Chapter 1048
Taking Mu Qingjun to the girls' dormitory, Wu Ming also returned to his own dormitory. As for the elder sister Li Xiran, she didn't know when she would arrive, so she just sent him a message: "I'll be there soon."

This was half an hour ago, Wu Ming had no choice but to wait for her to arrive before going there.

Of course, there is no lack of a cold joke: If I arrive and you don't arrive, you wait for me; if I don't arrive, you arrive, wait for me. .

I took out my phone and watched the short video boringly, only to see several messages pop up from Xiangqi. "Invincible is so lonely, hehe, I start school today, play a few games with me..."

"Don't worry, I have studied a lot of chess records during this holiday, you just wait to lose, and there is someone named Qing Jun."

"Get online soon..."

"This guy is more interesting than Mu Qingjun, but this guy is not as "stubborn" as Mu Qingjun. Speaking of being stubborn, it is Mu Qingjun's strength and also his weakness, so let's just lose. "Wu Ming looked at the news and couldn't help laughing when he thought of Mu Qingjun staying up late to play chess at that time.

Then, I scrolled down and saw the invitation message from Mu Qingjun half a month ago.

"No wonder, this guy saw me..." Wu Ming couldn't help but laugh when he saw the message that he had persisted for half a month. She, a foolish dragon who was deceived, seemed to like playing chess with him the same way.

At present, there are just two more chess players, but they are all at the second-rate level. Whether they can reach the first-rate level is still a matter of attention..., cough, cough, and lack of enthusiasm. .

"Sorry, student Qingjun, I have been busy during the holidays, so I didn't see your message." Wu Ming replied.

It's true that I didn't even go home during the holidays, and took my little girlfriend to rob the tomb. , Gu Duoyuan sent the production data of ectoplasmic liquid every day, which Wu Ming also felt most gratified, because these are the foundation of cultivation, without these psychic liquids, cultivation would be as slow as a snail.

After a while, seeing the invitation sent by the heroine of the female high school, Wu Ming also clicked in.

"Where did the holiday go? I don't even want to find a good person to compete with," the heroine of the female middle school asked in a message.It's just that the tone is a little funny.

"It's not salted fish, I have something to do!" Wu Ming replied with a smile.

"Then I'm a salted fish. As a student, do you have so many things to do?" Afterwards, the female high school hero replied.

"Well, yes, practicing, starting a business, shopping with my wife..."

The heroine of the female middle school, "..."

Finally, seeing a string of exclamation marks from the heroes of the female high school, Wu Ming knew that this made another girl give up.

In the girls' dormitory, a girl hugged a pillow and muttered on her stomach: "Could it be a 40-[-]-year-old uncle? Damn, I fantasized about being a handsome guy for a semester, yay!!"

This female man became a little crazy, how lonely and invincible, in fact, she is a chess friend, after all, it is a female hero who thinks her level is enough, but, being taught by such an opponent like this, she is bound to find her way back, but, She didn't know that this was online love. .

On Wu Ming's side, one win and one loss, and then, seeing that the heroine of the female high school went offline, he probably wouldn't harass him anymore. As for the girl Qing Jun, it might not be so.

They are at the same level, looking at Mu Qingjun's cute and pure profile picture, he is better than Wu Ming, a wretched uncle. Wu Ming doesn't know, but he has aroused the heart of a nympho.

"Hehe, it's gone. It seems that we can't release the water next time." Seeing that the heroine of the female high school went offline, Wu Ming also laughed, thinking that the only chess friend who will find him in the future is Mu Qingjun.

After logging out, I logged into Penguin, clicked into Mu Qingjun's chat, "Student Qingjun, if you want to play chess in the future, just ask me directly, the game news is relatively slow!"

"OK, I'm going to pick up my senior sister. I wish you to find the Prince Charming in your heart as soon as possible. Bye."

Wu Ming sent a message to Mu Qingjun, and then, Li Xiran called, and sent Mu Qingjun a message to dissuade her, and then began to answer the phone.

"I'm here, at the school gate, come and help me carry my bag, friend Lan..."

"By the way, senior sister and my friend, you are a strong person at the peak of the first level of qi refining, do you need me to carry the bag? Besides, the school. You can carry me like flying, what kind of bag do you need..."

"Come on!!"


Finally, following the call from Li Xiran, after a few words of teasing, under Li Xiran's intimidation, Wu Ming, who would rather die than surrender, was temporarily wronged. In comparison, this Li Xiran failed to break through the second layer of Qi Refining , the temper is a bit bad, because the method, aura, and meridians are so good that she advances slowly.

He took his mobile phone, and then went out with his hands. As for the others, they all went to study.

Later, at the gate of the school, Li Xiran saw the eye-catching.

"Wow, is this a fairy? She looks like a fairy, maybe she's a banished fairy."

"Ahem, this is the senior in the second year of high school. I heard that she has blue friends. Maybe it's better to be nourished."

"Bah, with your thoughts, how did you get into No. [-] Middle School?"

"A man's true colors, a man's not attractive, don't show his true colors."

"You have too many excuses."


Everyone is talking, Wu Ming looked at it, and it was indeed a fairy descending to the earth, wearing a white casual dress, tied with beautiful three thousand black silk, dressed like a lady, and, after the aura was faintly dispersed, it made people feel a A transcendent breath came.

"It seems that I still haven't restrained myself. However, the school is very safe. As for being afraid of being discovered, that's impossible." Wu Ming murmured, and began to walk towards Li Xiran.

If you want to find out, unless there is another ancient monk like Gu Duoyuan, but there are more evil cultivators.

"Sister, you're really good!" Wu Ming gave Li Xiran a thumbs up, and then, under the eyes of everyone, he pulled Li Xiran's suitcase and left their sight.

"Hehe." Following Wu Ming, Li Xiran laughed, looking at Wu Ming's embarrassing appearance, he just thought it was very interesting, not enough, and even enjoyed the free labor of Blue Friends.

At the door of the girls' dormitory, the auntie at the door said, "This young man, bring two of them here a day..."

"See you later at dinner?" Li Xiran pulled the suitcase and went to the dormitory first.

Seeing Li Xiran disappear, Wu Ming smiled and shook his head, this girls' dormitory...

Then, when I turned around, I saw a girl in a blue dress with a quiet and elegant atmosphere appearing, this...

"Hello! School has started..."

"Oh, um, hello, yes, school has started," Wu Ming replied in embarrassment for a while.

Wu Ming looked at this quiet and elegant girl, who was even more beautiful with that light blue long dress. This one was Tang Linling, the book friend who occupied Wu Ming's seat in the library.

It's just, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

"Well, do you want to read together tomorrow?" Tang Linling smiled.

"Well," Wu Ming nodded,

Finally, I watched another girl enter the girls' dormitory. The dormitory auntie: ...

(End of this chapter)

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