Chapter 1071

After confessing his relationship with Li Xiran, Mu Qingjun seemed to have become silent, but Wu Ming didn't say much, and only played chess with her occasionally, as for the rest, there was nothing he could do to help.

Holidays, too, come as scheduled. .

"The exam is over, senior sister, it's time for us to go home, to my house?" After the exam, looking at Li Xiran who was waiting for him, Wu Ming teased.

However, Wu Ming also felt that Tang Linling, Mu Qingjun, and Deng Yaping had all noticed him, and the scene of being intimate with Li Xiran was caught by someone, and she was still a girl who had an unusual relationship with him, just like that Saw it once.

"As expected, it's really..." Tang Linling laughed at herself. She said before that no girl could resist Wu Ming's charm. It was true, but she didn't believe that Wu Ming chose to leave the order just like that.

As for Deng Yaping, it's a bit better, it's just a relationship that the two parties took advantage of. She is a person who is dedicated to practicing the ball, but her favor with Wu Ming has also dropped suddenly, and she herself hastened to keep her distance.

Mu Qingjun was the one who got stuck the most. She was a little dazed, and she didn't even seem to have any memory of how she got home in the end.

During the holidays, when I returned home, I hid in bed and cried alone, but Wu Ming didn't know about this.

On Wu Ming's side, he also talked and laughed to send Li Xiran home, and then back to his house.

"Aren't you going to rob the tomb?" Looking back at Wu Ming's topic, Li Xiran was obviously a bit rebellious, or liked the feeling of robbing the tomb, much more than Wu Ming expected, so he asked.

"Tomb robbery, that's so urgent, go home first, I want to go home and have a look." Wu Ming said with a smile as he tapped Li Xiran's head.

Yes, Wu Ming wants to go home and have a look, home is the best destination for vacation, but the time to go back is a bit short.

"Lie, isn't it ready for the third level of Qi refining? I want to go all out and see if I can surpass you quickly." Li Xiran stuck out her tongue, and began to speak comparatively.

Wu Ming smiled and said: "Hehe, it will take a long time to catch up with me. Qi refining requires building a foundation, at least the tenth level of Qi refining. You know, the first time I built a foundation, it was the eleventh level of Qi refining. Later, it was the twelfth level of Qi Refining, do you know what my highest level is?"

"That realm?" Li Xiran was also curious, logically speaking, how could Wu Ming have practiced twice, this time is the third time.

"I have achieved the immortal golden fairy realm. Later, in order to find eternity, I deliberately returned to the earth and met you." Wu Ming smiled, and then, like a little girl fooling around, began to tell half-truths and half-false words. Tell it.

"Oh, it's because of how miraculous it is. Che, Golden Immortal, it's a lie. You haven't reached the foundation building period yet, yet you're still an immortal!!" Li Xiran gave Wu Ming a blank look, and murmured.

Wu Ming shook his head, smiled wryly, alas, if you tell the truth, you won’t believe it, the foundation building period has not arrived, this is a flaw, now he doesn’t have the talent of immortal body, what he has is just soul and memory.

As for the previous cultivation, Wu Ming doubted, where did he go, and was sealed again?It shouldn't be so thorough, it should be his master Hong Ming who made the move again. Thinking about it, Wu Ming is also relieved, and doesn't think so much anymore, because, let's start again, exercise his patience again and again, keep calm, In order to improve the strength, gradually increase the patience.

"Yeah, otherwise, I'd better help you to undo my kung fu. From now on, I'll become a fairy by myself. How wonderful it is to be free and unrestrained." Wu Ming said provocatively.

Hearing the San Gong, Li Xiran gave Wu Ming a look. In fact, Wu Ming would not dissipate her aura, otherwise, the hard work for such a long time would have been in vain.

Afterwards, the two laughed and got on the big car going back. She leaned on his shoulder and enjoyed the scenery flying by the window. In fact, she believed what Wu Ming said, but she didn't want Wu Ming to explain that There are many, Wu Ming's secrets, too many, all the tricks that the old man gave him are fake, only she is the one who knows Wu Ming best.

Wu Ming is also well aware that this girl has always been very smart, because she can't get it, so Wu Ming also wants to make up for the regret in his heart, but regret is always regret...

"Meet the parents? Haha..." Sending Li Xiran to the door, Li Xiran teased Wu Ming jokingly and said with a smile. .

"No, in the future, there will be opportunities, so don't worry for now. Hehe." Wu Ming smiled, waved, and was about to leave.

Afterwards, the girl quickly stepped forward, and the two hugged each other. .

"After you go back, if you go out to play, you must take me with you, because I am your wife, don't forget." Li Xiran said softly, pleading on Wu Ming's chest.

Wu Ming nodded, stroked the girl's three thousand vertical hairs, and said: "Well, I see, I will definitely take you with me, and when the time comes, let you break through the third layer of Qi refining, that's fine, ha ha."

Wu Ming finished speaking with a smile, and then felt a pain in his waist, and saw that pair of little hands had already pinched him up.

"Oops," Wu Ming exclaimed in pain.

"Hmph, I'm calling you unscrupulous, how about the third level of Qi Refining, I want to catch up with you." Li Xiran let go and said confidently.

It's just that this self-confidence comes from Wu Ming, a blue friend.

Afterwards, we finally parted ways, looking at the sun after noon, the temperature also dropped.

In the end, seeing Wu Ming's back disappear, Li Xiran walked home slowly, yes, she also wanted to go home first, but if she could be with Wu Ming, home is to be with Wu Ming new home. .

"Go home first!" Wu Ming murmured.

This time, I didn't look forward to it so much, I went to find something as soon as I was on vacation, because everything was relieved.

The resources for cultivation have been temporarily owned, and the company has also been started. It seems that the signs are good, and the pace of becoming the richest man in T City is already set.

The next time I go to rob the tomb, I will look for those scattered Juyuan tripods. Every time I add a tripod, the speed can also be increased several times.It's just that the formation foundation needed will be strengthened.

Get on the return journey, the train heading home. .

Seeing the familiar house where he lived in for more than ten years, at the end, Wu Ming also grinned when he saw the scene where his father drove and followed Wu Ma back.

"Hey, Lao Dou, you forgot to pick me up. Sure enough, my parents are true love, and I was just an accident." Wu Ming looked at the loving couple and joked.

It seems that it would be better if he didn't come back.

It won't delay the two people showing their affection. Of course, when they come back to be light bulbs, they will glow and glow.

"Stinky boy, you dare to laugh at your father, look at it." Father Wu smiled, as if to hit him.

But, Mama Wu stopped her, "Dare to hit our Xiao Ming, do you want to sleep on the sofa tonight!"

"Xiao Ming, are you on vacation? Come back, okay. The last time I went to some classmate's house, I almost worried my parents." Afterwards, Mama Wu still cared more about Wu Ming.

"It's okay, your son is so old, he won't be kidnapped anymore." Wu Ming said with a smile.

Home, that's it, warm. .

(End of this chapter)

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