Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 105 Qualifiers

Chapter 105 Qualifiers
"Third brother, let me play!"

The one who spoke was the fat man Ma Hongjun of the Shrek Seven Devils, seeing how he was gearing up, he didn't know whether to show off or show off.

"According to the original plan!" The simple boy Tang San stared at him and said, still can't see your careful thinking, this is only the first round of qualifiers, the master also said, only three, in order to preserve strength. .

As a substitute player, Tai Long comforted: "Student, don't worry, I will help you treat them well!"

The boy with blond hair and double pupils looked at the handsome boy with long hair and loose shoulders, who seemed to be indifferent, and seemed to be asking, seeing how indifferent he was, and then said: "Little San, you arrange it!"

Ma Hongjun, the red-haired fat man who had just been rejected, came over and said, "Brother Ao, why don't you express your opinion!"

Oscar shrugged, it was you who wanted to act aggressively, and replied lightly: "I have no objection, do you still want me to take action against these weaklings!"

A certain person doesn't know how happy he is, he can hug the ice beauty, lead Bai Fumei, and don't need to buy tickets to watch the game. Isn't he good, he has to go to the game, Oscar has decided, if he can't make a move, don't make a move.

Tang San, the brain of the Seven Shrek Monsters, the control system soul master, also began to make arrangements: "The ones who will appear later are Mubai, me, Xiao Wu, Tai Long, Jing Ling, Huang Yuan, Jiang Zhu, Xiao Ao is right, We were humiliated before, and one minute is enough for us to deal with these weak chickens!"

On the arena, Tiandou Royal Academy was full of arrogance, and I wanted to beat him up, don't slap him in the face, okay, you are just an NPC who was seconded, and you will have no part in the next one.

"What a bunch of toads, come to participate in the competition like this!"


Facing the ridicule, the long-identified young lady counterattacked vigorously, "A hooker girl, a hermaphrodite, our Oscar is much prettier than yours!"

Oscar in the audience supported his forehead, Xiao Wu, are you just comparing me with those vulgar fans like this, and shouted: "Xiao Wu, can you just start playing? Why don't you tell me, I have beautiful long hair Is there anything wrong, peach blossom eyes are not what I want to keep!"

"Ha ha!"

Little Pepper Ning Rongrong covered her mouth and smiled, Oscar felt that he should be taught a lesson, or tonight, he couldn’t wait, staring at this little cabbage, Ning Rongrong trembled, and turned to Zhu Zhuqing move closer.

"The first round of the qualifiers has officially begun!"

Originally, the situation was tense, but under the referee's announcement, the two sides started a "fierce" battle, and both sides released their martial souls.

The middle control is Tang San, the black soul ring is particularly attractive, and the audience cheers, they don't care who you are, they come here for excitement, and a few people in the VIP station noticed, it's absorbed beyond the 5000-year limit Only the protagonist dares to do this.

The scene is no longer a battle, but a one-sided massacre. It's boring to watch. Looking back at the ice beauty's explosive figure, his eyes rolled, should he accept it first?

About 1 minutes!

The Tiandou Royal team led the teacher to concede defeat, and seven people came down from the stage. The charming long-haired Oscar stared at Xiao Wu, and said quietly: "Sister Xiao Wu, how did you compare just now, why let me do the comparison!"

Xiao Wu was stared at by Oscar's peachy eyes, blushing and said: "Doesn't that mean you are good-looking, he is trash!"

Oscar was speechless, then you compare me with trash, if it wasn't for the protagonist's face, I would use you as a soul ring, after all, there are not many soul beasts with 10 years, and he replied: "Thank you for your compliment!"

After chatting for a while, Dai Mubai suggested to go back first, and in the waiting room, a few people changed out of their hospital uniforms, and they suddenly felt relaxed!

The simple Tang San looked at the handsome Shrek Seven Monsters unmoved, and asked: "Xiao Ao, don't you want to change?"

"If I don't change it, I can show my beauty even more, okay?"

Oscar replied lightly, the others were speechless, Jiang Zhu approached, looked at the mature elder sister, Oscar trembled, and said: "Elder sister, what do you want to do."

Jiang Zhu smiled and said: "My sister won today, so I should reward you well tonight, haha!"

Oscar waved his hand, don't be so unrestrained, there are enough flowers in his house, he said leisurely: "Forget it, I have to go back to see my wife and children!"

Jiang Zhu didn't take it seriously, how could she have a child at such a young age, Ma Hongjun was envious, and secretly scolded Brother Ao, you beast, you don't even want to be delivered to your door, there are so many women, are you afraid of one more!


Just as they walked out of the arena, a familiar voice came, and they could clearly see the person coming, dressed in a grand manner, giving people a friendly feeling.

"Oh, why are you excited, you are my little girl, don't hug other men!"

Oscar held back the excited Ning Rongrong. To Ning Fengzhi, he was elegant and dignified. He didn't expect that a single celestial grass would agree to the two of them. Alas, I'm so sad. I've agreed to give it a good test. your daughter!
Shrek replaced a few people, but just met him, he has an extraordinary status, the lord of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and he communicated with them kindly.

"This is Dai Mubai, a 17-year-old 44th-level assault-type Battle Soul Sect..."

Oscar said lightly: "Rongrong, I don't need to introduce you, right, old father-in-law!"

Ning Fengzhi laughed and said, "Stinky boy, I'm such an old lady!"

Fatty Ma Hongjun asked: "Sect Master Ning, do you still have a daughter like Ning Rongrong! If you have one, it would be great to join your sect!"

In the end, under Oscar's sharp gaze and Ning Fengzhi's "honesty", this Goulan Phoenix also became quiet.

Ning Rongrong continued to introduce these players, and Ning Fengzhi also offered an olive branch in a friendly manner, with the appearance of not rejecting anyone who came.

And he came for another purpose: Tang San.Oscar thought, he should go to see Xue Qinghe, but unfortunately, he is a commoner, oh no, now he is already a rich man, so proud!

Shrek Academy!
Except for Fred, Grandmaster, Liu Erlong, Zhao Wuji have all returned, waiting for them, the first to stop is Tang San, followed by Ning Rongrong, Oscar also knows something!
"Okay, let's go!"

Ning Rongrong asked herself in advance, and could only agree.

The master really thinks of his apprentice in everything, and he really wants to have a good teacher. Distraction and control are really suitable for Tang San.

A quiet courtyard!
"Xiaohua's smile is so pretty, just like my brother!!" A sixteen or seventeen-year-old woman hugged the half-year-old baby, smiling happily.

The cheating father Oscar expressed dissatisfaction and said, "How could it be prettier than me! Let me see!"


Squeeze it a bit, to tease children while they are young, brat, the skin is quite slippery, Oscar secretly thought.

"elder brother!"

Seeing Nini who was a little angry, Oscar smiled bitterly, and replied: "Okay, I won't bully this kid in the future!"

The little girl in her arms suddenly asked, "How was the game today?"

Oscar shared with her tenderly, saying that it would be fine if he kept paddling.

(End of this chapter)

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