Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1123 Motivating Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1123 Motivating Heaven and Earth
This is still an acceptable fact, but, looking at the "immortal" shining with golden light, won't he be excluded from this world?Or, the way of heaven can't control him at all?

"So, then I have no choice but to follow what King Yama said, and use your power to protect this small world." This ordinary world is not ordinary, because of his appearance, I still discovered that there are really ancient monks. Cultivators, although their level is extremely, ahem, extremely low, but to ordinary people, they are like gods.

That's it, Wu Ming felt at ease. He didn't have any opponents, and he was still growing steadily. If there was no insertion of this guy, maybe he wouldn't have to be so embarrassed. He could just continue to go to school and continue to flirt with a few senior girls. , to seduce a few school girls, and finally, to be admitted to university, to do archaeology, to excavate various tombs, and to improve their cultivation.

"Huh?" Su Shen noticed that Wu Ming's aura was cut off, but in the end, a stronger aura appeared. That aura continuously absorbed the power of heaven and earth, and the speed was so fast that it broke through the Great Luojin Wonderland. He in the world is shocked by the speed of this absorption, as if looking at the ocean and sighing.

"Not dead? Is that what he said? He is my nemesis? Is he the strongest after death? How is this possible? This breath is no weaker than the breath leaked by Yuanshi Tianzun. Saint fruit status?" Su Shen felt more and more shocked, because of this, he was really afraid,

In the end, Gaitian Tower personally suppressed it, and even several powerful attacks hit the pit before Wu Ming.

A series of fierce attacks caused countless large shocks, and the nearby cities began to evacuate. Regardless of whether there were zombie ghosts or not, such continuous "earthquakes", if you don't evacuate quickly, you will die first. Can escape the catastrophe, live for a while.

Under such turmoil, the ghost zombies also avoided in fear. The ghost energy and even the spiritual energy of the world were completely absorbed, and their cultivation base also dropped extremely quickly. For this reason, they only had fear. If this continues, they will have to start again Turn back into a walking dead or even rotten flesh.

On Wu Ming's side, the soul appeared, but relying on the power of the soul, it was still impossible to recover all of this. Since a Daluo Jinxian could be created, why couldn't another half-step saint realm powerhouse be produced, just like Su? As the god said, before this small world there were six saints of heaven, and even a few saints of meritorious virtues, but they were also saints, whose strength was comparable to that of heaven, but they were still controlled by heaven.

He frantically absorbs all the aura that can be absorbed by the world. Under the Xuanming Jue that does not cultivate the immortal soul, the speed is the fastest. At this time, Wu Ming, who is in a spiritual body, does not worry about any sequelae at all, that is to say, his original capacity is so large. The big one is just that there is a lack of something to hold it. Every time a world is cultivated, it is to inject different qi into this container. Finally, after the fusion of all the qi and rhymes, it will be the strongest state. But, such a thing, Wu Whether he knows it or not, this is the highest state he has reached in his final practice.

After such crazy absorption, many disasters appeared on the earth, the polar regions began to melt, the seawater flowed back rapidly, and floods and droughts appeared in various regions, all caused by the disappearance of spiritual energy. As for this day, a sour smell began to fall rain, and bitter rain...


"Stop for me!!" After several days, God Su became more and more anxious. Seeing a colorful soul rising up, he became hysterical and started to attack Wu Ming continuously. However, those attacks were all Turned into Wu Ming's strength,.Help Wu Ming continue to reach the final realm, and now, Wu Ming has returned to the realm of the Golden Immortal. .

The speed of absorption is extremely fast, and even Su Shen is extremely frightened. Now, he continues to attack while Wu Ming has not stopped. However, if Wu Ming stops, it should be his death date, even if he is not dead. , There is no aura to make him recover. This world is guided by Wu Ming, and all aura seems to be absorbed by Wu Ming only.It's just that there is nothing about him.

Wu Ming's dark eyes opened, as if looking at ants through the ages, but.Still did not stop, but continued to absorb, the world has been attracted by him, even if it stops, it will not help, it is better to continue to improve, and finally restore this world. An ant.

Su Shen looked at Wu Ming's eyes, as if falling into an endless abyss, attracting a saint to take action, basically, he died coldly, at this time, he also regretted it, why, why did he find such a killing god, Just for the four Juyuan Ding?It was still to provoke the nemesis who hit him. In the end, he successfully saw the strength of the star, but the hope of surviving became slim.

escape! !Yes, at this time, he thought of escaping. He could tear apart time and space and start escaping to other worlds. .

Afterwards, turning into ten thousand rays of light, he tore open a black hole in the space and jumped in. In the end, he was bounced back. Looking back at Wu Ming, he saw Wu Ming smiling at him indifferently, just like looking at him. Just like a clown.

"I was wrong, Great God, bypass me!" In the end, God Su begged for mercy, planning to donate a series of auxiliary treasures such as the Five Elements Bead, Yin and Yang Two Qi, and Eight Diagrams Juyuan Ding. , just to live.

"It's too late, since you have caused a series of turmoil through the aura cultivation of the Yin and Yang realms, then I will directly intercept the source of the world to restore my strength. By the way, get rid of you, maybe, I can recover some aura, the earth, maybe it's true You can enter the era of recovery of all things, God Su, master of Wansu Sect, are you willing to sacrifice your life for all sentient beings?" Wu Ming said with a joking smile.

Although there is a Buddha who cuts meat to feed the eagle, but he can't die. Now Wu Ming wants Su Shen to be ashamed. Who can bear it, even if the Buddha comes, he is not willing.

"In that case, let's destroy it together. A Da Luo Jinxian blew himself up. I'm afraid that you will not be able to resist it." Su Shen finally gritted his teeth viciously, and he was already possessed, and there was still the golden light that broke through before. ?They were all forced by Wu Ming. It’s just that Wu Ming is more advanced than him. You absorb the underworld, release so many ghosts, and let me destroy them in the end. ,
"You try to explode one?" Wu Ming said with a smile, continuing to absorb the induced power of heaven and earth.

Su Shen moved, but it felt like being stuck in the neck. Everything was under Wu Ming's control. What can be done now is to wait for death, yes, wait for Wu Ming to reach a certain height , and then crushed him to death...

Re-condensing Dao Fruit, the next moment, Wu Ming recovered the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, but still improved...

(End of this chapter)

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