Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 135 Myself and myself

Chapter 135 Myself and myself
"Little Ao!"

A voice as beautiful as a lark came. She has blue hair, eyes that seem to be beating like life, and is extremely charming in a light pink dress. She is Ye Lingling who has a Begonia martial soul, one of Oscar's women.

"Lingling, why are you here?" Oscar was very curious, although you are going to enter the city, you don't need to be so well informed, so Mu Xian'er, Meng Yiran!Oscar didn't dare to think about it anymore.Is there going to be another little girl's big fight?

"Hiss!" There was a pain in the waist, it turned out to be the fearless little pepper Ning Rongrong, Oscar tore her claws, let go of Zhu Zhuqing, and gave this charming girl Ye Lingling a comfortable hug.

"Wow, I want one too, a beautiful one like this is enough!" The fat man Ma Hongjun expressed that he couldn't take it, [-] volts of damage, Dai Mubai patted him, meaning, don't wishful thinking.

"Bad guy!" came the hasty voice, full of excitement, Oscar heard it and wanted to say, line up and come one by one!Mu Xian'er came here, the light yellow dress is her exclusive, like the girl in yellow of Condor Heroes, but it is much more beautiful than that.

"Xian'er!" Oscar let go of Ye Lingling again, Ye Lingling hadn't hugged her warmly yet, of course she was reluctant to let go, and the more he liked the fragrance on Oscar's body, there was an inexplicable connection with his own martial soul, and his soul power seemed to have increased a little.

"Did you miss me?" asked the person in her arms, only she could ask this question, and only one sentence was clear about her feelings for Oscar.

"Of course I do, my little princess!" Oscar laughed, hugging Ye Lingling and Mu Xian'er, two girls with their own characteristics.

"Hmph! I'm happy today, so I don't care about it with you!" Mu Xianer said to Ye Lingling with his wifely demeanor.

It was also the first time for Ye Lingling to see that Oscar had so many women, and she felt uncomfortable, but since she was already his, she knew earlier that he would not let him get it easily.

Ye Lingling also replied: "Hmph, me too, I'm too lazy to argue with you!"

Oscar smiled and said: "If you quarrel again, I won't patronize your boudoir in the future!"

Ye Lingling blushed and lowered her head, Mu Xian'er smiled, her dimples grew eyelashes, and said domineeringly: "How dare you? I'll let you sleep in the firewood room from now on!"

"Don't dare!" Oscar laughed, Mu Xian'er's dimples were his favorite, and it was the first woman he captured soberly.

"Third Brother, Huo Wu is also good, try it!" Ma Hongjun approached Tang San and said, he didn't know that he had offended a certain old lady's temper.

Xiao Wu, who had red eyes, threatened nakedly: "Ma Hongjun, do you want to try my sister's soft skills?"

A beautiful woman in her thirties said to a middle-aged uncle, "Flender, is Oscar really good like this!"

"Oh, he's still young, and this guy's famous aphorism is, live in the moment, happiness is counted every day!" Shrek smiled and said Flender, thinking, you are so strong, one of the family, now The four are all female soul masters with first-class looks.


Another beautiful girl's voice came, no need to think about it, Meng Yiran of the Snake Stick Martial Soul appeared on the stage.

"Also, brother Ao is really good!" Ma Hongjun murmured, Dai Mubai was speechless, why don't you go to look for Yue'er, with Tang San next to him, a cheating man in front, and five beautiful girls surrounding him.

"I can't hug it!" Oscar exclaimed in his heart, it seems that he is being playful, but I like it very much, Meng is still exquisite and has a feminine feeling, it will be more comfortable if Xia Ri hugs her.

"Yiran!" Looking at the two little girls on the left and right who refused to let go, an invisible force pulled Meng Yiran into the middle, barely soaked in the rain and dew. Fortunately, she wasn't a fat beauty, but no soul master had a fat girl.

Little Pepper Ning Rongrong exclaimed angrily: "This guy!"

Zhu Zhuqing was also unmoved, he still liked him, and his capital would make him remember him, so she wouldn't worry, because worrying was useless.

They were one by one, if Oscar hadn't caught up early, the beauty master would have dealt with them one by one, she was the most senior one.

"Little brother, good fortune is not shallow!" A friendly and teasing voice came, looking for the sound, it was Xue Qinghe who had just placed the army.

"Boy, you will enjoy it, you have left my family Rongrong aside!" Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, said in a slightly angry and dissatisfied tone.

"Father! No, I asked them to do it, ahh!" Ning Rongrong knew that she had made a mistake, her face was fiery red, and she really wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury her head in it.

"Old father-in-law, Grandpa Jian, Big Brother Xue, you are all here!" Oscar said with a smile, thinking, only you are missing, Qian Renxue, if you show up, my woman is enough.

As for Xue Qinghe, she almost forgot that Oscar is still Ning Fengzhi's son-in-law, but these women are not simple, Ning Rongrong already knows that Ye Lingling is a powerful assistant of the Royal Academy, and the power behind her is not bad. Meng Yiran, behind-the-scenes Dragon Lord and Snake Lady, Mu Xianer, the daughter of Suotuo City Lord, Zhu Zhuqing is...

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said: "Rongrong, this must be contested, you are the little witch of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, you can't be a small one! Uncle Jian, you say yes!"

This is a blatant, blatant threat. Do you think I look like someone who is afraid of threats?He smiled and said, "There, isn't the old father-in-law watching over there!"

Of course Mu Xian'er knows about the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the two major Title Douluo, that's not something she can offend, but how did you snatch her own man, we're going to get married after the competition, she's here now.

"Okay, get ready to enter the city!" Xue Qinghe said, and began to gather fifteen academy teams, as well as the Tiandou Royal Academy that was escorted.

"The bad guys follow me!" Mu Xianer pulled Oscar and said, after all, there is still time to rest, so it's better to act first.

"Xiao Ao, follow me!" Ye Lingling said not to be outdone, although she was an assistant, she had learned a lot from the Pharmacopoeia, as well as Dugu Yan's snake venom for protection.

"My dear brother, follow me!" Meng Yiran also said, whoever grabs it first will be the one.

People from Shrek Academy, other academies, Xue Qinghe, Ning Fengzhi and the others have really eaten a lot of food!Said, can't stand it anymore, why are these women crazy about him.

"Follow me! I can do it!" The ice beauty spoke, still maintaining her proud posture. You know how to look, and you don't lose the temperament of some of their grown-up, old wives.

"Myself and myself, okay, each go back to each house, each finds each mother!" Oscar said speechlessly, what kind of situation is this, stealing men, I will not let you guys wish, but Zhu Qing said so, then Take care of her first tonight.

In the end, Mu Xian'er returned to Barack Academy, Meng Yiran returned to the Academy of Beasts, Ye Lingling also returned to Tiandou Royal Academy, Ying and Oscar went back to their respective homes, each looking for his own mother!
"Dean!" Oscar looked at Fred and greeted him.

"Well, very good!" Shrek patted Oscar's shoulder with his hands, looking young, I like your appearance, you have prerequisites, you can accomplish something, you can achieve great things.

When entering the city, I met the master, so I should have hit a wall!And then the finals began.

(End of this chapter)

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