Chapter 154 Returning to Mu Mansion
Staying away from the noisy and bustling city will make people calm down and experience the gift of nature, why the world is so beautiful, there is noise and tranquility interdependent, the wind outside the city, the air outside the city, the The stream makes people feel refreshed and grateful for nature.

"Well——, I miss my small village so much!" At this time, a middle-aged uncle accepted its beauty, took a deep breath and said, he is Flender, the leader of Shrek Academy, who spends all day in the academy Concentrate on trivial matters.

"Dean, what should I say, you are already a big guy, why do you suddenly want to retire!" A soft voice came out of a charming man.

"Yes, teacher, you are still in your prime, and your sword is not yet old!" The fat man with red hair said to the middle-aged uncle Flender, very respectful, without the teacher, he would not be where he is today.

"Pfft! Haha!" came a voice as touching as a lark, which made people very embarrassed.

"Can you use words?" Flender said, knocking the little fat man on the head.Taking such an apprentice, eating and drinking all day long, showing off in front of the female students, I hate iron for being weak!
The charming man said to the cheerful little woman: "Xian'er, be serious, we must respect the dean, we are highly educated!"

After the handsome man finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled very charmingly, which made the little woman scoff at her and even called me!
The group of them, Oscar and others who had just left the actual jurisdiction of Tiandou, the red-haired fat man was exclusive to Ma Hongjun, so the journey was full of fun because of this, but going back to the old road would still be nostalgic.

Came to Silves City, once here, the Shrek Seven Devils showed their might, gained fame and fortune, and retired after success!

"Okay! Let's rest first! It's a day's journey!" Dean Flender said. When comparing speed with Oscar, he used his full strength, but why did he lose slightly to Oscar with Ma Hongjun, a fat disciple.

"The nature of picking and searching is still the same!" Oscar looked at Flender and Ma Hongjun in the same room, and said leisurely, wondering what the dean thought, how did this fat guy eat, and he weighed ten catties after not seeing him for a day.

"Forget it, I just need to protect them myself in the future!" Looking at the two little women with their own characteristics in his arms, he originally planned to let them go to the Great Soul Arena in Silves City to practice.

"Xiao Ao, are you looking forward to it? Do you usually think about it?" Mu Xian'er asked nonsensically after leading the two of them into the temporary residence.

"What..." Oscar looked at her, and knew before he finished speaking, the little girl's expression had already betrayed Mu Xian'er, it turned out that the two had conspired long ago.

Soto City is the rich granary of the Barak Kingdom, except for Barak City, which is a big city with a lot of guards!
Except for the fact that the City Lord's Mansion, which handles government affairs, is famous, the Mu Mansion is now decorated with lanterns and festoons, and festive items are placed everywhere. The big lion at the door wears big red flowers, and the red couplets around it are like holding a happy event.

"I heard that the city lord is going to marry his daughter. The city lord usually handles government affairs and takes care of us ordinary people. My sincere blessings!" A pedestrian said sincerely.

The city lord Mu Tian's superior position, as the saying goes, the new official takes office three fires, and the prosperity of Suotuo City cannot be separated from his efforts, and none of them has received the favor of the city lord.

"That's not it! I heard that it seems to be married, after all, the city lord only has a daughter!" Another plainly dressed pedestrian said.Then the passers-by began to talk about it, as a hobby!

"Little Ao, it seems that you are destined to marry! Haha!" A middle-aged uncle said to a handsome man at the door of Mu Mansion, with a "gratified" smile.He came here as an elder, according to the order of his parents and the words of the matchmaker, Oscar was adopted by him, and he also has this obligation.

"Cough! Dean, we're tired from the journey, let's go in and have a rest!" Oscar replied awkwardly, he didn't expect Mu Tian to be so handsome, yes, this is the first time he got married!

"Butler Li!" Oscar recognized the little old man at a glance, and he was directing this servant. His strength was not bad, he was already the soul king!

"You are? Oh! Uncle!" Li Butler thought for a while, then called out, and he only knew it when he saw Mu Xian'er!
"Master, madam, the little princess and uncle are back!" The little old man ran over and shouted excitedly, he was really young at heart.

"This housekeeper, are you so excited! Dean, I'll bring you in for a sit down!" Mu Xianer looked at the little old man and said, and then led Flender in. After all, they are the elders of Oscar, and Oscar and she want his blessing Woolen cloth.

"Well, let's see!" Flender began to straighten his chest and patted it. He was looking at Ma Hongjun, a maid, and felt that it was a mistake to bring him here.

Outer courtyard!Righteousness!
"This way, go a little further, it's a little crooked, straighten it, and go up!" A beautiful woman in her thirties directed the two servants, pasting a red and festive "Happy" letter.

"Ma'am, the little princess and uncle are back!" Li Butler said excitedly. He had watched Mu Xian'er grow up, and he had been here for a long time.

"Look at you, steward, you are in charge, this is Xian'er's wedding, the best thing to do!" said the beautiful woman, and started to walk out.

Flender looked at this huge mansion. Only the relatives of the city lord could live in the inner courtyard. As for the outer courtyard, the landscape potted vegetation was well decorated and would not highlight any disharmony.

There are housekeepers and butlers in the outer courtyard. Usually they will take care of the room on time and stagger the time of the owner's activities to make the owner feel peaceful. The living room is for receiving guests, which is extremely elegant and grand, and there are all the kitchen and other settings.

"This is my in-law, Dean Flender. Please take a high seat, Alan, please take part in Star Tea! Treat the dean's in-laws well!" the beautiful woman smiled, without losing her manners, and she followed every step.

"Cough, actually it doesn't need that much, Xian'er has already entertained you!" Flender replied, thinking, it's good to have another cup of Sanxing tea. For wealthy people to entertain guests, this tea is not only refreshing, but also has Longevity and beauty effect are much better than your own tea.

"Mom!" Mu Xianer personally entertained Flender, how could she be unhappy seeing her own mother now.

"Mother-in-law and sister are getting more and more beautiful! It seems that you, Xian'er, have inherited your beauty from you!"

Oscar smiled and said, Mrs. Mu is indeed full of charm, with a mature figure, the charm of a woman is not comparable to that of Xian'er and others, my fairy master, cough!Forget it, she eats people without spitting out bones!Only Flender was shocked, you boy is direct!
"For sure! The dean's in-laws have been working hard all the way, you little Ao, your little mouth is getting more and more slippery!" Mrs. Mu smiled naturally, looking at Oscar who had grown up a lot, this kid became more flexible and charming.

Coming to Mu Mansion again, Oscar felt that it was much more lively. There were so many people there at that time, Madam Mu didn't bring a maid with her!Now I have brought a man named Alan, and the family members are busy holding the ceremony, every place has to be strictly inspected, and I attach great importance to this wedding.

(End of this chapter)

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