Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1119 The Home Was Stolen

Chapter 1119 The Home Was Stolen

"Say!" Picking up the phone, Wu Ming said a word indifferently.

"Ahem, sir, master, it's not good. A mysterious man in black broke into our place and said that he wanted to occupy our place. Moreover, in his hand, there are four Juyuanding tripods. Ahem..." The person on the phone On one side, I saw Gu Duoyuan coughing violently. Although he got Wu Ming's method of resurrection, it is not the best time to resurrect his beloved. Moreover, some materials needed are difficult to find, Wu Ming said Can help him refine a Huanyang Pill, the material is still the same.

On Wu Ming's side, frowning, listening to the voice, he knew that Gu Duoyuan's life was about to come to an end, and finally contacted himself at the risk of his life.

"Who is it?" Seeing Wu Ming's brows furrowed tightly, Tang Linling asked with concern, her delicate hand was also grabbing Wu Ming's other arm.

Wu Ming smiled back, saying it was fine, but his heart was already on fire. That guy had already set his sights on his base camp. This meant that his home had been stolen.
"Linling, you go back to school first, I have some things to deal with, remember, if I don't come back, please help me take a leave of absence, you can do it, this matter is more urgent." Wu Ming followed by Shen He took a breath and said.

"Well, don't worry," Tang Linling nodded, and then she didn't go to practice table tennis with Wu Ming, nor did she go all the way down to see the scenery, but she still cared more about Wu Ming. Like Li Xiran, she liked Wu Ming , but will not interfere too much with Wu Ming's affairs.

In the end, Wu Ming left alone. Looking at Wu Ming's lonely figure, Tang Linling felt that she should have more power so that she could help the people she likes in the future. However, Wu Ming was not short of money, and he brought a powerful The glamorous female ghost doesn't know how strong she is, do you still need her help?
"Sometimes, what should be wanted, often the stronger a man is, the lonelier he is in his heart, because there is no one who can walk into his heart..." Finally, Tang Linling shook her head, stroked her hair, and said with a smile , she is more relieved, she is confident in the temperament, appearance, and figure she has cultivated.

This should be why Wu Ming is easier to accept. Compared with Mu Qingjun, who is reserved but extremely stubborn in his heart, it is much better.

Walking far away, out of Tang Linling's sight, Wu Ming used his body skills, Xuan Ming flashed, and immediately accelerated, leaving only a black shadow in the passing place, and then disappeared.


"Dididi!!" Then, the phone rang.

Wu Ming took out his mobile phone, it was still Gu Duoyuan's.

"Young master, don't..."

"Your young master is very strong. In this world, except for the god who left, there is no one who can compare to your young master. Why worry about it!"

On the other end of the phone, Gu Duoyuan's powerless voice came, but there was also a more ethereal male voice. Hearing this voice, it was full of vicissitudes, but it was like an ambitious young man.

"Yeah, friend, I guess, you should be on your way now, just in time, I've been planning for so long, and now it's time to harvest, when you come, I should become the strongest in this time, and finally , break through the shackles of heaven and earth, and finally, restore the vitality of this world, and start the melting pot again."

"Hahaha, you should take a look. Maybe, if you survived, you are equivalent to a great god like Pangu. The last world will be re-opened by you."

"However, you can't compare with Pan Gu in the big world. At that time, Pan Gu was regarded as the most powerful person in the billions of worlds, and he was also regarded as the realm of the void above... However, the realm that transcends the ages and controls the three thousand roads has not been surpassed so far. And reaching, from the beginning till now, there is only one person, Pan Gu, according to the legend, Pan Gu is only a half-step in the realm of emptiness."

"I told you so many secrets of Wu Ming's ancient times. It's your origin. It's very mysterious. I hope you can really change everything. As for these people, let's take a breath, they are not dead!!"

The voice on the other side of the phone told a lot of things that Wu Ming didn't know, but Wu Ming didn't care about so many realms anymore. ! !

"Well, for the sake of what you've said, I'll leave you with a dead body then!" Wu Ming's voice was rather cold, because this is when anger erupts, with the help of his own formation, the world is a pawn, gossip Juyuan Ding as the basic medium is really outrageous. If a monk who progresses in a normal cycle can do such a harmful thing?
There are only such lunatics.

"I hope, I'm going to accept the final baptism, by the way, I'm sorry, I'm going to blow up your house, because God's punishment is the best, and this place will definitely turn into nothingness, hehe..." Finally, the phone It's over, Wu Ming doesn't want to know who the other party is, a dying person, don't need to remember.

I just hate that the speed is still a bit slow, and then, once the momentum is released, the foundation building period is complete.

As soon as the Xuanming Jue was opened, it was like a high-level spirit-gathering formation. It began to absorb spiritual energy, and finally, it continued to drink the spiritual liquid, and there were a few more foundation-building pills that were refined. In the Niwan Palace, the cyclone turned into a sea of ​​​​qi , the spiritual liquid began to form crystals, and during the bigu period, Wu Ming took the elixir and the spiritual liquid, and broke through in one fell swoop, achieving a top level in this world. Although it is still in the early stage, it is still higher than before, and the speed is also faster. Soon.

In T city, there are villas in a certain area, with a radius of thousands of miles, covered with dark clouds, and the sky seems to be falling down. In T city, it is lifeless, and the pedestrians on the street have all turned into ghosts and even zombies. There are no less than a hundred ghost kings, and hundreds of zombie kings. Such a lineup is enough to sweep everything.

Among them, there are four ghost emperors sitting in the town, and now, they have been controlled by the mysterious man.

These were all prepared by the mysterious man for Wu Ming. It can be seen that the man attached great importance to Wu Ming, and even mobilized the entire ghost world, excavating the zombie land of the entire Hua Kingdom. This lineup, even a god, would frown. , because apart from the king, tens of thousands of foundation-building ghosts and zombies...

Even the Ten Kings, who were hiding from the Netherworld, watched this scene tremblingly. It turned out that the Ghost Emperor had already been controlled.

In such a large city of ghosts and ghosts, the ten brothers' scalps are also numb. .

"Brother Yan Luo, Wu Ming should be about to disappear, right? Can that God reverse time and space?"

"This is the one who created our thousands of underworlds. Even the central underworld, in his eyes, is a younger brother. It's just his strength. Forget it, there is still hope. Let's see. God should be ready until T The city is here, and although the relationship between those ordinary people and an ancient man who escaped the hunt is similar to that of God, Juyuan Cauldron involves many secrets, and this is the key to God's leaving this world in the future!"


Wu Ming has come to T City.

(End of this chapter)

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