Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1043 come to the door

Chapter 1043 come to the door
When Wu Ming came, he could only hear the conversation of the two fathers and daughters. As for the surrounding people, they seemed to be subordinates of the gang of pickpockets. There are all kinds of people.

Wu Ming saw that everyone had more experience than Liu Xiaoxue, at least he knew who was easy to hit and who was not. For this reason, he didn't come to Wu Ming directly because of Wu Ming's youthful appearance and thin pockets. .

This kind of people generally don't know how to get started, except for some people who are engaged in mobile phones. For this reason, they will stare at Wu Ming's mobile phone. As for Wu Ming's valuables, he basically has nothing.

"Hello, welcome~"

As soon as Wu Ming entered the door, there was a young lady who served enthusiastically at the front desk. This young lady kept a professional smile, looked at Wu Ming, and nodded slightly, because Wu Ming was wearing casual clothes. The figure is a little more outstanding, basically, the pockets are not outstanding.

"I'll just take a look," Wu Ming nodded, and said to the front desk. This young lady basically doesn't know that this hotel is basically a nest of gangsters, but on the surface it is a serious and legal operation.

Then, smelling Liu Xiaoxue's scent, he started to go up, yes, go up instead of waiting for the elevator to go up.

"Hey, handsome guy, you can go..." The young lady watched Wu Ming go straight down the corridor, and she also planned to stop Wu Ming directly and take the elevator, but before calling Wu Ming to stop, Wu Ming was nowhere to be seen. .

Because, Wu Ming had already gone upstairs, and the young lady at the front desk was taken aback by this appearance. So far, he still doubted his own eyes.

"Xiaoxue, don't worry, that little brother should be on the right track, when the time comes, your father will talk about his details, don't worry..."

"Huh? Young man, why did you come to our top floor? This place is closed, you..." Liu Xiaoxue widened her eyes and looked at Wu Ming, but the middle-aged man beside her still didn't notice, Reminding Wu Minghao, with a look of kindness and wealth, it is almost impossible to tell who is the boss of the gang.

However, seeing his daughter's shocked expression that made her speechless, she knew that this person seemed to be the one who broke her own rules and screwed up her daughter's assessment. .

At this moment, he came to the door by himself, either, who is this person, or is someone with strength, judging whether the other party looks like a fool, then, there is only the last one, the other party is confident.

"Uncle, your daughter promised me to be lazy. If she didn't agree, I would naturally not force her, but she spit and nailed her. Since he said it, she will be a member of my gang from now on. Believe me, you yourself don't want to Will my daughter become a person who breaks her promise?" Wu Ming asked Liu Yishou with a faint smile indifferently.

This question directly stopped Liu Yishou, yes, this is also a rule, but it seems that the other party knows that after breaking his own rules.

"The state owns the state law, and the family has family rules, but first you break my rules. As for my daughter, she is not someone you like to help. She will inherit my pickpocket gang in the future." Liu Yishou then became indifferent, and then, A group of people began to reply without anger and prestige.

Wu Ming smiled and asked, "Then you want her to be a thief for the rest of your life?"

"Shut up," Wu Ming's question directly annoyed Liu Yishou. What kind of person is this? He broke the rules directly. You must know that these are all taboos, which are left by the ancestors.

You know, Wu Ming directly called out the job of the pickpocket gang in this way. You know, in that era, the pickpockets were not a small independent gang in the beggar gang. For this reason, many people lived in that chaotic era. down.

Liu Yishou let out a low shout, and then, the hidden "pickpockets" on each floor flocked directly to Wu Ming's side.

The corner of Wu Ming's mouth curled up, and then he flicked an embroidery needle at his fingertips. Seeing the first master pickpocket push the door open, an embroidery needle popped out.

"Pfft!" The embroidery needle sank into the door bolt, and when the door bolt was broken, Wu Ming snapped one.

That embroidery needle, like a missile, went straight into the floor, kicked up a cloud of flying dust, and the needle pushed a group of people rushing up.

Then, the third stitch, the fourth stitch...

These pickpockets who have been trained for a long time are under Wu Ming's calm and calm situation, so they are in a dilemma, unable to retreat or advance.

"You, who are you?" Looking at Wu Ming who made the shot, Liu was shocked with one hand. Even if it hit him, Abi couldn't hold it back. If it was serious, he would fall directly, or if he was seriously injured, he would not be able to afford it. , just an embroidery needle.

"Me? Naturally, I am a person outside the Great Wall who can't afford to offend. I don't belong to the mortal world. Your daughter is my thug, and from now on, she will be my spokesperson. I can pass on this skill to him."

Wu Ming smiled, but he didn't say the name directly, and he pretended to be noble, so that Liu Yi couldn't guess it, even if Gu Duoyuan looked at Wu Ming's hand, he couldn't guess it.

Perhaps, people of later generations can think of it, isn't this the East seeking defeat, embroidery needles...

"Father, I..." Seeing this move, Liu Xiaoxue was also moved. After all, this is much stronger than the foreign family he practiced.

"Well, it seems that you are still asked to learn some real skills. At the beginning, Wu Ming's ancestors also learned survival skills because of this."

Seeing Liu Xiaoxue's appearance like this, those twinkling eyes and that pretty face made ordinary people have no resistance at all, and Liu Yishou was just a slightly stronger ordinary person.

"Well, Dad, I will definitely study hard. When the time comes, I will lead our pickpocket gang to glory. At that time, we will change our name and call it the Embroidery Gang. Everyone will show embroidery needles..."

"Begging for a fight, you dare to tease your ancestors..."

"Slightly slightly, originally, Wu Ming has been a pickpocket for so long, it's time to change his style."

"Heh, it's up to you, and we'll talk about it after you really become the gang leader in the future."


The two father and daughter were directly convinced by Wu Ming's action. He was quite satisfied with Wu Ming, the son-in-law of the gang leader. Out of trust in his daughter, in the end, Liu Xiaoxue still belonged to Wu Ming.
"Brother, please leave my little girl in the future. In the gang, I dote on her too much. In the future, if she is disobedient, no matter how disciplined she is, I hope my little brother will teach him some special skills so that she can protect herself... Please It's over..." In the end, Liu Yishou spoke to Wu Ming earnestly like a married daughter.

At this time, it was Liu Xiaoxue's turn to be embarrassed, but she was just ashamed to lose her temper as a young lady. After thinking about it, she would live as a younger brother, and the other gang was doing odd jobs, serving tea and water, and serving Wu Ming private...

When the fantasies continued, Wu Ming nodded slightly and agreed. Anyway, Liu Xiaoxue has such potential.can be cultivated.

(End of this chapter)

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