Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1087 Rainstorm

Chapter 1087 Rainstorm
"Name, okay, that's about it..." Marquis Wu finally thought for a while, and nodded. Doesn't this have a title, and he can learn something useful, which will benefit Zhuge Xiu for the rest of his life, or, It can also affect future generations.Perfecting or even upgrading that set of internal energy cultivation methods, so that the cultivation of the descendants of the Zhuge family can be like a fish in water.

Wu Ming also nodded, knowing that it was still a bit difficult to get this Marquis Wu to nod.However, after agreeing, it is not necessary to practice it immediately, because Wu Ming also needs to visit the thatched cottage three times, that is, to test Zhuge Xiu several times. Of course, he still hopes to pass on what Marquis Wu has learned to Zhuge Xiu as soon as possible. There is no need to owe so much.

There is still a week left for the next time, and then you can take a good rest.

It's just that Gu Duo was already busy, and he joined seven veteran employees at once. The rights and positions still need to be properly arranged. Moreover, they also need to be arranged according to the abilities of the third brother and others. After the captain, the third brother needs to defeat The two veteran employees, Zhao Guozhi and Wu Tang, can only serve as commanders. They are to guide the training of new security personnel and strengthen their physique. This is an indispensable part of the strength needed to maintain a large place.

As for those who maliciously slandered Wu Ming, it should be said that they maliciously slandered Gu Duoyuan's enterprise, they would all be eliminated by Gu Duoyuan secretly sending people to use legal means. After entering the business, Gu Duoyuan is also extremely serious, It's just that if you can't ride on the head of Wu Ming, the Supreme Emperor, it's like lighting a lantern in the toilet and looking for shit.

"Where are we going today?" Wu Ming asked with his arms around Li Xiran. Li Xiran has been to most places in T City.

"Ahem, then let's continue to gamble on stones and visit those antique stalls. There should be a lot of good stuff." Li Xiran coughed dryly, and then smirked. He was bleeding profusely, but Wu Ming nodded, agreeing, if possible, he wanted Gu Duoyuan to buy the antique street, any means would be fine, but that would lose the fun.

"Well, take it away," Wu Ming nodded, and then, with his arms around Li Xiran's willow waist, he went out. Before going out, Wu Ming still shouted at the resentful Zhuge Xiu inside, " Xiu'er, housekeeper!!"

"I'm not a dog, look at my family, damn it, show affection, die quickly..." Zhuge Xiu looked at Wu Ming and Wu Ming's closeness, and it was very uncomfortable to see you and me every day, and, even if everyone else went The company has gone to work, except for her, and, because she has been diligently doing housework recently, Wu Ming just used her as an excuse to like to do housework, so she has been using her as a servant,
"Hey..." Finally, Zhuge Xiu sighed helplessly, and then squatted in the corner of the door, tears streaming down his eyes. This kind of grievance, every day, he has suffered so much, if it wasn't for him The old ancestor had an explanation, and she wanted to just walk away.


On Wu Ming's side, he has brought Li Xiran to the antique street.

"Ahem, my aunt is here, everyone close the booth..."

I don't know who, after seeing Li Xiran, he yelled, and then, a cloud of dust rose up,
Many stone gambling and antique stalls were directly closed, and they were all the ones who were cheated last time. This time, they turned down the business decisively.

"Why don't you go?" When Li Xiran came to an old man's stall, he was also curious, why didn't he run even if he was older than him?this one.

"Do not do business? But the temperament of this beautiful girl, and the temperament of this little brother, are not ordinary people. I start the price on the ground, multiply it by three times the usual price, and sell it. Even if I lose money, I still have it." Earn some money." The old man smiled, and after boasting first, he clarified the price clearly, looking at Wu Ming and Li Xiran with treacherous eyes, and some theatergoers started to join in.

"That's right, why don't you make money if you have money?" Then, someone started to exhale again,
In the end, Li Xiran was listed on the rich list, and the price started to triple, five times... This is the treatment of nobles, because what Li Xiran likes is worth 10,000+, hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions There are all kinds of treasures, such as top-quality jadeite and ancient porcelain, all of which are expensive, with several W's. Therefore, the price has become raised for Li Xiran, but after a round , Li Xiran also became dull, and only earned a few million. After one day, it was only for one day. The cost price of the three quilts on the first day was doubled after a few days.

"These people, how dare you raise the price!" Finding a restaurant, Wu Ming eats soft food, spends Li Xiran to pay the bill, and made a lot of money today, but he is not very happy, he could have made hundreds of dollars more Ten thousand.

"Well, let me vent your anger some other day." Wu Ming nodded, and with a word of comfort, he began to taste delicious food.

"Then how do you want to vent your anger?" Li Xiran asked curiously after listening to Wu Ming's words.

"Buy a street and let you play and pick whatever you want..." Wu Ming said calmly.

"What's the point? Others also need to make money to support their families. If they want to cut off their wealth, such as killing their parents, forget it." Li Xiran also disagreed in the end, shaking his head.

"Then sell this street, and you go to collect the rent, and the rent will be tripled!! Haha." Wu Ming then said.

"..." Li Xiran was completely speechless, but, as a chartered woman, hey, forget it.


The next day, oh well, Li Xiran's cost price doubled, quadrupled.

In this way, day by day, Li Xiran's price was finally set at five times the price. This street has changed its appearance, and everyone is looking forward to Li Xiran's arrival, because this is the boy who gave away money, ah No, it should be said that it was a virgin girl who gave money. No, they all came here by sending money.

However, a week later, Gu Duoyuan also replied to the message, saying that he had found the specific location, but, it was just that it had started to rain continuously. This is just a temporary appearance. Nanyang, the heavy rain will continue. This time The birth of the evil dragon will definitely attract the attention of many people. '

On the seventh day, Wu Ming started to prepare, and with Li Xiran, he headed south directly. Nanyang is also a place full of colors. "Marquis Wu, are you looking forward to it?"

"Haha, I really look forward to it. After solving this last unfinished business, I can go away with ease." In Wu Ming's mind, the voice of Marquis Wu came, and more, he yearned for a kind of relief.

I'm really envious, Xiaoyao, why don't I want to be happy?Wu Ming also sighed in his heart, but, things are like this, and it is unstoppable. If it is possible, he would rather choose to be an ordinary person.

Finally, I saw the black clouds, continuous torrential rain, and the river flooded, as if some huge monster was about to jump out of the water.

(End of this chapter)

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