Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 131 The 5-year Demonic Poison

Chapter 131 The 5-year Demonic Poison
A huge forest!

A charming man with long hair, with a pure young girl and a charming little girl in his arms, looks like a family of three walking in the forest, but in fact, the three are the three of Oscar, looking for his fifth soul ring.

"Master, why don't you just find a 3-year-old soul beast!" Oscar responded to his beautiful master. After all, in this Douluo Continent, there are very few soul beasts over 5 years old!

"It's for your own good!" Master Beauty replied, hearing these words, Oscar felt very familiar, full of memories.

Originally, Oscar's plan was to absorb a soul ring worth 5 yuan. After all, I remembered that Tang San's awakened fifth spirit ring was worth about [-] yuan. over [-] years old.I have always doubted my own strength.

With the investigation of spiritual consciousness, I have encountered many soul beasts of 3 to 5 years, and those of [-] years, ah, deceitful master, go and kill the deep sea demon whale king!


A sudden long howl caught Oscar's attention, and he rushed to find the sound. The breath was not lower than the 3-year-old soul beast he had seen before. If Li Qingqing hadn't been taken into account, the speed would have been even faster.

Knowing that she was lagging behind, Li Qingqing could only let him hug her tightly without saying a word.


In one place, three huge ants, six to seven meters long, were fighting a giant bird more than five meters high. Most of its feathers were purple, and its abdomen and wingtips were green. The ants are all the same, with dark golden carapace, green eyes, and a pair of transparent wings.

"Thousand Jun Ants, heh, so it's these three brothers!" Behind a giant tree, a beautiful man hugged two women tightly and said secretly, these three guys are not simple, they have cultivated for 8 to 10 years, right? But it has existed for [-] years.

"Magic poison!" The beauty master's voice came from Oscar's mind, a little shocked, Oscar had never seen such a big bird before!
"Master, what kind of soul beast is this?" Oscar asked. He has dabbled in other soul beasts himself, but he didn't even know about this bird, obviously not within his understanding.

"The phoenix is ​​bigger than the eagle. It is good at strength. It loves to eat poisonous snakes. Its feathers are highly poisonous. You should have taken a fancy to those three eighth-level monsters. It is also ready to hit the sixth level!" Master Beauty explained.

The level in her mouth is ten thousand years, 10 years is equivalent to a ninth-level monster, and she didn't expect that three ants are so strong, this poisonous bird should not be flattering!
"Good apprentice, that poisonous bird is suitable for your so-called martial soul, the user's aura is enhanced, but it has flaws, you have heard of drinking poison to quench thirst!" said the beautiful master.

"Then let's reap the benefits of being a fisherman. The three Fifteen Ton Ants can just be added to the Xuanming Sword!" Oscar nodded and said, drinking poison to quench thirst, of course he knew, but he felt uncomfortable too.

"If you don't have the energy of the ninth level, don't add it to the Xuanming Sword. It's an insult, you know!" the beautiful master said.

For 8 years, you still dislike it, Master, you are not in charge of the family and do not know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt!Oscar was speechless, you don't know how much a ninth-level beast is cherished, do you?


The Zhen bird's giant beak pecked at the three Fifteen Jun ants, condescending, and flapped its wings. The forest trees swayed and fell down. The three brothers who have been around for 8 years are not brainless. On the contrary, they are very smart and know how to suppress them. The carapace dodges and counterattacks.

In this way, after fighting for a long time, the siege of the three brothers, the poisonous bird was scarred, and finally had to give up three powerful food, and fled by flapping its giant wings. The three ant emperors wanted to chase, but the speed could not keep up.


Oscar's shadow flashed, the battle was over, these four were not fuel-efficient lights, Li Qingqing was already trembling at this battle scene, so powerful.

Oscar followed, not far from the core area, on a giant tree, a huge lair, nearly 6 years of cultivation, good at speed and strength, and a poisonous poison, is also the overlord of one side.

There are no other powerful soul beasts around, and Oscar is much more at ease, otherwise he won't be able to take care of so much if there is a fight later.

"It's so big, it's comparable to a human palace!" Oscar touched the huge lair and sighed. The lair was full of white bones, most of which were snake bones, and there were also many human bones.

"I'm afraid!" Li Qingqing leaned on the sunlight and looked at the bones. It's all fake if he is not afraid.

"Follow me!" Oscar handed her a piece of robe, but the speed slowed down again, and it was imperative to hug her at that time.

The giant bird reappeared in sight. It combed its broken feathers. Unexpectedly, it lost its wife and lost its army. It wanted to have a good rest. Today's battle has exhausted a lot of energy. It didn't know that a black shadow approached quietly.

"Chains of Doom!"

A black [-]-meter-long terrifying chain attacked the jinniao. At the beginning, it locked the giant bird. When the giant bird woke up, it began to flap its wings. When the hurricane hit, Oscar knew that the bird's strength was not blocked.

"Qingqing, hide behind me!" Oscar yelled, and the chains tightly restrained this nearly 6-year-old poisonous bird.

"Doom erosion!"

"All evil is haunted!"

Oscar activated the aura, and his body couldn't bear it anymore. Unexpectedly, it would take so much aura to activate the chain of doom.


The jinniao screamed in pain, and the terrible black chain made him unable to get rid of it, and even followed and inserted into his body. The double torture of mental body and body made it extremely painful, but he had to resist with all his strength, otherwise there would be only one end, death!
"Be careful!" The beautiful master reminded in his mind, a purple plume shot at such a fast speed that even Oscar, who had started to realize his consciousness, was half a beat behind in reaction.


The Xuanming sword blocked it, but I didn't expect it to use even the natal feathers. This is a nearly 6-year-old poisonous feather. If the Title Douluo was attacked, he could not escape his fall.

"It's just a dying struggle, let me show you the true power of misfortune! Death is worth it!" Oscar replied coldly, and a burst of black energy was released, reflecting it!
The attached soul bone runs at a high speed, and the aura gathers crazily.

"The punishment of evil!"

Heimang invaded and entered, Zhenniao struggled more intensely, feeling unwilling, angry, painful, etc., the chains trembled, and the sound of the real iron chains was so ear-piercing.

"Get out, that's your mission!" Oscar said.

The black air completely enveloped the poison bird, and it began to turn into black water. Its beautiful feathers fell off one by one, and its huge body began to shrink. There was still an overlord there.

"Good apprentice, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!" Master Mei boasted in his mind.

Oscar originally wanted to use the Xuanming Sword, so it would be easier. After all, he just got a top-level spiritual weapon, so he had to be curious.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Oscar responded, then took out the longzhi leaf, and began to recover, and the soul absorbed the spiritual energy faster.

Unexpectedly, this injured phoenix bird was still so powerful, allowing him to truly see the power of the chain of doom.

(End of this chapter)

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