Chapter 1063
Now that he has agreed, Wu Ming will naturally not let go of this good thing. These dark matter energies are a great tonic, and for Hongsha, they are the key to condensing the entity. Terrible.

"Thank you Master Cao to prepare a quiet room for me. In addition, I will perform some Taoism techniques, and no one can observe them. Please..."

In order to better absorb the energy of this extraterrestrial object, Wu Ming had no choice but to do this. Moreover, it was to let this master at ease let him absorb the energy of dark matter.

Originally, it was not possible to absorb so much, but, no, there is a power bank that is out of power, which can fully charge her, but it is good to take it slowly, isn't it?

"Hehe, I know about this, little brother, please come with me," Master Cao didn't know, this trip gave Wu Ming a big bargain, this one is cheap, and the favor is not small.

For this reason, Wu Ming is still willing to make friends with this boss Cao.

The room was ready, and Master Cao tactfully withdrew.

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, but I don't talk about benefits, so I am forced to seek it. It should be that there is some mystery in this bead, which was discovered by you. It's just that I am not from the Taoist sect. I am holding this precious bead. , basically a woodcutter with a peerless sword who can only chop firewood."

Master Cao knew about it, but there was nothing he could do about it. His beloved daughter had already looked like that for no reason. In the future, her beloved daughter would be his successor to the Cao family. Of course, women are not allowed, but they can be passed on.

Enter the Cao family, become a member of the Cao family, and give birth to a son who will be the head of the Cao family.

However, these are still too long ago.

In the separate closed room, the quaint decoration and the unique candlestick lighting make this room unique.

It's just that Wu Ming has no time to pay attention to these decorations. Compared with his strength, these are just another former residence thousands of years later.Only when you have the strength, you can see the flowers and the moon through the lens, and the life is full of thousands of stars.

"Come out!" Wu Ming lightly stroked the ring in his hand, and an extremely gorgeous red shadow appeared, with a long red dress and a paper-white face, it was a bit scary.

Compared with the weakness of the ancient tomb in which place, she recovered well these days, and began to have some unique consciousness, but it was not comprehensive. Facing the stranger Wu Ming who raised her like this, she didn't know how to face it. I don't remember anyone.

"This time, using this jade ring as a medium, you can absorb these dark matter energies, corresponding to your ghost aura, and should be able to help you strengthen the solidified ghost body. On the contrary, you can not be afraid of the sun." Wu Ming Said to Hong Sha, who hadn't recovered his consciousness yet.

Hongsha nodded, knowing the effect of these energies on her, she was extremely eager, and wished to absorb it immediately.

However, as well as entrusting Wu Ming under the fence, Wu Ming naturally needs to nod.

Afterwards, Wu Ming put his hand on the orb of doom, and a burst of round texture and black aura poured out from the ashes of the talisman.

"Heh, calm down!" Wu Ming laughed, and then sneered.

I saw that black breath was wrapped in a separate space at first, and then spread to Wu Ming's palm.

Feeling the outpouring of the black breath, Wu Ming just absorbed a little by accident.

"Start!" Afterwards, facing Hong Sha, Wu Ming nodded and said seriously.

Hong Sha also nodded subconsciously, and then, the ghost's body convulsed, because the energy she felt made her so comfortable that she almost let out a sound.

Then, like a hungry ghost, it began to absorb at an accelerated rate.

"Bang!" A force struck and woke up Hong Sha, almost losing his soul and body. Hong Sha's eyes looked at Wu Ming with fear and some resentment.

"Take your time, there is too much energy, you can't eat much at once. Besides, you are my ghost, don't try to bite me back, otherwise, you will be in pain if you become a soul body." Wu Ming knew this ghost After thinking about evil, he uttered a threat.

If he was an ordinary Daoist priest, maybe he could be turned back by her, but he is a practitioner, not a warlock.

Hong Sha calmed down, and began to absorb this little by little, and unconsciously, fell silent for a long time.

That long stream of water, like being surrounded by a beloved man, a feeling of traveling nine days and feeling endless freedom, appeared on a ghost.

After that, it entered countless memory areas.

It was a very long story. She was a princess of the King of Ji, but she was pushed to Asadora by the King of Ji. In the end, she disappeared.

In fact, she wanted to elope with the boy she liked, escape from the National Teacher's Mansion, and become the fate of the National Teacher's daughter-in-law, but luck made people...

Her surname is Tu, and her style name is Yan.

In the end, as the name suggests, people turn into clouds and smoke.

However, the next step is to experience everything with Wu Ming.

At this moment, Wu Ming looked at Hongsha, who was not short and compact, and absorbed the dark matter energy that invaded him from time to time.

Finally, looking at the soul body with two lines of tears, the solid body, and the recovered consciousness, she sighed at the changes in the world and the ruthlessness of people, and she wanted to open her eyes.

Then, with a pain in his head, a lot of information poured in: Soul Refining Art, the method of spiritual body cultivation, the soul is powerful enough to reopen Netherworld and enter the Nine Nether Realm. .

"This is……"

"Continue to practice well and start to become a generation of fierce ghosts. Otherwise, you won't even have the basic ability to help me. As for being a ghost, your strength needs to be improved."

The Soul Refining Art was taught to Hong Sha, Hong Sha was only a little shocked, but Wu Ming interrupted him.

Finally, Hongsha re-entered the state of cultivation.

"According to the division, in this world, Li Gui is still at the same level as Gui Chai, so you can help her upgrade directly."

"It's just that after Li Gui, let her become a generation of ghost handsome, ghost king. At that time, let's see if the Netherland Realm really exists."

Wu Ming murmured, although the Netherland Realm may be gloomy, but it is the realm of the six realms of reincarnation, and Wu Ming also wants to see the world.

As for the mysteries of reincarnation, he is still not clear enough about what human reincarnation is.

On the contrary, at such a level, Hongsha can only see the truth if he has reached Guishuai.

According to the method passed on by Wu Ming, Tu Yan began to practice. The dark matter seemed to have the same source as her, and it was continuously absorbed in the exams.

Wu Ming felt more relieved by the speed up. In this way, hehe, Hongsha, who is close to Guishuai, obviously has a higher effect.

Time passed bit by bit. .

"Huh? This is?" Finally, after Wu Ming probed the orb of doom, he found some black and pure marrow fluid.

"The stone marrow of the Orb of Misfortune!" Wu Ming definitely knew about these treasures, no, it was a nourishing thing for the number, no, Master Cao didn't know about it, it could be picked up for nothing, definitely for nothing.

Looking at Hongsha who was still practicing tirelessly, he said, "It's really cheap for you."

(End of this chapter)

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