Chapter 1101


"What's the matter? I've been sitting for half a month, I'm so stupid, I don't know me anymore." Li Xiran looked at Wu Ming who was stunned, with his hands on his hips, and kept guarding this guy, and joked.

Wu Ming stared at Li Xiran, stunned for a while, fortunately, he has lived for tens of thousands of years, this thing is still acceptable, just watched a long, long movie, just like a dream, fell asleep for a while. It was a very long and fantastic dream, and after waking up, I was still reluctant to part with it, but the dream was only real.

"No, I just entered the twelfth level of Qi Refining all of a sudden, and I see through the world of mortals, what do you think should I do?" After shaking his head, Wu Ming replied indifferently.However, the tone was very flat and casual.

"Don't you dare, I'm a good young girl, I'm going crazy with you..." Li Xiran was furious, and she just sat for half a month to practice, and she dared to say that she could see through the world of mortals, how could she agree, even if she had ascended, she would not allow it , Just stepping into practice, Li Xiran suddenly looked forward to it, if only he could be an ordinary person all the time, but, monks also have the benefits of monks, such as a body that is invulnerable to all diseases and a super memory, which can crush all kinds of people. Lots of genius.

"Hehe, I'm kidding, the world of mortals is so beautiful, I want to continue to fall in love..." Wu Ming chuckled, and then said, but, in his heart, he secretly made up his mind, "During this time, I'd better digest those memories, otherwise, The impact is very deep, and I feel that I can really beat the air every second, you know, the way of heaven and the way of heaven, those two are the strongest opponents that Wu Ming will fight back in the future, and now it is just to accumulate strength."

After making up his mind, that night, Wu Ming began to fuse the memories, and the restored ancient memories were all rare experiences. Those gods would go crazy for them, such as the ancient innate supernatural powers of the Underworld God, Killing in one world!Using this supernatural power, all living beings lower than his own cultivation level will be turned into ghosts, under his control, the peak god of the underworld can shake hundreds of millions of other worlds with this, and become the supreme god of the underworld.

Of course, to rule over life is to be able to rule over death, and Wu Ming's Mingsu move can resurrect hundreds of millions, but it needs to consume a lot of his own ghost energy.

Looking at the spirit formation with four tripods standing side by side, the speed of gathering spiritual energy is also getting faster and faster. At this level, there is no need to worry about the spiritual energy that Wu Ming needs in the foundation building period.

If you enter Bigu, or condense the golden elixir, there are more methods that can be used, but, as for the supreme supernatural power of the underworld god, only by recovering the strength of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can you use it. You know, this kind of supernatural power can be used. It needs a strength comparable to that of the Great Dao.

one week later……

Sitting cross-legged in the room, Wu Mingba's memory merged with the past, his aura was restrained, and he became more and more like one of the innately powerful gods and demons, the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons, he is the master of the underworld, but now the underworld seems to have become less Then it looked like before, it was the most central boundary, and it was really far away from the earth.

With the strength of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, maybe he can try to go there. If Da Luo Jinxian has the strength, maybe he can only die on the way. When crossing the Galaxy of Life and Death, a group of people will die and return to the central realm.Everything in front of you can't be taken back, only those with the same strength as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can.

"Next, I'll start refining the foundation building pill. After building the foundation, I'm getting closer to the golden elixir realm. Once I build the foundation, I will focus on future development." Wu Ming opened his eyes and looked at the empty room. It is a floor that belongs exclusively to him and Li Xiran, and the rooms in it can also be used for retreat and practice at will.

Squeak!Pushing open the door, Wu Ming then went downstairs.

Li Xiran, Gu Duoyuan, the little girl Liu Xiaoxue, and the nominal disciple Zhuge Xiu all stood in a row and waited.

As for the third brother and those people, they are not considered the core. These few are the strongest fighters left on the earth after Wu Ming left. They can be regarded as capable people who can revitalize a clan and a country. It's just that he intends to give back to this blue place that raised him.

"Xiran, you don't need me to tell you. If you succeed in cultivation, I will take you to the fairyland. As for Duoyuan, you still need to work hard to become the richest man in T city. The goal is to be the richest man in T province and build a business empire that belongs to us. However, relying solely on food, clothing, housing and transportation is still not enough. Relying on the technology industry and stepping into the technology era is our future industry development. As for how to implement it, it’s up to you.”

"Three days later, I will start to refine the elixir, and you will perform your duties. Next, I will teach you a unique technique. After refining it, you can kill immortals with it,"

After that, he walked past the four of them and tapped lightly on their foreheads one by one. .

"Qian Ming Kill! A killer move, if it is refined to a great success, it can kill thousands of people with one move..." Li Xiran felt the huge information in his mind, and murmured, but after the mastery, thousands of murderous intentions can be gathered together ,, is the strongest blow, and this is Li Xiran's strongest skill at the moment. These are enough for her to stabilize well, without worrying about her stagnant cultivation. She has acquired three combat skills, It is enough to save lives. In the case where the Jindan strongman does not come out, the strongman in the Bigu realm still does not have such high-level combat skills, unless it is the environment of the Conferred God period, it is not enough, it seems that they are all competing for Lingbao. To teach Jiejiao, the cultivation level of Jiejiao is relatively high, mainly due to the fact that Master Tongtian teaches without discrimination.

Afterwards, he taught Gu Duoyuan a kind of palm technique, and Liu Xiaoxue's body technique. Liu Xiaoxue is No. 1 in the competition of movement skills. Judging from the current situation, even Bai Ying's unique skill can no longer be caught up. It was Liu Xiaoxue, and the two of them seemed to have some contact with each other. As for Zhuge Xiu, Wu Ming taught Zhuge Xiu directly the complete method of cultivation and health preservation written by Marquis Wu. After imparting a piece of divination, after a great practice, one can know cause and effect, avoid disasters and welcome blessings.

After doing all this well, Wu Ming said to several people: "There is a specialization in art, and what I teach you is extremely beneficial to your future growth. Don't be lazy."

"Yes~" Afterwards, the four of Li Xiran replied in unison.

Wu Ming nodded, indicating to the rest of the people to do what they should do, and went straight up to the third floor, and then, to the top of the building, Li Xiran followed along the way without so many scruples. .

"It's really the best place for alchemy," Wu Ming sighed, feeling the speed of the four tripods condensing.

"Yes, but, Wu, doesn't each Juyuan Ding come with a method of cultivation?" Li Xiran nodded, and asked irrefutably, where did Gu Duoyuan know all of these.

"It is good to have a method, but after practicing, you will become the spirit of the vessel, and your activities will be restricted. After hundreds of years, you will not be able to absorb the spiritual energy, and it will dissipate." Wu Ming then explained, walking to a statue Next to the ordinary medicine cauldron, "Xi Ran, please continue to protect me this time, I'm going to refine the foundation building pill!"

(End of this chapter)

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