible, my dad obviously didn't say..."

"Hehe, that's because your father didn't want you to know, he thought you would succeed..."

Wu Ming teased, such a cute little loli, it’s not good to take good care of her, why do pickpockets help the daughter, but it seems that she has doubts, that is, she has no strength to resist now.

The breath exhaled from Wu Ming's mouth is like a kind of drug, which makes people give up resisting...

(End of this chapter)

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