Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 162 Lost, They Are Too Poor

Chapter 162 Lost, They Are Too Poor

"Wow! Superb! I didn't expect to see such a stunning woman in such a remote small town!"

Oscar and his wife had just walked into a hotel when there was a discordant voice. It was good to praise, but his voice was full of salivation, and countless eyes glanced at Mu Xian'er without any scruples.

"Husband, what are you hiding!" Mu Xianer was dissatisfied with Oscar's little tricks, she just came out, how did she know about Oscar, this is the prelude to his mischief.

A big man wearing a leather jacket, stinking all over his body, and with hair on his chest, came over. There was a deep scar on his right eye, and he looked very scary. When he saw Oscar's appearance, he was also surprised. A good-looking man, also wearing a big red robe, a real sissy look.

"Beauty, your man is very weak. I don't know if he can meet your needs. How is my body? I promise to make you comfortable!" The big man said disdainfully to Oscar, and patted his rough chest .

"Look at that cowering man, it seems that this woman is going to be exclusive to the blood wolf! What a pity!" A man shook his head and sighed, feeling very sorry. Looking at Mu Xianer's exquisite face and plump figure, she was a woman for the first time. The flavor, that one does not fascinate them.

"Oh, then be gentle!" Mu Xian'er looked at Oscar's appearance, couldn't help but smile, and replied teasingly, her appearance was very pitiful, even worse than Nini's.

"Hmph! I didn't expect to be such a flirtatious woman!" Some spectators expressed dissatisfaction, but did Mu Xian'er care? She frowned and was harassed by you when she came out for her honeymoon. I'm not going to play you to death.

"Wife!" Seeing Mu Xian'er's dissatisfaction, Oscar called weakly.

He also heard these hurtful words, and women also hate others to say that she is skittish, so flirtatious still needs a man!And it was a man who came to the door!The burly man wanted to hug Mu Xian'er into his arms, but Mu Xian'er lightly pushed him away.

"Brother, a husband and wife can be kind for a hundred days. My husband is cowardly. Look, can you give him some money to make a living!" Mu Xian'er jokingly said. Let it go.

"I have one hundred gold coins here, take it and get out! Don't disturb my interest!" The big man threw out a bag of gold coins and said viciously.

"You're so poor! One hundred gold soul coins! You're sending beggars! You still want to touch my woman!" Seeing that he had had enough fun, Oscar took a hundred gold coins and said provocatively, and put Mu Xian'er into his arms again.

"Honey, you're dead, you almost let others take advantage of me!" Mu Xian'er slapped Oscar's chest and said, covering her small mouth and smiling.

"Cheating! This young couple is awesome, the blood wolf is a master of the soul, how dare he play with the blood wolf!" Some spectators found it more and more interesting when they saw the change in the style of painting.

"You! Bastards, your husband will die today, and you will become my confinement!" The blood wolf man said viciously, two white and one yellow three soul rings lit up.

"Chains of Doom!"

Oscar stretched out his right hand, and dozens of simple and terrifying black chains were released, like black awns, which caught people off guard.


Several chains ran through the bodies of several people, including the one who just scolded the watery one. His life was taken away, and his soul would also carry endless bad luck.

"Ghost Fire! Go!"

With a flick of a finger, a purple flame spurted out, burning the starry soul, and finally there was no soul left.

"Husband, isn't it too much!" Mu Xian'er couldn't bear to look at the few people who lost their lives in an instant. After all, it doesn't matter if they look at it.

"No! No less than ten lives have died at their hands. Such a scumbag will not hesitate to kill! Besides, you are not something they can slander, you have always been my good wife!"

Oscar resolutely replied, the murderer, people will always kill him, he hugged Mu Xianer tightly, hoping that she could let go.

"Well, I will always be your wife!" Mu Xianer leaned happily in his arms, looking at her man with peace of mind.

Everything was over, if it wasn't for the black ash on the ground, they wouldn't have believed it, a soul master and several great soul masters had been killed.

"Those who have seen the play, and those who have seen my wife, must pay [-] gold soul coins! Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk!" Oscar said lightly, his voice unquestionable. The coldness of the chains made everyone tremble for it, secretly calling out the devil.

"My lord, I only have [-] gold coins, I wonder if I can accommodate it!" A smiling tiger said with a flattering smile, the existence of the Insta Kill Soul Lord, and the fact that the soul ring didn't light up meant that this person was at least the Soul Sect or the Soul King.

"That's all right!" Oscar glanced at him, without much nonsense, a chain went down, and the man's back was bloody and bloody, which was horrible.

"One hundred gold soul coins for one whip, and those who don't have enough money can be accommodated!" Oscar said leisurely, once this precedent was set, the rest of the people pooled their money.

"Hiss! It's ruthless!"

The crowd exclaimed, they didn't expect this good-looking man to be so cruel, but they didn't know how hurtful their words and deeds were, how shameless they were, heh, if it weren't for Xian'er, you would all be dead.


That smiling tiger, watching a black chain whizzing down, his back whistling, hastily shouted, whip another whip, and he will be miserable if he doesn't die. Sure enough, all women are troublesome women, and there must be a strong man around a good-looking woman. Oscar also taught them a lesson, maybe they will thank Oscar in the future.

He took out a bag of gold coins, didn't care about his bloody back, and hurried back to his room to apply the medicine.

"This is five hundred! This is mine!" One by one, they lined up and handed over their life-saving money tremblingly.

"Open a good room! Your money will be free!" Oscar said indifferently, looking at the eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy at the hotel counter.

"Yes, yes!" The clerk trembled. He also read it just now. If Oscar asked him, he wouldn't be able to take out a single gold coin. He just came here to work.

"Honey! You're pretty good at making money!" Mu Xian'er laughed as she watched Oscar put away the bags of gold coins.

"You don't know, it's all a loss. You are so beautiful. To see you, you need at least tens of thousands of gold coins. They are too poor!" Oscar laughed, and he didn't look like he just stunned the audience.

"Room, the room is open!" The clerk trembled, thinking, five hundred gold coins is still too little. It's worth the money.

"Look, believe it or not, I'll gouge out your eyes!" Oscar said viciously, threatening the young man with the appearance of turning into a devil.

"Don't dare, dare not!" The clerk said hurriedly.But I thought in my heart, if I could kiss Fangze, even death would be worth it.

Oscar and his wife live in a good room, and they will go into the Star Dou Forest tomorrow. This time, they are here to see Xiao Wu and find the King of the Forest to warm up before the training!
(End of this chapter)

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