Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 203 The King of Mirror Images, Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 203 The King of Mirror Images, Heavenly Tribulation

A sweet scene is happening in a cozy room!
"Oscar, stop, I didn't tell you because I was worried about you!"

Shangguan Xue'er blushed as she said, she never thought that she would give in to a little man, she felt disappointed, why was she beaten, she was a little happy!

"How to say!"

Oscar listened, very curious, another wave of aura radiated from his hand, and the redness returned to milky white!
"This level of fairy grass can only appear in certain treasure lands, but there is no lack of a powerful guardian around every fairy grass!"

Shangguan Xue'er spoke softly, leaning on Oscar's arms very quietly, he was her first man.

"So, there is a powerful soul beast next to the Xingxiang Tianmingcao?"

Oscar said, thinking back to the fairy grass with Ice and Fire Liangyiyan, because of Dugu Bo, he is considered a powerful "guardian", and the title is rare, so it should be a soul beast, and a Youxiang Qiluo fairy grass can Attracting so many spirit beasts from 5000 to 3 years old, it can be seen that the temptation of fairy grass is obvious.

"Yes, it is the real emperor in the frozen forest! The emperor of the mirror image! It is said that it has reached 9 years!"

Shangguan Xue'er said in recognition, with that expression, as if she saw it with her own eyes.

"Uh, the Emperor of Mirror Images! At the beginning, why didn't you say so earlier?"

Oscar said, he is so powerful, why would he lie to himself, 10 years is equivalent to Title Douluo, stronger than ordinary Title Douluo.

"Of course, at the beginning, I wanted to see if you would really go. In that way, killing a genius would be an honor to me!"

Looking at Oscar's expression, Shangguan Xue'er smiled. She thought so too at first, but she didn't expect that Oscar killed Gong Xigan even with the black poisonous nail he gave him, and put himself in it.

"Uh, what about now, do you still want to kill me!"

Oscar is really speechless, he didn't provoke her, but she came to provoke him!
"Now, I don't want to be a widow. If you still insist, then I can only go with you!"

As Shangguan Xue'er said, she twisted her slender waist, as cunning as a fox, confusing the common people!
"I'm not that weak!"

Oscar smiled wryly, why does he look like he is dying!

"Then you dislike me for being weak?" Shangguan Xueer bit her red lips and said.

Sure enough, women make trouble for no reason, and they wear one set with another!

Finally, comforted by Oscar, he returned to Tian Er's room!

"Xue'er, who is living here today, drive him away and let me live!"

Oscar smiled, sure enough, the importance of women, think about the emperor of a certain age, because of a certain woman, he became emperor in the end!
"I also want to live for you, but if you want to live, you want to drive me away!"

Shangguan Xue'er said with the appearance of a little complaining woman, making people feel chills, this woman.

"Don't you have an excellent room, why do you still occupy Tianyi?" Driven by curiosity, Oscar asked.

"Tch, not many people can afford a top-level room, and it costs tens of thousands of gold soul coins for one night! Little man, that black poisonous nail cost all my property. Look, can you give it back to me!"

Shangguan Xue'er was talking like a strong woman for a while, and a little bitch for a while, her hands were still tightly hugging Oscar's arm, under the Saintess Peak, there was a complete ball!

"Okay, here you are! Here you are!"

Oscar hurriedly took out the jade box and gave it to her, heaved a sigh of relief, it was so tempting, it was like a fairy.

Finally, Oscar put his arms around Shangguan Xueer, and with a flash of red, he entered the room!It opened Shangguan Xue'er's eyes, this soul skill is too powerful, and she was puzzled, why didn't she see his martial soul soul ring?

"Oscar, don't leave me, don't leave, you stay, I'll keep you warm!"

On the big bed, a charming girl hugging a red robe was talking obsessively, her eyelashes sparkling!

"It seems that she is very dependent on you... Mmm!"

Shangguan Xue'er spoke with a little jealousy, but Oscar covered her charming red mouth.

"Xue'er, don't wake her up!"

Oscar said in a soft voice, looking concerned, but he didn't know that the little complaining woman, Shangguan Xue'er, wanted to get rid of this little woman in her heart!

"Forget it, if you get rid of her now and Oscar hates it, then the loss outweighs the gain. My man, I won't share it!"

Shangguan Xue'er thought about it, and finally calmed down. Oscar didn't know that he would actually bring in a vicious "fox".

At night in the frozen forest, two figures, one white and one red, were looking for something. The white figure was wearing a snow-white mink fur coat, and he was trembling all over, which showed the low temperature in the forest and the prestige of the frozen forest.

"Xue'er, are you okay!"

Oscar hugged her into his warm chest. It had to be said that this night in the frozen forest was indeed terrifying, and he was so cold that he almost released his mysterious body.

"It's okay, we're almost here!"

Shangguan Xue'er shook her head, but still hugged him tightly, so that she could feel at ease and avoid the extreme cold.


Suddenly there was a thunderbolt from the night sky, a loud noise, and a bright purple beam fell from the sky, vowing to destroy everything, shocking the two of them, what the hell is the sudden thunderbolt this night!


A snow-white giant shadow fought against the destructive thunder and lightning, but was instantly destroyed, and then there were countless giant shadows, Ling Ran rushed up to block the thunder and lightning without fear!


In the end, the purple lightning struck a huge soul beast that was more than ten meters in size and covered in scales like a crystal mirror. It was scorched black for a while, making it roar!

Everything that happened was captured by Oscar. Immediately afterwards, the soul beast mirror released several identical phantoms, such as the powerful soul beasts who had just welcomed the thunder, the sky overlord Snow Eagle, also in!

"Oscar, what just happened!"

Shangguan Xueer came back to her senses, and immediately asked, "It's too scary, that thunder and lightning, and that roar!"
"It's Heavenly Tribulation. A soul beast covered in crystal mirrors is going through Heavenly Tribulation. It should be the King of Mirror Images. It will break through the limit of 9 years!"

As Oscar said, his heart was really excited. The 10-year soul ring has nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. It took no effort to get it.

"Oscar, let's go back. The mirror image beast is very rare, and the 10-year mirror image beast is even more terrifying, because its ability is copying. It can copy your ability, and then fight against you!"

Shangguan Xue'er pulled Oscar nervously, persuading him worriedly, she had just experienced the love between a man and a woman, so she couldn't bear it.

"Xue'er, I need this spirit ring. Moreover, its catastrophe has not passed yet. When the time comes, it will either die or be injured. I have my own measure!"

Oscar grabbed her slippery little hand and said, how could he let it go.

There are only three things, the first limit of the soul beast will face three catastrophes, the second limit will be six, double it, it will not change until the fifth time, just like the human title Douluo, after level 95 , is a great watershed.


Then, the second thunder of destruction descended, twice as powerful as the previous one, and the duplicated phantom couldn't resist the powerful thunder and lightning.


The King of Mirror Images trembled all over, thunder and lightning struck down, destroying its body violently, its blue eyes as big as gongs stared at the sky angrily, and there was one last one!


There was a loud noise, vowing to crush this giant creature, and the purple destroying thunder landed!

(End of this chapter)

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