Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1109 Zombie?Zombie?

Chapter 1109 Zombie?Zombie?
"My..., male school committee!!"

In Mu Qingjun's words, there was a strong and obvious possessiveness, and this kind of innocent girls were indeed stubborn masters.

"Really, yes, my female school committee." Wu Ming shook his head and responded helplessly.

Afterwards, the two stood up together, as if they had made an appointment.

As for the male and female students who just stood up on the other side, Wu Ming gave him a word, "We go first!"

When the two came to the stage together, Mu Qingjun looked at Wu Ming with some trepidation. Wu Ming looked ahead and could notice Mu Qingjun's gaze.

"These two guys, really... got together?" Pang Lingling looked at Wu Ming and Mu Qingjun on stage together, feeling a little puzzled.

"Oh~" The appearance of a handsome man and a beautiful woman immediately caused a commotion.

"Quiet!" Although Wang Wei, the homeroom teacher, doesn't like the appearance of students like this, he has to say that he is also envious of such an appearance, because at the beginning, he gave up a good relationship for the sake of his studies, and he still regrets it. .

Looking at the two people on the spot, I personally agree, but as the head teacher, I need to stop the puppy love from happening, otherwise, the consequences will be serious.


Looking at the quiet class, Wu Ming spoke first, "I'm sorry, I took the first place in the grade with one step of caution!!"

Classmates: Listen, this is a human language.

"However, here, I want to be a role model for everyone. I hope everyone can vote for me as much as possible, and don't vote for me because of my beauty. Remember, my name is Wu Ming, Wu from Soochow, and I have a bright future. Bright Ming..."

Wu Ming teased casually for a while, and in the end, his domineering sideways leaked, saying: "In the next few days, first and second, the two school committees of Wu Ming want it. If you can grab it, it means that you have made progress." !!"

"Yes, I am also confident. In the days to come, I will earnestly become a role model for everyone to learn from and make progress together. Number one, No.2, our two school committees have resisted." Mu Qingjun also followed Wu Ma's words, The voice is moving, but with a gritty temperament.

The two were very nervous, and they seemed to be unwilling to accept the fight, but who told them that they were really a No.1 and a No.2.

With such domineering words, other students dare not use them. They are all saying that they are moving towards the first and second, so they are not sure.

The first impression was that of Wu Ming and Mu Qingjun, and the two came on stage together. Although the tone was not friendly, it was domineering. Seeing the domineering and stern male and the charming female, a lot of votes were cast for Wu Ming and Mu Qingjun are gone.

As for the other contestants, they are all introduced individually.


"Squad monitor, Pang Lingling, deputy monitor, **[-], Qin Yingying. Academic committee, Wu Ming, Mu Qingjun..."

"The Men and Women's School Committee must set a good example. As for the puppy love thing, it can't happen. Even if it happens, hide it for me. Also, don't affect the performance of the two of them!"

I started to read out the list of class leaders, but when it was the turn of the male and female school committee, the head teacher Wang Wei also gave the two people a vaccination.

Wu Ming wanted to say directly, "Don't worry about this, I won't, because I have been in puppy love all the time, and it was the senior sister next door who was affecting her grades."

It's just that the senior next door is not ordinary, but a cultivator, right now, is already a master at the peak of the seventh level of Qi refining, one year, oh no, after half a year, there will be someone who can stabilize the eleventh level of Qi refining strong.

"Yes, class teacher!" Afterwards, Wu Ming nodded in agreement.

"Yes," Mu Qingjun reassured her, but she still felt happier, which meant that the class teacher and some classmates still thought she was a good match for Wu Ming.

It is enough to have these. There are many regrets in life, so it is impossible to have no regrets at all.

Finally, after the election was completed, Wang Wei, the class teacher, began to arrange tasks. This time, the position of the school committee was very easy, and there was no need to report to the blackboard every week.Leave the blackboard to the freshmen.

Soon, it was noon and school was over. .

"My female school committee, then No.1 in the next grade will be carried by you." Wu Ming smiled slightly at Mu Qingjun beside him, and said.

"My No.2 is fine. Number one, of course, is reserved for my handsome male school committee." Mu Qingjun also teased him, and he liked to call Wu Ming like this. This is the best match for them. , Male and Female Education Committee.

"That's not determined by you. This grade is determined by the school. I will definitely keep the second place. The first place is naturally yours." Wu Ming shook his head, and then he was confident. Smiled and started talking.

In fact, taking No.1 is a matter of sprinkling water. No, it’s not good to save it until after the college entrance examination to get full marks?
Well, this is a very good thing, even the class teacher is very happy, suddenly, there is a number one scholar, this matter will definitely be woken up by laughing.

It's just that there are not as many choices of liberal arts as there are sciences, but they are all literature, and the head teacher is also a history teacher, so there are still many places for communication.

After eating, I started to go back to rest, took out two bottles of spiritual liquid, and drank it all at once, the Xuanming sword would automatically operate, although Wu Ming deliberately slowed down, but the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is still very fast, if it is fully opened , and even absorbed faster.

It's just that, if that's the case, soon, it may be suppressed by this planet.

In the afternoon, it was time to read a book with Tang Linling. While reading, there was a TV in the library to watch the news.

Sitting opposite the beauty, the voice of the TV also came, "Recently, there have been several horrific deaths. Now, there are two blood teeth marks on the necks of the deceased, and all the blood has been sucked dry..." On the contrary There are many rumors that this is what the vampires from the west did. You must know that the west has invaded China, and there are quite a few things left behind.

Wu Ming was also attracted by this news and looked at the huge tooth marks, which were simply not the tooth marks that ordinary people should have.

The main reason is that the tooth marks are either what vampires want, or if they are zombies, or rumored zombies are still possible.

"Could it be that this is a zombie? It's still a zombie, or a Western vampire. This possibility is unlikely." Wu Ming looked at the TV and speculated that it was the first time he had seen a zombie.

Because, such a creature can only be seen on TV.

"In the near future, the country has called for schools to be tightly closed, and students are strictly prohibited from going out..."

In this way, the movement was restricted. This sudden incident made Wu Ming seem to know something. However, these incidents may all be man-made, man-made disasters.

Because, only in this way can the explanation be clear, zombie, or zombie?This is still to be determined. After all, zombie movies are very popular recently. In China, we only have zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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