Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 174 Returning

Chapter 174 Returning
"Okay, Sister Xian'er, don't be angry with brother! He doesn't like it!" In Meng's mansion, in a high-end room, a delicate and weak woman persuaded a woman in light yellow dress, And a little playful.

"Xiao Nizi, you are too used to your brother, tell me! Did you steal it first!"

Mu Xianer looked at Nini, who was giggling, and rushed over to scratch her and asked, and then, the two little girls started to fight, and Nini's position in Oscar's heart is well known, so, the other Women can only be jealous.

"Yiran, I won't stay for too long, I can only stay with you for a few more days!" On the glazed tiles, Oscar in festive attire, and Meng Yiran in his arms, said softly.Meng Yiran's clothes made her figure curves well highlighted!
"Xiao Ao, I want to go with you, okay, I don't care how many women you have!" Meng Yiran said softly, this is already a fact, I only hate that night, being easily taken down by him!
"I'm going on a long trip. If you go again, I won't be able to take care of you!" Oscar said with a smile. It might be impossible to fight.

"Tch, I'm not afraid of them!" Meng Yiran replied, his tone was a bit modest, Oscar's woman, except for a few support, seemed to be unable to beat others!
"Okay, still, I have a gift for you!" Oscar said with a smile, the gap between his women was too big, he was about to leave, and thought of many ways to improve their soul power.

When he was in Barak City, he knew that Yueya'er's soul power was level 49, so Oscar thought of the fairy grass, gave her a swan flower, and helped her break through to the soul king, and now she came to find Meng Yiran, and she was ready to break through.

"What gift?" Meng Yiran also asked curiously. He was already satisfied with getting two soul bones last time. It was just curiosity. Girls like surprises, sometimes they are frightened.

"Hey! Just open it and take a look!" Oscar took out a jade box from the medicine bag and handed it to her with a smile.

The warm jade box was cold, and Meng Yiran opened this exquisite jade box curiously. Inside lay a bright red fruit with seven stars, which looked very attractive and made people Can't help but want to take a sip.

Meng Yiran asked: "Xiao Ao, it smells so good! What kind of fruit is this?"

"Yiran, do you know why the spirit power of the Seven Shrek Monsters has increased so quickly!" Oscar said with a smile, even Dugu Bo coveted this snake fruit, but unfortunately he didn't know it.

"Is it because of this?"

Meng Yiran was not stupid, so he guessed it quickly, but using external force like this would have serious side effects, and it was likely to stop there.

"Well, this kind of celestial product can strengthen the foundation and cultivate the talents, don't worry!" Oscar saw her worry, explained, and finally said: "Yet, you can choose to break through, and then accept it, in that case , your soul power will increase even more. If you take it now, you can get the soul ring tomorrow, although the soul power will not increase too much, but it will be more beneficial to future cultivation!"

"Then I'll take it now, Xiao Ao, protect me!" Meng Yiran smiled, like a delicate flower blooming, and tapped Oscar's cheek with his small mouth.

"Okay!" Oscar replied gently, starting to prepare.

Meng Shu's room!
"Old man, you are so old, and you still like to toss!" An old woman said shyly, her granddaughter is so old, and she still...

"Don't blame me, that brat's wine and medicine are too powerful!" Meng Shu smiled wryly, secretly happy that he could dispel the medicine's power with a pot of wine, but, as for, life must be full of happiness!

A few hours later, the red light on Meng Yiran's body gradually disappeared, and the soul power in her body became stronger. She was very happy that she also broke through level [-].

"Little Ao!" Meng Yiran happily embraced Oscar, and then whispered in his ear, "Thank you, husband!"

"Then how should I thank you!" Oscar said with a smirk, hugged her, and walked towards the room!Can't lose to the old man!
"Cough, smelly, oh no, Xiao Ao, do you have any good wine? Give grandpa another Bailaitan, this wine, grandpa also likes it very much!" Meng Shu said kindly.

"No more, I got this from my father-in-law, but well, it's still okay to give you ten altars!" Oscar laughed, and finally realized Mu Tian's high-spirited feeling.


Meng Shu was speechless, did you tease the old man like this?

"Grandpa, I've broken through level [-], let's go hunting for spirit rings today!" Meng Yiran said with a satisfied smile, his face was rosy and he looked completely new!
"Uh, so fast? Didn't you secretly take some medicine to grow up? It won't be good for you in the future!" Meng Shu said worriedly, the practice is to practice step by step.

"Grandpa, don't worry, it won't happen!" Meng Yiran assured, and then the group went to the Star Dou Forest. With the help of Oscar's spiritual sense, Meng Yiran obtained a nearly 5000-year-old soul ring, the earth-burrowing poisonous centipede, The attack of the fourth soul ability also endowed the centipede with the poison.

In the end, Oscar and the others stayed for a week, preparing to leave!

"Okay, Yiran, when I come back, you are my woman. At that time, I will hold a grand wedding for you and marry you!" Oscar put his arms around Meng Yiran who was reluctant to let go, and she hugged Meng Yiran tightly with both hands. hold on.

"I'm not willing to give up! Xiao Ao, husband, I love you!" Meng Yiran directly poured out his love regardless of the old man's feelings. This time he left, and he didn't know how long it would take to come back.

"Well, still, I love you too! Yixin, if you want to be as good-looking as your brother, you have to practice hard!" In order to ease the embarrassment, Oscar said to the ten-year-old girl.

"En! Brother-in-law, don't worry!" Meng Yixin nodded her head fiercely, and said with an air of swearing.

"Xian'er, Nini, let's go!" Oscar finally left the Meng Mansion with the two girls.

On the way back to Tiandou City, Mu Xian'er leaned on Oscar's shoulder, and said softly: "Honey, can I go with you!"

"No, you are my eldest wife, and I still need you to guard the house!" Oscar said with a smile, with his wife, that was enjoyment, and there was experience.

"Brother, you agreed to take me with you!" Seeing Mu Xian'er deflated, Xiao Nizi also took the opportunity to come in.

Oscar replied: "Little girl, you can't either! Stay at home and wait for me to come back!"

"En! Listen to brother!" Xiao Nizi nodded obediently, and Mu Xianer rolled her eyes at her, this little girl.

The return trip this time took nearly a month. Oscar couldn't survive the hard work of the two "wretched" guys, and was severely squeezed in the name of traveling in the mountains and rivers along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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