Chapter 168

"Hey! Husband, I don't want to leave!"

At the core of a big forest, a plump woman in a light yellow dress sighed, because the man next to her will share with them again after going back!
"Okay, don't sigh, I will take you to the beach in the future!" The man in a festive red robe comforted her with his arms around her delicate body, not knowing what she was thinking!
"Well, then it's settled!" Mu Xian'er was instantly revived with full blood, and said joyfully!

"Sister Xian'er, Brother Ao, I'm also a little bit reluctant to let you go!" A girl with fair skin said. In the past month, she has been very down-to-earth every night, and she didn't think about any unhappy things. A soft hand, and that fresh air!
"Xiao Wu, we will come to see you when we have time, don't worry!" Mu Xian'er comforted her with a comforting hug, which surprised Xiao Wu, she, Mu Xian'er's body, even had the aura of Oscar!My mind is in a mess!
"Okay, Xiao Wu, let Ao Ge hold one!" Oscar didn't use his spiritual energy secretly this time, and when he approached her, Xiao Wu didn't struggle either!

"Brother Ao, me!" Xiao Wu weakly wanted to ask something, but was interrupted.

"Xiao Wu, you don't have to think about it too much, Xiaosan and Dad, I have no relatives except Xian'er and the others, so I really regard you as my younger sister, you think I am your brother, and the one you like is Tang San, That will be all right, and I will bless you both!" Oscar whispered to her, How could Oscar not notice her strangeness, holding the delicate body of Qingxiang, and felt sorry, but Xiaowu had Tang San's dedicated protection Come on, better than yourself!
"Well, brother Ao, thank you!" The girl cheered up and said gratefully, hugging Oscar tightly.At this time, her soul power broke through to level 47 like a matter of course. After a month of depression, she could only rise to level 46.

"Old cow, gorilla, goodbye, thank you for your care!" Oscar shouted before leaving, free and easy, and Xiao Wu's cultivation can only depend on her own, the tempering body of the sun and moon essence, she will more or less help you Absorb a little!
"You are right, I like the third brother, and the third brother also likes me!" Xiao Wu looked at the two people who left, took out the lovesickness heartbroken red, and smiled full of longing.

"Finally gone..." There was a relieved voice from inside the lake. This month, it was also full of suffering. The fragrant dishes could only be seen but not eaten, and Xiao Wu's hand was being held. I really want to rush out and beat that man up!
Of course, these things are unknown to Oscar. At this time, he took his little wife by the hand and began to search for her fifth spirit ring. She has broken through level [-], and she plans to go back to Zhu Zhuqing to avenge her shame!

"Yes, Lightning Python! Six to seven meters long, about 1000 years of cultivation! Good at speed, with lightning attacks! Not bad!" Oscar swept his consciousness, and said happily, at the junction of the outer and inner circles, unexpectedly encountered such a The soul beast, and Mu Xian'er's martial soul are matched, with both attack and speed.

"Husband, take it, there will be a reward!" Listening to Oscar's explanation, Mu Xian'er said playfully, without Xiao Wu, she has turned into a wolf and eats three meals a day!
"Ugh! I'll do my best!" Oscar was speechless, really wanted to let it go, he couldn't kill wild boa constrictors, could he?
"Xuan Ming flashes!"

A black shadow flashed, and disappeared in place with Mu Xian'er in its arms.


Ready to get close to the boa constrictor, the huge snake tail slapped at the red figure, and the reaction was extremely fast!

"I didn't expect that, you're quite vigilant!" Oscar praised after dodging, the speed is really incredible, even the cockscomb snake can't match your reaction.

Afterwards, the giant snake was indomitable. Unexpectedly, someone disturbed its life and wanted to swallow him up. It opened its bloody mouth and attacked with a mouth full of stench!
"It's time to brush your teeth, you don't seem to have such a big toothbrush!" Oscar avoided and joked.The electric arc on the giant snake's body is not covered, it feels like the hair has been sucked up!
"Husband, does the soul beast need to brush its teeth!" Mu Xian'er put her arms around Oscar's neck and smiled, and a pair of superb funny couple appeared on the stage.

"Of course I need it, otherwise what will I do if I get dizzy? Do you want to try to challenge the soul beast of ten thousand years!" Oscar said to the man in his arms, he is really a living little she-wolf.

"Forget it, it's too big, I'm afraid!" After Mu Xian'er finished speaking, her jade legs wrapped around Oscar's waist, wriggling from time to time, like an octopus, it was really a test of concentration, Oscar thought, in the future When you meet a woman who can't be more beautiful than Mu Xian'er, no matter how you flirt, you can sit still.

"Chains of Doom!"

Several black chains struck out from behind Oscar, and the giant snake was caught off guard by layers of cold chains.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

The giant snake struggled in vain, roared angrily, and sent out electric arcs, Oscar secretly leaned in, what are you doing with an iron battery!Seek guilt!
"Old... old... er..., I... I... so numb... ah!" Mu Xian'er, who was in her arms, said tremblingly, her voice was crisp and intermittent.

"Nonsense, you're being electrocuted, why aren't you numb!" Oscar replied, not knowing that his hair was smoking white, and there was still a little bit of anger suppressed in it.

Seeing that Oscar had stagnated for a moment, the giant snake continued to attack, completely disrespecting him.

The voice in my head taunted: "Tsk tsk tsk! My good apprentice, you've raised your posture!"

"Master Smelly, go to sleep!" Oscar said angrily.

"What! Husband!" Mu Xianer returned to God.The feeling of being electrocuted seems to be good, this is what she was thinking at this time, but she didn't notice any abnormality in her body.

"All evil is haunted!"

"Doom erosion!"

Seeing that the giant snake was so excited, Oscar had no choice but to add some serious information!The cold black light eroded its thick body!


Looking at the bigger electric arc, Oscar had no time to throw the octopus out!

"Old... Gong... Gong, so... exciting!" Mu Xianer said tremblingly.

"I...know, you are the old man!" Oscar replied, wanting to lose you so much, he felt something strange in his waist, and she still had a little fragrance coming out, I really admire you!

"Happy to you, bastard! Mysterious body!" Oscar couldn't stand it anymore, a guy who discharges electricity when he disagrees with him, it's amazing that he doesn't have to pay the electricity bill!

A black jade-like body began to appear, and Mu Xian'er stroked this charming jade body faster and faster.

"Chain!" A black chain was inserted into the giant snake's body, the giant snake struggled and was afraid!

"Tell you to discharge! Tell you to discharge!" With the support of the Xuanming body, the black chain wrapped around the several-meter-long boa constrictor and began to beat it hard!

In the end, the big snake was dying, and I regretted not running away from this terrifying human being. Now I want to die, I can't move, and my whole body is in pain.

"Husband, I..." Mu Xian'er's face was red and her hair was red, as if she had been drugged, her whole body was hot!

"Dead snake, you're numb, the lightning still has venom!" Oscar cursed, and kicked the boa constrictor, the soul beasts are so treacherous now!

Afterwards, she blocked Mu Xian'er's mouth. At this time, dispelling it would have no effect, so that's the only way to go, hey!My kidney!

(End of this chapter)

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