Chapter 265
"Everyone return to Snow Emperor City!"

Oscar shouted, now he is confronting a strong demigod. At this level, especially the beauty master has strengthened all his attributes. If he doesn't have a suitable opponent to temper himself, he doesn't know what his strength is.Obviously, if this Zhihuang doesn't use his immortal power, it's basically difficult to let him fall, just like a punch bag that can withstand punches.

"Roland, let's go!"

Shangguan Xue'er pulled up Roland, who looked like a demon god, exuding a strong breath of death, and the two quickly retreated into the protective range of the artifact.

"Patriarch, we also retreat!"

Shui Bing'er said to a middle-aged man, looked at the millions of people who suddenly disappeared, and Oscar's order!

Among them, the ones who wiped out the most enemies were those copied by Oscar. They went to death completely, one for one, and the most important thing was the phantom, they couldn't die.

"Come on, let me try the power of God!"

Oscar looked at his woman, the sergeants who maintained the city and the various families retreating into the nine-pattern python robe, urging this artifact with all their strength, making even the emperor-level undead flinch.

"Okay! If you kill you, everything about you will belong to me!" Zhihuang said confidently.

Although he felt that Oscar was dangerous, but because of those women with their own characteristics, he still had two artifacts. He originally thought that Lihuang and Emperor could solve it, but now, Oscar's strength made him have to take action.

"How about taking my palm? Great cold and no snow!"

As Oscar said, in the form of the Snow Empress, with the cold air of the Snow Empress brewing, he struck out with a big snow-colored palm print that seemed to be able to freeze everything.

"Hmph, if it's this level, then you can die!"

Zhihuang flicked his sleeves lightly, immediately dispelling this seemingly light and extremely cold palm print, but the next moment!
What's worse, the wounded and disabled undead who were already blasted by the snow intestines, faced a cold attack close to absolute zero, and their speed and strength were restricted.

"Treacherous villain!" Emperor Zhi scolded, Oscar's slap was obviously not aimed at him, but his subordinates.

"Hehe, whatever you say!" Oscar said with a flat smile, and with a little more tricks, he could fight for a while longer.

Emperor Zhi didn't know what was going on in Oscar's mind, otherwise he might go berserk. Among the [-] emperors, he was ranked third, and he came to this adventure just to find the opportunity to become a god.

"The spirit is absolutely terrifying!"

When Emperor Zhi was angry, millions of souls wailed. At this time, his method was just like that of the Ling Emperor last time. The wails from Jiuyou made people's hair stand on end!

"Heaven and the world, I am the only one!"

An extremely cold aura was released from Oscar's body, regardless of you, thousands of living beings will freeze under the control of this extreme cold.

"Taiyin True Water!"

Oscar used another powerful method of his own, like three thousand weak waters, making those evil spirits fall into it, making it difficult to escape, and finally eroded to death by the cold air.

"The Nether Sky Flame!"

Suddenly, in the dark sky gathered a mass of grand dark purple flames that came from the quivering soul, and the target was: Emperor Zhi and the army of undead.

"Mysterious Nether Body!"

All kinds of means can't resist his one move, Oscar can only use the perfect level Xuanming body to resist.Is it possible to hide, with my own capital and people behind me, moreover, such an opportunity is rare.

"Is the Qian donkey at the end of his skills?"

Zhihuang smiled like a victor, and the seemingly terrifying Tianyan was easily resolved by him.

When he saw that Oscar was unscathed, he was jealous again. He was as black as jade. What kind of physique was that? He was able to resist his own blow without a hair. Obviously he was still above the demigod. It made his heart vomit blood No matter how you fight, you can't kill him.

"Haha, I hope to cross the tribulation!"

Looking at his powerful Perfect-level Mysterious Underworld Body, Oscar couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart. This already gave him a trace of confidence to lead to the immortal road.

Facing Oscar who burst out laughing, Zhihuang already had black lines.I thought in my heart whether to continue to fight or to go. After all, this pervert can't be killed. Apart from him, I should be invincible in this world. When I become a god, I will be ranked 24 emperors, and my goal has been achieved, but the artifact...

"Haha, Snow Empress, let's stop for now, I have something important to discuss with you!"

Zhihuang suddenly remembered to discuss the conditions with Oscar, but unfortunately he thought too much, this is not the world of the undead, and not any means can achieve the goal.

"Oh? Let's hear it!" Oscar didn't expect that before he warmed up, you, a demigod, would be scared!

In fact, even Oscar didn't know that his Xuanming body was so powerful. Once the Xuanming body was enlightened by the half-step Daluo Jinxian bone, let alone a demigod-level powerhouse, even a god would be bitten by a dog. Hedgehog, no way to speak.

"Xuedi, I will lead the army out of this area and hand it over to you to rule. You give me that artifact in the sky? I am willing to make it up to you, a crystal of the gods!"

Zhihuang said, for a divine weapon, he also worked hard, but...

"What is the crystal of the gods!" Oscar also asked curiously, the one that can be exchanged for the divine weapon must not be ordinary.

Zhihuang thought for a while, and that's right, Oscar didn't know their world, so he carefully explained: "The crystal of the gods, as the name suggests, is the essence of a god's life after the fall, and the energy contained in it is enough to make people set foot It is the peak of the ninth level, and it has a very good nourishing effect on the soul of the gods!"

Oscar's heart was moved, especially after hearing the last sentence, now that the Three North Battlefield is coming to an end, what Master needs to restore is this crystal of the gods!
"Hmph! I'm really tempted!"

Zhihuang secretly thought, two-thirds of this crystal of the gods has been absorbed by him, if it is replaced by a divine weapon, and then devour these useless emperor-level undead and millions of troops, becoming a god is just around the corner.

Another reason is that the energy of the undead who died in battle originally returned to their own side, but they all entered the throne, and that energy is not small.

"Hmph! How do I know if you have such a crystal of the gods!" Oscar said, a wave of black energy fluctuated in his left hand, and Oscar was about to surprise him.

Zhihuang was too confident in his own strength, completely defenseless, took out a radiant and crystal-clear crystal block from the forehead and brow, and smiled: "This is..."

Suddenly, the feeling of being pierced through the body, Oscar's speed was too fast, he saw a flash of silver light, and he arrived in front of him.

"I know, this is the crystal of the gods, the emperor will accept it!" Oscar said with a smile, and took the colored crystal block!

"How... how is it possible, it turned out to be... a top-grade artifact!"

Zhihuang looked at the simple sword, and the only thing he could think of was this word. After all, the only thing that could kill him was the artifact.Such domineering power is already the best among divine weapons.

"Well, the answer is correct, next time, don't take this name, be a good person!"

Oscar said flatly, saying that his intelligence is not good enough, he can cultivate to such a level, and there are treasures like the crystal of the gods, which are obviously not comparable to other undead.

"Jie Jie, so what about the top-grade artifact, I want to destroy this place, and bury it with me!"

Suddenly, Zhihuang's aura soared straight up, the undead below the emperor level dissipated instantly, and the energy floated towards him, followed by dozens of emperors at the emperor level, all of them went crazy, trying to escape from this area area.

"If you want to destroy this place, how can this emperor let you get what you want, your blood is extremely cold!"

As Oscar said, suddenly a peak of cold air radiated, the energy turned into ice crystals, and even Zhihuang's reaction slowed down!

"Fall! Emperor Zhi!"

Oscar shouted, and there was an explosion, Zhihuang finally turned into a black mist, and slowly dissipated, a generation of demigods, just like that, fell!
(End of this chapter)

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