Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 211 Extinguishing the Evil Clan

Chapter 211 Extinguishing the Evil Clan

Hearing this loud voice, Oscar looked at it and shook his head in disappointment. He was about the same age as the Soul Douluo he had killed before, but he was only at the level of Soul Saint. Thinking about it, there are so many titled Douluo, so summoning Xuan deep!

"Deacon Ah Chong, that's Amu, he actually killed Amu!"

A young man in his thirties pointed to a young man in Oscar's hand and said, looking at Oscar, as if he could kill someone.

"Okay, Ada, calm down! He will pay with his life for this!"

The deacon named Ah Chong persuaded him, and looked at Oscar angrily. Two yellow, three purple, two black, and seven excellent soul rings lit up on his body, which were not the best soul rings.

"Xuanming, go, I'll practice your hands for you!"

Oscar ordered, Xuanming immediately rushed to the soul sage, and there were dozens of soul kings of the soul sect!
"That's great, you can still use my Nether Fire!"

Oscar looked at Xuan Ming's battle very leisurely, and praised, feeling that Master should still have a lot of good things.

This was a very different battle. Xuan Ming was like a wolf into a flock of sheep. Under their fear and screams, they harvested the lives of these A's clan, known as the Xie clan by the outside world!


When the chain runs through that soul sage, this team of deacons will be wiped out!

"It's too scary, Efang Town is the territory of the A clan!"

"That's not it, he's the emperor of the earth, and he was knocked on the door today. It's a good show!"

"The Ah clan treats people pretty well, why did they provoke such a terrifying person, even the soul sage was instantly killed!"


In all corners, there were some vendors discussing. Looking at the blood-stained streets and the scattered corpses, it was terrifying.

There was a sound like burning firewood, causing the audience to cover their heads in pain until they finally passed out.

"I told you to go, but I still want to watch a play!"

Oscar shook his head and said, his ghost fire is the nemesis of the soul, burning the soul of all things, they are all ordinary people, how could they be able to resist the breath of those flames!
"Wait, it's so slow, next time I want to save a life, just call directly!"

Oscar said helplessly, the frozen forest is no longer suitable for him to practice, and next, he will explore the forbidden land of human beings, the ice field!
In less than a quarter of an hour, another team came, almost the same number as before!
"Deacon Ah Wei, that is the body of Deacon Ah Chong, he is already dead!"

A middle-aged man with an expressionless face said, only the dumbfounded Xuan Ming and the leisurely Oscar will be present again, let alone, the spearhead will naturally be pointed at him!
"Xuan Ming, catch someone alive!"

Oscar smiled, wishing he had some popcorn to try, it's so boring, but promoting popcorn?He shook his head, he didn't come here to engage in business.

Then, there was another battle of great disparity in strength, but Oscar discovered a clue, the martial souls of the A's clan were almost all undead creatures, and he successfully attracted his attention.

"Awei? Good name, take me to your clan!"

Seeing Deacon Awei being carried by Xuan Ming like a chicken, Oscar said, his tone of command was unquestionable.

"Ah bah, don't think about it!"

The old man named Awei poohed hard, with an indomitable look!

"Hehe, that's good. I remember an elder named Asi, Contra, tsk tsk, in the end, he could only tell me that this place is the territory of your evil clan. You are a soul saint, what are you insisting on!"

As Oscar said calmly, a dark purple flame burst out from his hand!Deacon Ahwei looked at the purple flame, his soul trembled, but he gritted his teeth and said viciously: "You killed Elder A Si? Hahaha, kill me, I'll wait for you below!"

Oscar shook his head. He is another loyal person. The purple fire snake rushed to see how long he could last, but he didn't even last half a minute!

Following him to an extremely ordinary courtyard, Oscar admired it, it was really low-key, his spiritual sense came out, there were some ordinary servants and maids inside, none of them had soul power, he wondered if he might have brought it by mistake!

"It's here, I'll take you in!"

Deacon Awei trembled as he spoke, not knowing whether it was excitement or fear.

"Jie Jie, boy, this is where you will be buried, just wait!"

Suddenly, Ah Wei changed his previous appearance, smiled fiercely, and was very confident. He kicked a green brick not far away, trembling, and disappeared, while Oscar and Xuan Ming were caught off guard and fell into a bottomless... black hole!

"Hehe! Do you think you can survive this way!" Oscar sneered, the red shadow flashed, and he returned to the ground, and then simply said one word: "Explosion!"

Suddenly, this area turned over like a dragon and trembled, the ground collapsed, and a castle with a size of [-] meters appeared underground, and Awei's body was gone. Oscar smiled, "It's so deep!

"Jie Jie, you are so bold, young man, you destroy my foundation and kill my people, I will let you taste the pain of heart-eating!"

An old man who looks like a mummy, who looks like he would collapse when the wind blows, speaks domineering words with a very loud voice!
"Yes, I am looking forward to it, if not, then you evil race will be wiped out today!"

Oscar replied coldly, I didn't come to provoke you, it was you who provoked me.

The old man said to the Bailai people: "Hmph! My sons, form an array!"

"Yes, patriarch!"

Hundreds of people responded, and then walked with strange steps, the spirits all resonated, gathered the spirit power of more than 100 people, including dozens of soul emperors, more than ten soul saints, and three Contras , As expected of a mysterious clan, if it is deployed, it will be as strong as a Titled Douluo, and they can only be enraged on the spot, but Oscar just wants to see, Xuan Ming shrouds and protects his whole body, pinching his fingers!

"Thousand Dao Undead Formation!"

Hundreds of people shouted angrily, and suddenly, a huge black hole appeared, hundreds of strange undead creatures rushed out, several king-level undead, and there was even an emperor-level undead comparable to the title Douluo!

"That's something to watch! Xuanming, I'll leave the rest to you, not one left!"

Oscar said, if one undead creature here is taken away, dozens of ordinary people's lives will be added to the mainland.

"Mysterious Nether Body!"

Oscar looked at the undead king who was sitting upright in contempt for everything, and directly used the Mysterious Underworld Body to increase his power. With a flash of red, he rushed straight to the undead king!
"Xuanming Grand Handprint!"

A loud noise made the whole town tremble!

"There are still practitioners, Jie Jie, who originally planned to invade this world, which is interesting!"

Blocking the big handprint, the Undead Emperor spoke approvingly, and immediately revealed Oscar's identity as a practitioner.

"Hmph! It's just an energy clone, what's there to be proud of, wait until I destroy you!"

Oscar said coldly, very surprised, it seems that the water in Douluo Continent is a bit deep, even the creatures in the undead world have been eroded to this point, these people who acted as lackeys of the undead for the sake of strength, it seems that no one can stay !
"The Nether Sky Flame!"

Is the undead still not a spirit body? Watch me burn you all to death. A purple fire that looks like it can burn up the sky has now become a spectacle in the extreme north. Frozen City, Arabin City, and Ice Field, all the creatures in the extreme north are looking at the strange flames descending from the sky!


Oscar pressed his hand down with difficulty, and the strange and noble purple flames fell from the sky, like meteorites from outside the sky, smashing into the castle!
"no no!"

The resisting old man groaned, seeing his clansmen dying in pain, even several elders were reduced to ashes, two yellow, two purple, five black and nine soul rings flickered alternately, and his clansmen were all wiped out, his heart was filled with grief and indignation , he is the eternal sinner of the A clan, he only has one thought, and he will kill that person at all costs!

"Burn my essence and blood, burn my lifespan, burn all eternity, and welcome the coming of the Spirit Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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