Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1111 The Ghost Zombie Resurrected

Chapter 1111 The Ghost Zombie Resurrected

The gate of ghosts is opened, and all souls can become ghosts and gods...

This is simply nonsense, at most it is a lonely ghost, wanting to become a god?In the end, a little black flame burst out, and finally burned the middle-aged man to death.

"Wu Ming, you..." Tang Linling looked at the ground where there was only a pile of ashes in the blink of an eye, looked at Wu Ming, she was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

"What are you afraid of? It's not the first time he has killed someone. Moreover, such a person is a criminal. Even if he dies, no police will track him down. His body is full of homicides. Even if they are found, he is the one who was shot." Wu Ming smiled. He said casually, and at the end, he said to Tang Linling, "The one who wants to kill you is your good second uncle."

After finishing speaking, Wu Ming began to walk independently. Tang Linling behind him looked at Wu Ming's indifferent figure for a while, and then trotted up. The broken zombies were directly burned to become the nourishment of the earth.

"It's so amazing. Could it be that there are really zombies? Then the door to hell that the person said just now is wide open!" Tang Linling thought, and then bumped into the back of Wu Ming who was waiting for her.

"What's wrong, I'm still thinking so much." Wu Ming asked with a smile.

"No, no, let's go, let's go to practice. This time, you have to let the water go. I'm not in a good mood." Tang Linling shook her head, and then she pretended to be strong and smiled. However, she was shocked, It's just Wu Ming's magical method of raising ashes.

In the afternoon, I practiced with Tang Linling, which was considered a warm-up. Then, I participated in the competition. I haven't seen you for two months. Many people really want to challenge Wu Ming, so time is running out. Among them, the first one to challenge Wu Ming, It was Shi, Shi's face was expressionless, like a walking dead. .

"These people are so insane, they just gave me money." Wu Ming looked at Shi and murmured,
This former opponent has been controlled by people and completely reduced to a zombie. This news, as well as the visible zombies now, all prove that behind the silence, a violent storm is brewing. .

"Hey, Linling, help me bet me [-] million!" It was also a spectator, but this time, Wu Ming asked Tang Linling to help him bet, and Shi's return was fierce. Some people behind the scenes wanted to borrow This salvages a sum of money.

"But I don't have that much money!!" Tang Linling was in trouble, muttering in a low voice, wondering if Wu Ming could hear her, but Wu Ming's voice echoed in her mind,
"Open your hand." Wu Ming then responded.

Tang Linling felt even more miraculous. She looked at Wu Ming, but she didn't see Wu Ming talking, and then she started thinking wildly, "Could it be that telepathy?"

Then, the outstretched hand was a supreme supreme card of a certain bank.

"It's really rich. Could it be that Wu Ming is also the successor of a certain big family? It's just that I haven't heard of a big family with the surname Wu. Let someone check it out when I go back." Looking at the bank card in her hand, Tang Linling also began to guess. Come to think of it, this bank card is a status symbol, at least one worth hundreds of millions.

"But, such a rich guy, why would he become Deng Yaping's coach for thousands of dollars? Could it be that he has other plans? Or is it Wu Ming's favorite guy?"

"Which guy has something good, doesn't he just like to show off a little, and dress so attractively to men..." In the end, because of a bank card, Tang Linling's jealousy was aroused, but Wu Ming was already a celebrity I have an owner. As for the part-time job, the main reason is that I have never been out of the society before, and I want to experience the fun of making money. Seeing Wu Ming, whose monthly salary is several thousand, suddenly feels that he has a sense of accomplishment, so much money, but That life is not worth it, the main reason is that this is the way rich people spend money, and there are bonuses, tsk tsk, the sense of accomplishment is really high, and it doesn't waste time.

After that, it was time to come to the betting place, and [-] million was swiped out directly. .

"It's really rich. This family is richer than those of our big families." Tang Linling murmured as she looked at the one who had been brushed away. Then, the card was stuck in her hand, and then she asked the staff, "Help Let me see, how much money is left in my card?"

"Okay, wait a minute!" The staff replied, and then began to inquire.

"Please enter the password!"

"Drip drip..."

The staff handed the device to Tang Linling, and Tang Linling entered the password again. Then, she saw a series of numbers and began to count, "one, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand,..., billion!"

"A lot of money!" At this moment, Tang Linling couldn't help it anymore. The staff looked a little funny, but her professionalism didn't allow her to laugh unless she couldn't help it. .

Finally, under the kind smiles of the staff, Tang Linling returned to the competition field.

Looking at the competition that had already started, she was not interested at that time. She didn't know Wu Ming's strength, but she believed that Wu Ming was very strong and invincible.

After the game, Tang Linling didn't go back in the luxury car, but followed Wu Ming and started walking on the path back to school.

At this time, the night was filled with darkness, and the bright moon and thousands of stars seemed to be hiding cats and cats. .

As he walked, he saw Tang Linling start spinning around in place, and Wu Ming pulled him casually. Tang Linling, who had been walking with Wu Ming, struggled for a while, but feeling Wu Ming's familiar aura, Tang Linling calmed down instantly, and then , snuggled into Wu Ming's arms.

"Huh? It turned out to be a lonely soul, daring to come out to cause trouble. Obviously, the gate of hell should have been closed." Then, Wu Ming glanced away, one, two, three,..., more than a dozen...

"Has this earth become a world of ghosts?" Wu Ming murmured, and then looked not far away, only to see a few zombies absorbing moonlight for cultivation, he was speechless, zombies and ghosts began to recover.

"What's wrong? What the hell?" Tang Lin was puzzled, and then she wanted to follow Wu Ming's gaze, but Wu Ming pushed her back into her arms, "Don't look, they are all ghosts, unless you want to sleep well tonight . . ”

"Wu Ming, are you scaring me?" Tang Linling asked in a weak voice, but she was reluctant to leave after getting so close to Wu Ming.

"Why don't you open your eyes and take a look?" Wu Ming teased, and then gently pushed the little head of Tang Linling, who is like a little bird, and saw that this person took the opportunity to wipe his own oil, but Wu Ming didn't care There are so many, Tang Linling's hair is very fragrant, and her skin is very smooth...

As he walked, Wu Ming's jade ring also vibrated slightly, and the inside seemed to be unable to hold back and wanted to come out.

"Today isn't Ghost Festival. Why is the gate of ghosts open? Where is the gate of ghosts? If you have time, ask Gu Duoyuan, and let this old boy check it out!" Wu Ming was puzzled as he watched all the ghosts roaming around indiscriminately, because, There are all kinds of dead faces, so don't be too scary.

In the end, the two snuggled back together like this. Tang Linling also had a bunk in the dormitory, and she didn't usually live there very much. Now, even with an old driver, it was scary.

(End of this chapter)

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