Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 152 Unless You Are a Beauty

Chapter 152 Unless You Are a Beauty
Oscar's exclusive small yard!
"Didn't I say, you can just protect her and go back, why did you bring her back again!" A little woman in a light yellow dress, with the imposing manner of a big wife, trained a charming man with messy long hair.

"Jiangzhu, you go to rest first, there are many rooms, you can sleep in whichever one you like, and treat this place as your own home!" Oscar ignored this straightforward wife, comforting the plump girl with crimson and blue hair.

"Aren't you... um..." Seeing that Jiangzhu's eyes were red and swollen, Mu Xian'er thought about that, and just about to speak, was covered by an ice beauty in a long black gauze dress.

"Yeah!" Jiang Zhu nodded, she didn't expect to live with him and his little girl in the end.

"Let's talk!" Zhu Zhuqing spoke first, and let go of Mu Xian'er, this flexible and direct person, Oscar still remembered her little expression of indignation and dissatisfaction when she saw the erotic pictures.

"At the beginning, when I was taking her home, I found that some bandits broke into her house... That's it. In the end, her grandma left her, and she was left alone!" Oscar began to blushed, Without a beating heart, he told the story with half truth and half lie.

"It's pitiful. After encountering such a thing, she should live here in the future!" Mu Xian'er said, without any thought, just being so straightforward, to put it nicely, straightforward.

Night is beautiful, without it, people will not feel the brightness and warmth of the sun!

Oscar put his arms around the ice beauty, saw her reticent, and asked, "Zhuqing, don't you have anything to say!"

"Yes! I don't want so many women like you!" The ice beauty, Ruzheng, answered simply, so simple and clear that people didn't have to think too much.

"Okay! I promise you, let's rest!" Oscar said softly, adding the God of Angels is enough, and Jiang Zhu doesn't care about it for the time being.

The next day, Oscar was still in the kennel, spending the half month well!Then, it's time to get married.

"Sister Jiangzhu! If you're in a bad mood, just hang out at the school. The surrounding environment is not bad. Don't go out now. I don't know if the Quan family will find anything!" Oscar said to the exquisite, plump and charming girl , indeed, the elder of Contra, this inconspicuous power clan should not be simple.

"Well, Xiao Ao!" Jiang Zhu reluctantly gave herself a smile, turned around by the grove, and had breakfast with Mu Xianer's enthusiasm, so she was a little more natural.

"Brother Xiao Ao! Are you there!" Before the person arrived, the voice came, and it was full of excitement. Even the owner of the voice didn't know why he was excited.

"Brother Xue, why are you here!" Oscar, who was lying on the couch, got up and said with a smile.

"It's about the empire's funding and the expansion of Shrek Academy, but I left it to the teacher to solve it. If I have nothing to do, I will transfer it to your side! Did you have a good life as a child!" Xue Qinghe said with a smile , obviously, this is not coming to you on purpose.

"Hey, just stay in my own nest, accompany my wife and children, without losing some scenery, the world's disputes, I have never been indifferent!" Oscar replied lightly.

Xue Qinghe's eyes lit up, and he said: "Brother Xiao Ao, do you also want to fight for this world! Together, you and I can lead an army, enough to wipe out the world!"

Well!Oscar feels that the two of them have nothing in common. Do you value the world so much? So what if you get it?
"Brother Xue misunderstood, what I'm fighting for is not to compete in the world, but to fight for the day and night!" Oscar replied, he didn't have such a big ideal, the world must be divided for a long time, and the world must be divided for a long time, so what's the point!

"Eh! Come with me!" Xue Qinghe was embarrassed, and started to pull Oscar, and even liked to hold him, and started to walk outside the academy.

"Wow, it's Senior Oscar! I want my autograph!" A group of students blocking the door shouted, full of admiration, and Ma Hongjun said that I have contributed a lot.

"Are you quite popular!" Xue Qinghe teased.

"It's so-so, it's all because of my damn face!" Oscar said proudly, with a stinky and shameless look.


Xue Qinghe was speechless, but this guy was right, his appearance was unparalleled in the world, a soft and handsome man.

"That's, your master, my masterpiece! Judging by your appearance, you shouldn't be able to turn into a woman. How can you thank master?" The voice of the shameless old goblin master came from your mind. This is Oscar's evaluation of her. Want to squeeze me!
After walking for a while, Tiandou City, a hidden paddock!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound of fighting is shocking, the voice is full of fortitude, and the momentum of resolute and merciless towards others!
"Hey! Brother Xue, you wouldn't bring me to the barracks!" Oscar said in shock, his hand was still tightly held by him, and he couldn't even shake it off, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

"Yeah, the secret army I'm in charge of now, my position is already solid, and I'm just waiting for you to join!" Xue Qinghe joked, but he didn't force him.

"Stop joking, Big Brother Xue, it's not funny!" Oscar replied, how hard it is to fight.

"General Baolong!" Xue Qinghe didn't answer him, but shouted.

"See the prince! The last general is here!" A sturdy, strong man with a murderous look knelt on one knee, dressed in solid, majestic armor, with red tassels fluttering in the wind, so domineering!
"General Baolong! Parade! Show off our army's vigor!" Xue Qinghe said in an unquestionable tone, holding a woman-like man in his hand, but with good military discipline, let him immediately execute the order.

"The last general takes orders!" The general called Baolong to stand up, turned around meticulously, and shouted: "Assemble! Parade!"

Oscar was startled, as if he had seen the serious military instructors, and began to watch all of this. In an instant, after the assembly was completed, a square of thousands of people appeared in front of him.

"Charge!" General Baolong ordered, and thousands of people stepped forward, their colors resolute!
"Boom! Boom!"

Oscar felt that the ground was shaking, worthy of being an elite army, the movements were neat and consistent, making people nostalgic, military parade! .

"Array! Sleepy tiger array!"

The army charged for a while, Baolong then took out the formation flag and commanded.The phalanx immediately dispersed, with dozens of floors inside and outside, the surrounding was impenetrable, trapped by this formation, and they couldn't get out without resorting to all means, and the sergeant's spears were messy and seemed to be regular.

"Change! Subduing Dragon Formation!"

General Baolong's formation flag waved again, the lineup changed rapidly, scattered and closed, its scope was so large, the formation was as its name suggests, as if it was about to trap a dragon!

"Brother Xiao Ao, how are you doing!" Xue Qinghe suddenly approached, and said in front of the shocked Oscar, looking at his eyes shining like black jewels, he fell into it unknowingly.

"Swallowing mountains and rivers, astonishing the world!" Looking at the white and natural "man" face in front of him, Oscar recovered his senses and said.

"I'm interested!" Xue Qinghe smiled, seeing you shocked and excited, you should be fine!Compared with Tang San, you don't have any background, so it's easier to attack.

"Waiting at my wife's house, how dare you take off the beams! Brother Xue, don't waste your efforts! Unless!" Oscar said righteously, but turned around again, just to tantalize people.

"Unless something!" Hearing the strange sentence he read, I felt righteous and awe-inspiring, and there were conditions, which meant there was hope.

Oscar suddenly approached, slapped Xue Qinghe, and said with a smirk: "Unless Brother Xue is a beautiful woman, otherwise, what good is there to be with those rough guys! I'm only interested in beauties!"

Xue Qinghe was startled by the sudden movement, his mind was in a mess, looking at the charming guy with a smirk, his lips moved together.

"Okay! I'll go back first!" Just as they were kissing, Oscar looked at Xue Qinghe in this appearance, the chrysanthemums were cool, he looked like a man, and he couldn't do it himself.

Looking at the distant figure, the free and easy guy in the robe felt like a deer bumping his heart, and he calmed down after a while.

"General Baolong, gather and disband! This military parade is good, keep working hard!" Xue Qinghe calmed down, ordered, and then left with a few words of approval. What a sergeant needs is the care of his superiors, and he knows this.

In a clean and elegant room, a young man propped his face up, looking like a little woman, and muttered, "This damned guy is really a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard! Do you want me to..."

(End of this chapter)

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