Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 1126 Smoothly Solved God Su

Chapter 1126 Smoothly Solved God Su

Caught in a dark battle...

The life on the ground, or even the living beings on the entire earth, only tens of thousands of people in that school are left, and the rest almost all died directly in this disaster. There are basically not many living things, only the black dragon occupies the sky , and the spirit of the underworld brought out by the ghost sparrow, causing the most tenacious creatures to simply click and finish. A Daluo Jinxian who is as strong as Sushen is also trembling in such an environment. He just stepped into the big world It's just Luo, who can't catch up to that level at all.


"Boom! Boom!!"

There were constant vibrations in the sky, and God Su was shocked when he looked at it, because he was the only one who witnessed the battle between three such powerful people, birds and dragons, and it was Wu Ming who fought against two people alone. The bird didn't lose the slightest bit of wind, and seemed to have the upper hand.

"It seems that I'm really someone who doesn't bother me. I don't know what I'm doing to provoke such a person..." After watching this battle, God Su also regretted it. If he was given a chance, he would definitely not Come to provoke Wu Ming, maybe, with Yin and Yang Qi, Five Elements Beads, and the remaining few statues of Eight Diagrams Juyuan Ding, just continue to hang on. Those who thought they were invincible are ridiculous.

When he pushed the only powerful Yin Realm on the ground to bully him, he completely drifted away, because the Heaven Realm has already moved away, and in the age of technology, they are not allowed to continue living in such a small world, otherwise, they would suddenly launch Come up with a satellite, that's okay,

"I hope I can help the immortal soul. When I reincarnate, I will also be a relatively outstanding ordinary person. Being an ordinary person seems to be very good, but it is a pity." Finally, God Su decided to contribute the auxiliary magic weapons on his body. , yin and yang qi, five elements beads, and eight trigrams tripod are all needed. In today's era of slack aura, Wu Ming may be able to use the Juyuan tripod to repair the earth. As for yin and yang qi, five elements beads can also stabilize such an environment .

Even if it was decided in this way, then, while protecting himself, he just smiled in relief. At this moment, he can do something.

"Ahem, boy, look at the trick!" Concentrating all the mana in his body, Su Shen flew into the air and rushed straight to Wu Ming.

The two sacred birds, the dragon and the sparrow, were also taken aback: Isn't this one of the same race?Why do your own people mess with your own people?

However, Wu Ming drew his sword indifferently, and when he saw God Su's smile, he felt relieved. Originally, solving God Su was a matter of convenience. Originally, it was also a matter that he thought would be resolved easily, but, look Seeing Su Shen's relieved smile, Wu Ming frowned slightly.

"Ahem, it is said that people die for money, and birds die for food. As for me, I want to break through and mess up yin and yang, all in order to escape the constraints of this world, and I hope to transform this world, but I was wrong, wrong It's outrageous, I can just get stronger, I should have left earlier,"

"Ahem, I'm too arrogant. Next, I will do my last bit to restore a bit of aura in this world without taking away a bit of aura. As for these magic weapons, I will give them to you. The last bit of ransom, I hope not Scatter my immortal soul..."

Su Shen coughed violently, and began to speak more sincerely, when a person is about to die, his words are also kind. .

Contributing Yin and Yang, two breaths, one black and one white, floated into Wu Ming's body. Then, beads of five colors, gold, wood green, water blue, fire red, and earth brown, also floated into Wu Ming's body. Wu Ming didn't notice the discomfort that followed when the yin and yang qi entered the body, it was like a little more mysterious thing, the cycle of yin and yang, these things, for us, are also dispensable, but, after contact Wu Ming seemed to have groped for his way. After recovering his memory, he knew that he was the original god who created the underworld, and the Tao was Ming. However, he had never been able to figure out the word Ming. It was an arrangement in the dark.

Afterwards, he accepted the five-element beads that complemented the qi of yin and yang, and stepped on the Bagua Juyuan tripod, as if he had entered the small world of eight directions. In the small world of eight directions, Wu Ming could be continuously provided with aura.This also surprised Wu Ming, who did not expect the Bagua Juyuan Ding to have such an effect.

"Well, don't worry!!" Facing God Su, Wu Ming nodded and said calmly.He was left with an immortal soul, and then, a ray of golden light flashed towards Wu Ming, and Wu Ming grabbed Su Shen's weak golden immortal soul, even if only the soul was left, given enough time and resources, This God Su can also reshape his physical body.

Immortal Su's soul left his body, but he still controlled his lifeless body and flew directly to the two stupid divine birds,
"Bang!" With the sound of exploding the sky, it began to resound through the sky. God Su is really dead, and the immortal soul has no power to resist. It seems that Wu Ming has grasped the last ray of life.

A self-detonation of the early body of a Da Luo Jinxian can't hurt the two ancient gods, but it can be interfered with, disgusting and disgusting. The two gods are disgusting, and Su Shen is worthy of pride in the end, because he and the two Da Luo Jinxians have achieved great perfection. The fleshy Xeon God Bird has fought, and it is something to be proud of.

Putting away God Su's fairy soul, Wu Ming looked at the disturbed two divine birds, "It's time to end," but Wu Ming didn't expect that God Su would take the initiative and consciously sandwich sincerity, and let himself end He, of course, was also in exchange for Lin Yixian's life, because that yin and yang energy helped Wu Ming a lot.

Su Shen was solved smoothly, and then, Wu Ming was lying on the back of Mingque, and the Xuanming Jue started to work, quickly absorbing the power of Mingque, and after devouring the two divine birds, Wu Ming could reach The half-step Hunyuan is perfect, and the body and even the strength of becoming a half-step saint are all the existence of the sub-sage.

"Cruel!!" Feeling the continuous absorption of his own power, Ming Que began to go crazy, tossed up and down, and flapped his wings, as if he wanted to throw Wu Ming off, but Wu Ming was tightly clamped, not loosening for a while. cents.


In the end, the ghost sparrow began to become weak. Wu Ming's half-step Hunyuan realm surpassed the two divine birds. The speed of absorbing spiritual energy was not slow at all. Falling, smashing to the ground, starting to be crazy until the falling ghost sparrow, the black dragon is also afraid, the ghost sparrow is crazy, just like an unconscious lunatic, can you not be afraid, in the end, it directly enters the sky, with the help of black dragon Yun, started to hide, because Wu Ming is too scary,

After fighting for so long, he couldn't beat Wu Ming with both of them, what else could he do? 36 is the best plan. .

Wu Ming also followed the sparrow's rapid fall, and the rapid air flow stirred his black hair...

When there were still a few hundred meters away from the ground, Wu Mingxuan flashed tens of thousands of miles away, watching the sparrow fall...

(End of this chapter)

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