Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 230 Ice and Snow Divine Clothes

Chapter 230 Ice and Snow Divine Clothes
"What are you doing!"

Having collected all the valuable things, Hong Ming came back and looked at this funny man and beast, and asked curiously!
"Hey! It's nothing, the master is really wise and powerful, and his miraculous skills are unrivaled!"

"That's right! The boss' master, he dominates the world, and no one can beat him!"

One person and one scorpion flattered with all their strength, and the Ice Empress was also very afraid of becoming a companion on the road with the Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon, even if he died, he would not be able to survive!
Hong Ming said: "Tch! There is nothing to be courteous about, it's either rape or robbery!"

After she finished speaking, she threw a blood-red crystal-clear bone at Oscar. The bone was like blood jade, and it was also strange!

"This is the torso bone of Xuejiao!"

Oscar continued this piece of thing, just such a small piece, something that would cause chaos if taken out, is still a rare torso bone, he said in shock!

"Yes, the bone you collected before is also very important for your next plan. There are already two crystal bones of ninth-level monsters. I hope you can make up six!"

Hong Ming said it calmly, as if stating an ordinary thing!

"Hehe... six yuan, kill all the other 10-year-old soul beasts in Xueyuan, plus Xiaobai should be enough!"

Oscar said with a wry smile, six 10-year-old soul bones, those are not stones on the side of the road, nor are they Chinese cabbages from a vegetable stall!

"Uh..., that, boss, I remember sister Xue'er once beheaded a 10-year-old snow demon, there seems to be a piece of it!"

Bingdi said tremblingly, fearing that his boss would go crazy, so he would take her out. After all, there are lunatics every year, especially this year!
Oscar didn't expect that the Ice Empress would betray her sister Xue'er, and said with a smile, "That's only three yuan!"

Well!The Ice Empress hesitated a bit, and asked softly: "Boss, is the 9-year-old one okay? I killed a 9-year-old snow demon in the previous battle of fame, and I also lost a piece!"

Listening to Bingdi's words, Oscar looked at the beautiful master Hongming, and wanted to ask her what she meant!
"Just barely!"

Seeing how embarrassed the two were, Hong Ming replied indifferently, as if picking Chinese cabbages at a vegetable stall!
Sudden!Oscar smirked and pressed the "cute" big emerald green scorpion and said, "Little green! Is there any more..."

The Bingdi trembled, blaming himself for talking too much.Immediately he hesitated and said: "Yes, but..."

"Hesitating, tell me quickly, or I will take your 10-year piece!" Seeing her hesitating, Oscar couldn't help threatening, a typical way to kill a donkey.

"No! Boss, I can't!"

The Ice Empress said in fear, if she hadn't witnessed Oscar slaughtering the Snowfield Demon Flood Dragon who was stronger than her, and the old master like Shura, she would resolutely protest to the end, but facing the lunatic, she could only obey!

"Sister Xueer got a leg bone from killing the Snow Demon, and I also got a piece from the left, one from the right, and there are two arm bones from my clan, one on the left and one on the right!"

The Ice Empress tremblingly said, this is her family's secret!
"Oh! That's how it is!"

Oscar nodded, no wonder she was so hesitant, it turned out to be from the family!

"Boss! They are all the senior patriarchs of our clan. Although they died at the limit, they can't be offended!"

The Ice Empress whispered, with impatience!But those two pieces are indeed just suitable for Oscar, the ice burst ability endowed in it, coupled with Oscar's extremely cold air, the attack power will be upgraded to a higher level!
"Don't worry! Xiaolu, taking them out is the respect for them! Have you ever heard of gods? After the boss becomes a god, he will revive them. Because of the deadline, they also hope to continue to live, because... ..."

Oscar instilled poisonous chicken soup and tricked the ice emperor, as if what he said was right, where did he deceive, Oscar reflected on himself!


The Ice Empress looked at Oscar with big emerald green jewel-like eyes, shining brightly, and asked softly.

"Of course! If the boss lies to you, you will be struck by lightning in the future!"

Oscar's appearance is undeniable!


Hong Ming next to him sneered, he is really a simple little scorpion!
Oscar's road to immortality will be struck by lightning in the future, which means that what Oscar is saying now is all nonsense, and it's okay not to implement it!
"Uh... Boss, is this true!"

Looking at the sneering old master, Ice Empress doubts again, God!It was illusory, and she didn't know it, only that Oscar needed those two soul bones very much now!

Oscar patted his chest and assured: "Of course, why did the boss lie to you!"

Next to a beautiful snow house, there is a quiet small lake. There are some small forests around the lake, which is very monotonous. Under the extreme cold, it looks like Guanghan Palace!

but!This is also his and her home, and a symbol of his status!
"Boss! I... I brought it!"

The voice was exciting, and I saw a big emerald green scorpion, with two emeralds between its two giant pincers, and a black gem on its back, running towards it extremely fast!
"It really is! It's hard to guard against house thieves by day and night!"

Hong Ming joked with a smile!
Oscar, who was beside him, nodded. Unexpectedly, this big scorpion is really powerful, and suddenly he likes her innocence!
Then!Oscar took out three jewel bones, one purple, one red and one black, and Ice Empress also brought three jewel bones, one black, two green!
"Tsk tsk! What a great deal! Three of the six yuan are 10 years old!"

Oscar made a self-deprecating smile, and immediately thought of Qian Renxue. It is said that her angel costume is composed of six ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine-year-old soul bones!
"Then! You will be called the Ice and Snow God's Clothes from now on!" Oscar smiled and gave this set of soul bones a harmonious name!
I also have to say that these spirit bones are all strength-type, which is very suitable for me now. Six spirit bones have nine skills!

"Hee hee! Boss!" Bingdi shouted, as if he was asking for credit, or like a child who behaved well and wanted to praise him!
"Yeah! Little Green! Well done!"

Oscar stroked the large head of the big scorpion and said, since he broke through to the void stage, he feels that he is approaching the middle stage, that is, the strength of the soul power is about 74 and a half. He hopes to use the power of these six rare soul bones, Let's see if we can hit the Mahayana period in one fell swoop!
"Yeah! I want to stay with the boss all the time!"

The Bingdi nodded, and suddenly said this inexplicably!
"Yes! You will always be by your boss's side!"

Oscar smiled, where do you want to go after becoming my spiritual pet?
But the real meaning of Bingdi is not like this, but that Sister Xueer is on him, she also loves the house, and has an inexplicable dependence on Oscar, and after only two days of getting along, it seems that there is a magical force that draws their relationship closer.

"Okay, stop being so affectionate, you two!" Hong Ming said calmly, already getting used to it.

"Apprentice! I'll crush your mortal bones first and take them out! Then you can fuse and absorb them!" Hong Ming said calmly, causing Oscar, who was walking, to tremble, feeling fear in his heart!

Oscar cried and asked, "Master, are we going to be so cruel!"

Hong Ming thought about it seriously, and said: "Apprentice, don't you want to take out your mortal bones directly? The effect is good, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it as a teacher!"

Oscar smiled wryly, talk too much!Master, count yourself as cruel!
He asked again: "Well, Master, will it be life-threatening to pull it out directly!"

As a practitioner, he hasn't been so worried for a long time. This master is too crazy!

"Usually there will be, but for me, such a thing is impossible!"

To Oscar's cross-examination, Hong Ming replied confidently, she!Be professional!
"That's fine! Master! I'll choose the one with the best effect!"

(End of this chapter)

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