Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 246 The Encounter in the Forest

Chapter 246 The Encounter in the Forest

"Master, why hasn't my cultivation improved at all in the past two months!"

Inside the igloo, Oscar asked his master blankly.He has been stuck at the peak of level 81 for two months. Except for the golden soul ring becoming more solid, Oscar has no sign of breaking through at all!

"It's not that easy! This is why I asked you to prepare to attack the Frozen City. The path of cultivation you are taking is the most advanced one. The glacier is your rule, and your improvement is only a little bit. After taking the whole north!"

Hong Ming smiled and preached for his disciples to receive karma and solve doubts. After all, what he needs now is to gather the power of one party's wishes!

As soon as Oscar heard it, he suddenly realized, like rain after a long drought!
Smiling at Master, "I understand, Master, wait for me to come back!" Then, he kissed Master's jade forehead shallowly, and then he will continue to achieve his emperor's career!
Seeing the apprentice who was thinking about leaving, Hong Ming couldn't help but look obsessed, a faint smile hung on his mouth, and then whispered: "What are you waiting for, my teacher has always been by your side, but you haven't noticed it! "

Ice Rink Autumn Order Soldiers!
Two months have passed, and those several great lords with outstanding strength have also retreated and continued to absorb the huge energy of Xuejiao, obviously they have not yet left the customs!

When the green ice sculpture is unsealed!
"Woo! Boss, how could you seal me for so long!"

It was a big emerald green scorpion, the Ice Empress of the Snowfield, who had just endured the pressure that she shouldn't have at her age!
"Well, the boss has been banned for so long, otherwise, the boss loves you so much, how could he not come to unblock you!"

Oscar caressed this playful big scorpion, without blushing, and lied to this cute big scorpion without blushing, touching her with fascination, comforting her weak heart!
In fact, what Oscar said was half-truth and half-false. While being tortured by the master, he enjoyed the time between the master and the apprentice at the same time, and time passed by like a fleeting moment!

The Ice Empress blinked her big emerald gem-like eyes, stared at Oscar suspiciously and asked!
Oscar replied: "Of course, the boss has lied to you!"

"Yes, ever since I became your spiritual pet, I haven't been able to play with sister Xue'er!" Bingdi whispered, with a dissatisfied petiteness!

Oscar comforted: "Okay, there will be a chance in the future!"

Not far away, the cold air rose, and the mighty army, although there were no great lords of 6 to [-] years in the snow fox and snow lion, there were still many soul beasts over [-] years old. Come to repay the snow emperor!

"Ho ho ho...!"

The group of beasts roared and knelt down to meet the Snow Emperor!
"Very good, the emperor has seen your loyalty, and next, it's your chance to make contributions!"

Oscar said flatly, compared to him two months ago, he exudes a real imperial aura that makes them dare not resist, and there are inexplicable things restraining them. If Oscar wants them to immediately Die, they are hard to refuse, this kind of strange momentum, Oscar calls it the domain of the emperor!

I saw the energetic and excited "officials"

Oscar immediately ordered: "Snow leopard! Ferret! Lead your two tribes as the vanguard, and lead our army to the frozen forest!"

Snow leopards are as fast as wolves, and ferrets are second only to snow foxes in agility. They are both the best of the 5-year-old soul beasts, and they are worthy of this important task!
The Frozen Forest, a quiet and dangerous forest, has no idea that it will face a big battle, a battle that will officially break into the human city!
In the forest, such a scene happened!
"Bing'er, you first absorb this ten thousand-year-old Nine Serenity Ice Sparrow that contains the blood of the phoenix, its parents and I and your clan uncle will be the first!"

A beautiful woman who looked nearly 40 years old said to a young woman in her twenties.At this moment, what they are facing are two adult Jiuyou Bingques whose combat power is comparable to that of Contra!

"Okay! Grandma Shui, thank you and Uncle Hong'an for your hard work!" The young woman said, resolutely, and pierced the head of the four-meter-long big bird that looked like a phoenix with an extremely sharp dagger!

The old woman secretly said: "Bing'er, you should absorb it well, you are the only genius in our Shui clan who has awakened the top martial soul ice phoenix!"

"Howling! Howling!"

Watching his close relative being killed, two ice-blue, seven-meter-long, beautiful birds, like phoenixes, pounced on the three people on the ground!
The old woman smiled and asked: "Hong An, I don't know how long you can hold on against such a terrifying adult Nine Nether Ice Sparrow!"

The man named Wei An who was over fifty smiled and replied: "Sister Shui, although I don't have the strength of your Contra level, but I am not bad, niece Bing'er is a genius of our clan, of course I have to protect her to the death! "

After he finished speaking, the seven best soul rings, two yellow, two purple, three black, rose up, covering his whole body with a layer of ice crystal feathers. His martial soul, Ice and Snow Vulture!

The beautiful woman laughed and scolded: "Hong'an, begging for a beating, if it's so unlucky, we will withdraw after Bing'er has absorbed it!"

Her martial spirit is a white-tailed snow eagle, whose quality is higher than that of a snow vulture, and the eight spirit rings of two yellows, two purples, and four blacks are very shocking. After all, in the mainland, soul saints are still common, and those at the Contra level are extremely powerful. rare!

"Avatar Snow Sculpture!"

"Avatar Snow Vulture!"

Facing such a mighty Jiuyou Bingque, they had no choice but to use the seventh soul skill, Wuhun Avatar, the strongest form to resist!


The more powerful male Jiuyou Bingque burned the price of his life and restrained the two strong men in one fell swoop. The female was also burning with vitality and rushed towards the woman named Bing'er, who made people look hazy and beautiful!

"Not good! Bing'er..."

The old woman yelled, it was too late to get away now, for the fierce attack of the two frenzied adult ice sparrows, there was only one end for that beautiful woman, fall!
However, just when the two strong men thought that the girl had fallen, there was a trembling sound!
The snow-white icy mist dissipated, and an indescribably beautiful beauty in a nine-layered boa robe appeared, and he controlled the ice sparrow with only one hand!

"Really, what a wonderful couple, why bother to die!" The beauty smiled lightly, calming down the female ice sparrow, and the burning life in her body suddenly recovered!
I saw the ice sparrow in front of me quiet down!

The beauty touched its icy blue crown and said, "Okay, I have a way to revive your daughter, be quiet!"

Saying that, a milky white radiance floated into the body of the male Jiuyou ice sparrow, the male ice sparrow walked towards the female ice sparrow, rubbed its partner intimately, and then the two sparrows rubbed against the beauty in front of them!
"It will be saved!"

The beauty smiled and stroked these two rare species.He is Xuedi Oscar from Xueyuan, and he made the move because this girl is considered a friend!
"It's really a god!" The beautiful woman and the old man sighed when they saw the beautiful man who suddenly appeared.The two walked towards him, ready to thank him!


Around the forest, hundreds of thousand-year-old soul beasts surrounded several people, growling lowly, making the two of them stop and tremble in their hearts. They were hundreds of thousand-year-old soul beasts, they had no way out except to escape!

(End of this chapter)

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