Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 268 Chapter 6 Spirit Pet

Chapter 268 The Sixth Spirit Pet
The bottom of the blood-colored glaciers looks strange and beautiful, like a big red dye vat, filled with colors that can fascinate even the snow-white world.

"Oscar, what can I do!"

Jingluoluo was already leaning limply in his arms. Even if it was an energy body, it was still a part of the body.

"Forget it, don't care if you are a soul beast or not, Luoluo, you are mine!"

Oscar muttered, and finally lowered his head and kissed her. After being tortured for several days, Jing Luoluo was already like dry wood with fuel. Oscar was just a spark, which instantly ignited her.


The body of the giant whale was pressed down, and the ground felt like an earthquake, but the spirit beasts fighting each other continued.

"Haha, even though Emperor Huan is ranked after the ninetieth, his body is poisonous. As long as it is contaminated by anything with lust, he will be burned with lust. Even the so-called gods can't be dismissed. That giant whale can't hold on anymore, right? !"

Feeling a shock, one of the three emperor-level undead laughed.

"Yes, Emperor Ming, I have to say that the souls and bodies of these creatures are very nourishing, otherwise we wouldn't and wouldn't be able to break through so quickly!"

Yihuang on the left added.

"Hmm! What You Huang said is right, if it wasn't for Huan Huang Kuang Huang's self-destruction, we would be so relaxed!" said the emperor-level undead on the right.

"Haha, Poison Emperor, this is all the result of our joint efforts." The person on the left named You Huang said with a smile.

"Well, you are all right, the only thing missing is the big red fish that is hiding."

Emperor Ming said that his strength was stronger, and he had already quietly touched the fourth level, and the three of them started to go in the direction of the vibration together.

At the bottom of the glacier gorge, two giant whales are entangled with each other, one is crazy, while the calm one is relatively smaller, the gray and white arcs of their bodies are very beautiful.

"Hmph! How dare you come to disturb us!"

Inside the smaller giant whale, Oscar writhed, feeling the arrival of the Three Sovereigns. Now that it was a critical moment, the whale was falling and entangled tightly, unable to escape at all.

Is it necessary to perform a scene of two whales matching in front of them? Oscar shook his head without thinking too much, exuding a black chill, hoping to stop them for a while.

Afterwards, Jing Luoluo also obviously felt that Oscar's speed had accelerated, and the energy originally used to suppress the poison of love and a large amount of energy that Oscar input began to transform into his own energy, approaching the second limit.

Feeling Oscar's love, she entangled her more tightly, and the burning feeling was eliminated, replaced by it, as if in a fairyland, relaxed and enlightened.

"Minghuang, tell me, why did it suddenly become so cold!"

You Huang asked, in the water, his speed is unmatched, but he has already reached the emperor level, is he still afraid of the cold?

"something wrong!"

Emperor Ming replied frankly, but he already knew the problem.

"Of course there is a problem. You broke into the emperor's base camp, and you said, how should the emperor punish you!"

Oscar played with a group of dark purple flames in his hand. This is the ghost fire that even soul creatures are afraid of. Oscar was still very angry at the beginning, but after combining with Luoluo, he didn't feel the slightest discomfort and his strength improved a bit.

"Hmph, a little human, don't even think about leaving once you're here!"

The Poison Emperor among the Three Emperors said that a black poison that could corrode even river water attacked Oscar.

"Forget it, let's give you a good time!"

Oscar turned around and withdrew the flame, the black poison dissipated in an instant, and the three shocked emperor-level undeads turned into a stream of mysterious water before they knew what had happened, and the energy merged into the glacier.

Looking at the shy giant whale again, Oscar recalled that beautiful scene, and a crystal of a black tile rotated in his mind!

"Luoluo, come with me, we will be together forever!"

Oscar approached the giant whale, stroked her huge body, and a figure with a blushing blue face appeared.

"Will you come with me?"

Oscar hugged her and asked gently. After all, he took her body just now, and he is not the one to pull up his trousers and deny it.


Jing Luoluo nodded her head gently like a girl.After the contract was completed, she also successfully became Oscar's sixth favorite.

When the huge body entered Oscar's boundless sea of ​​consciousness and swam happily, an energy body could accompany Oscar.

On the bloody glacier, tens of thousands of soul beasts are still fighting each other!


Jing Luoluo cupped his fists on his chest and made a moving sound, which gradually calmed down the berserk spirit beast.

"Oscar, the poison in their bodies still needs the treatment of the snow lotus, and the Demon Shark King has already fallen to protect the group!"

Jing Luoluo said, the peaceful glacier world was gradually broken because of Oscar's arrival. She wanted to leave because she wanted to forget this past, and also because of her vague love for Oscar.

Oscar nodded, a spirit deed flickered, and a petite and cute figure suddenly appeared.

"Oscar, it's you, I'm beating someone with Dabai!"

It was Xue Lian, the snow lotus spirit that Oscar summoned, and she said with dissatisfaction on her small face, and she was afraid that Dabai would be worried.

"Xue Lian, help them recover and remove the remaining poison in their bodies first."

Oscar said, the role of this little nanny is not small. He looked at Jingluoluo, thinking, if Xue Lian came, would he be able to get rid of the poison, so there is no need...

"It's useless, Xue Lian can't solve it, and I've suppressed it for nearly three days!" Jing Luoluo said softly to Oscar as if he knew what was going on in Oscar's mind.

Streams of milky white energy radiated out like ripples, making the soul beasts of all races completely get rid of the root of the disaster.

"This emperor is the Snow Emperor. I don't want Binghe to suffer such a disaster. From now on, you all need to recuperate properly!"

Oscar said, he poured out some of the elixir refined by his master and let them smell it, and his cultivation quickly increased, and the energy of the glacier became more viscous.

"Snow Empress, have mercy!"

A huge blood-red giant jellyfish appeared and knelt down begging for mercy.

"Oh! Forgive me, the emperor wants you to guard the glacier, but you hide aside to absorb energy. Since you have absorbed so much, I will use you to make up for it!"

Oscar said coldly, especially knowing that the Demon Shark King had fallen and Whale Luoluo had been poisoned. This guy has nothing to do, so he couldn't help but make people irritated.

The joyous soul beasts seemed to have been poured with cold water, seeing the 10-year-old Snow Demon King die in front of them like this, so they were not afraid.

A scarlet soul ring flickered, but Oscar couldn't absorb it now, the second martial soul, Xuanming Sword?
He shook his head, he didn't want to absorb it without the master's consent, after all, the master's status in his heart is detached.

"That's right! Chains of Doom!"

Oscar was tasteless to eat, and when it was a pity to discard it, he thought that the top-level spiritual weapon that accompanied the Hongluan martial soul had been in his body for so long, so he should be able to absorb it.

"Luoluo, Xuelian, wait for me first!"

Oscar said, if it is possible to add eight ten-thousand-year top-quality soul rings to the chain of doom, will it be advanced to a divine weapon?


"Hurry up, Dabai is going to worry about me!"

The two beasts nodded, one was gentle and considerate, the other impatient.

"You are looking for a soul bone for this emperor, such a thing, go!"

Oscar said to those soul beasts, and took out a soul bone, the other soul beasts nodded and hurried away.Now, when it comes to collecting spirit bones in mainland China, no one can compare to Oscar.

Now, Oscar is going to test his conjecture, if he succeeds, then he will be regarded as a three-life Martial Spirit, and he thought of the two artifacts, the Xuanbing Throne and the Python Robe, and guessed five Martial Spirits, and his heart was full of turmoil!

"Forget it, concentrate on absorbing it!"

Oscar adjusted his mentality, sat cross-legged next to the corpse of the Blood Demon King, and pulled the scarlet soul ring according to the method of soul ring absorption!
(End of this chapter)

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