Chapter 1104
"It should be the success of foundation establishment..."

On the second floor, Gu Duoyuan, who felt such a wave of fluctuations, muttered, yes, I saw too many things in Wu Ming that surpassed the era of ancient martial arts monks. Wu Ming seems to be a monk in the period before the Spring and Autumn Period, right? It's just that Gu Duoyuan still didn't ask what shouldn't be asked, and Wu Ming didn't tell him, so there's no need to do anything unnecessary to offend the master. .

As for Li Xiran, she also felt the aura that was running at such a high speed, and suddenly disappeared. With a clear head, she naturally knew something.

"There are still a few days left for school to start, and I have finally succeeded in building the foundation. Next, I can let him spend more time with me." Li Xiran murmured, with a bit of resentment in her tone, because this young man should not be full of vitality Well, alas, she is exuberant now, but someone doesn't seem to think that much about it.

Li Xiran seems to have used all the methods. Next, Wu Ming needs to sharpen his willpower.

In this regard, Li Xiran believed that Wu Ming would not be like other girls casually, because apart from the basic intimacy, Wu Ming kept a very good distance without any overstepping.

Reining in his breath, Wu Ming felt his own strength. At the beginning of the foundation-building period, it was complete. It only took a little time to successfully enter the realm of the middle-term of the foundation-building period.

With such strength, you can do a lot of things, for example, create some simpler weapons, but there is no good flame...



Suddenly, Wu Ming gasped in surprise, and sat down cross-legged again. If he didn't pay attention, he didn't know that there was a black flame that flickered on and off inside the cyclone, and the black flame was mixed with this purple.

Isn't this the Danhuo that can only be condensed in the Jindan stage?
"No, this is not Danhuo, it seems to be the Nether Deep Huo that has been growing up with me. I didn't expect it to become so small." Wu Ming looked at the purple-black flame and became excited. No, alchemy The flame of the refining tool has finally fallen, a trace of flame, although weak, but this flame is enough to burn the entire earth, this is the horror of the ghost flame.

Sitting down cross-legged, Wu Ming began to activate the spiritual liquid in the mud pill, carefully nourishing this small flickering flame.

As long as it is cultivated well, in the future, it will be the strongest weapon to eliminate the enemy. Against the dragon, Wu Ming feels that he only needs to flick his fingers and directly sacrifice the purple-black Nether Sky Fire, and the dragon can be burned completely, including his soul. , Annihilate the Three Realms together.

"Well, it's stabilized. It's really a good thing. With the flame, the former guy's storage ring can be forged." Wu Ming smiled. People are in good spirits when they celebrate happy events. Now, this is the state Already.

Then, push the door out.

Xuan Ming flashed! !

"Don't look for it, I'm coming out." Came behind the figure of a girl, this girl is full of the mature charm of many women, if her concentration is a little weak, she might throw herself on it.

This girl is exactly Li Xiran. In addition to her cultivation, she has already practiced a lot of Taijiquan, so her figure can barely reach the top level. As for her appearance, she looks like a fairy.

"I thought you were going to keep hiding!" Li Xiran was not frightened, and immediately turned around, gave Wu Ming a bear hug, and then hung on Wu Ming, a big tree like a koala .

Holding the person he likes in his arms, Wu Ming then walked to their bedroom.

The foundation has been established successfully, but there is still a little energy that has not been completely dissipated. Perhaps, it can be transferred.This is another way to deal with more energy. This kind of method is beyond the limit. In the end, it is a pity to throw it to others.

Sensing Wu Ming's difference, Li Xiran suddenly became expectant and reserved...



Finally, with a burst of energy instillation, Li Xiran's sequelae seemed to be relieved. This was also unexpected by Wu Ming. I didn't expect that the energy transfer of Jiji Dan could relieve the sequelae of half a year.

These foundation building pill energies are what Li Xiran needs when he has already entered the eleventh level of Qi training. Naturally, the spiritual energy at the peak of the seventh level of Qi refining is still not enough. The past six months have been Li Xiran's continuous accumulation and compression of spiritual energy. It's time.

This time, Li Xiran really transformed, no longer a girl, and the mature charm of a mature woman began to burst out.

A little lazy, throwing himself around the person he likes.

Originally, I wanted to continue working hard, but I didn't expect Wu Ming to come to my door automatically.

"Wu, school will start in a few days, and you have to stay with me during these times." After completing the transformation, Li Xiran gently stroked Wu Ming's chest, and asked with some expectation.

"Well, of course, this is Wu Ming's exclusive time. Next, you can't relax. I will personally teach you to practice combat skills. By then, you should be the second best player on earth!"

Wu Ming smiled slightly, and then replied casually.

"The number one master, is that you?"

"That's necessary, haha..."

"Tch, I don't believe it, I'm number one, you're number two, look at me riding on your head..."


In the end, it was a little embarrassing, but this aroused the two people's interest in double cultivation again. .

In the next practice, every time, Li Xiran was absent-minded, and finally pulled Wu Ming into the water.

Maybe, it has been squeezed for a long time. It started in junior high school. Now, it has been several years. No, it is like a spring, the tighter the pressure, the stronger the rebound. .

It's very suitable for lovers to practice together and discuss life together. You don't have to be like those workers on the first and second floors. Even if you don't have to go out to work, there will be a lot of Mani flowing into the account. Interested.

He is not interested at all, he has always been not interested in money, but the previous collections of other consciousness worlds seem to be in vain.

This may be what everyone hopes for, without birth, old age, sickness and death, endless money...

"Wrong, continue..."

"Wu, I'm tired, why not go back and rest?"

"Don't change the subject, I won't touch you if you don't practice well, ahem, pay attention, the movements are not that big..."


Practicing again, Wu Ming was extremely embarrassed and had to blame Gu Duoyuan.

"Yawn!" Gu Duoyuan, who was working hard in the office, suddenly yawned, which was also extremely strange. He is a master of the foundation building period, how could he yawn.

He didn't know that he had already been recorded by Wu Ming. Without that psychedelic technique, Li Xiran would not have the experience of being like a wolf at thirty and forty like a tiger.

This is not, everything is due to Gu Duoyuan's advance in letting Li Xiran experience the mature feeling of being a mother.

In the end, in desperation, Wu Ming completely ignored it.

Day by day……

Soon, the time came and school started again.

(End of this chapter)

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