Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 277 The Pervert 2 Brothers

Chapter 277

Facing the five fierce women who suddenly kicked in the door, Oscar, even Emperor Beixue, shuddered, feeling like being caught and raped in bed.

"Xian'er, Rongrong, Zhuqing, Lingling, Zhu'er, long time no see!"

Oscar said in embarrassment, looking at the beautiful and murderous women, the two of them had indecent postures and showed them naked in front of them.


Oscar felt the blushing Nini's body move, and the two completed their union. In the past four years, the one of them did not desire the nourishment of the rain, but she was lucky, and she was the first one.

"Five years ago, I was with Nini, sisters, today, shall we let go of this bastard who left us here for four years!"

In the lead, who is also Oscar's official married wife, Mu Xian'er shouted softly.

"Don't let it go!"

The other four responded, and even the glamorous Zhu Zhuqing said something, which shows how deep their "resentment" towards Oscar was.

"Okay, sisters, let's go!"

She was the first to act, pounced on Oscar, followed by Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling, and finally Zhu Zhuqing was responsible for closing the door!

"Why does it feel a little scary!"

Oscar muttered, this is not a war, it seems to be a war, how did Oscar know that the hungry don't know the hungry.For four years, let a group of women in their twenties who have already experienced love wait for four years, they are like hungry wolves who can eat him up.

"Bad guy, hurry up!"

Mu Xian'er threatened, she wasn't angry because Nini took the first step, they were all the same!

Can this be done quickly? Oscar has a black line on his forehead, and he is secretly shrouded in mystery, fighting with this group of hungry little girls. He doesn't want others to see it, Yigui Liujiro!
director's office!
"...That's it, Dean, please rescue Teacher Nini!"

A student who appeared to be in his 20s pleaded on behalf of the male students that the five beautiful teachers were goddesses in their hearts!

"Regulations, the dean knows, you all misunderstood, that beautiful man is the Shrek Seven Monsters, the senior instructor of your academy, Oscar!"

A middle-aged man who looked high-spirited said that he was the only one who could make these five female mentors who were not bad in strength fall into their arms.

"Report to the dean, there is another person pretending to be the Seven Shrek Monsters of our college who want to sneak into our college. That person looks very similar, he was born with double pupils, and he still wants to pretend to be the captain of the Seven Monsters!" Another student came in and reported.

"Haha, who dares to impersonate the little monsters of our academy, Flender, let's go and see how they impersonate!"

A rough middle-aged man came in, and the only one who could directly call the dean by name was Zhao Wuji, the vice-principal of Shrek Academy.

"Alright, go and see, who dares to pretend to be our little monster!"

Flender, who was sitting leisurely, got up and said, let that good student named Zhang Zheng deal with Oscar's affairs, so as not to disturb the couple's reunion. Liu Erlong with endocrine disorders is so terrifying. They deserved it.

A separate apartment for outstanding students!
"Brother, they seem to say that Niniang has been arrested, why don't we go back!"

"Oh, don't worry, Xiao Cheng, look quickly, Sister Xiangyan is going to take a midday bath, and she's taking off her skirt..."

By a hidden window, two little satyrs are quietly lurking, one looks six or seven years old, the other looks four or five years old, they are carved out of the same mold, both have black hair and black gemstone eyes, very charming.

"Wow, brother, it's almost bigger than Zhu Qingniang's!" said the four or five-year-old little pervert, already forgetting what happened just now!
"Yeah, it feels as slippery as jade!"

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded between the two little perverts.

"Brother, how does Yuhua feel?"

The four or five-year-old little satyr asked, the big brother who appeared suddenly did not scare him, but the older little satyr was so frightened that he almost fell. Although this is the second floor and the ground is dirt, it will hurt a lot if he falls .

"It's very dangerous!" The big brother who appeared suddenly supported him and said.

"Uh! Thank you big brother, you are so beautiful!"

The boy rubbed the back of his head and smiled, looked at the charming big brother, then looked at his younger brother and asked, "Big brother, why do you look so similar to my younger brother!"

"Brother, yes, obviously the big brother looks the same as the big brother!" The young retorted, with a little childishness, it was really cute.

"You are all wrong, you and my big brother look alike!"

The eldest brother said with a smile, holding the two little perverts, and looking at the people inside, the movements of the three were actually the same.

"Big Brother, what does Yuhua feel like!"

The younger one continued to ask, he came here because his elder brother brought him here, only the two of them can play here, they belong to a group of big sisters and big brothers, and sometimes they are hugged and kissed by the big sister until they blush .

"Do you want to touch it?" Big Brother asked with a smirk.


The two brothers nodded, looking at him with big black charming eyes.

"All right!"

The called elder brother nodded and said, as if by magic, he took out two pieces of beautiful jade, and each of the two little satyrs faced one piece, seeming to encourage them: "Touch and see, this is jade!"

"Hey! Brother, it's so slippery and cool, I like it so much!" said the younger one, with an innocent look on his face, which made people's hearts melt.

"Well, this is the feeling of jade slippery. It's the same feeling as being held by a few mothers. Big brother, is it sister Xiangyan inside, who feels the same as touching jade!" The older man asked curiously.

"Do you want to touch it?"

The elder brother urged again, anyway, it was filled with people he knew, so it should be fine for his two sons to touch it!

The two brothers nodded like pounding garlic, looking at the beautiful and charming big brother, the older one had an indescribable feeling.How could he remember that he was dumped and abused countless times when he was a child.

"Okay, get ready!"

The big brother said, grabbed the two brothers, opened the window, and after the two were sure, he shouted in a low voice: "Go! Brother Pickup!"

There were two sounds of falling into the water, the elder brother clapped his hands, and said with a smile: "You are so handsome, as expected of my son, you should see the bottom, maybe not..."

"Cough cough!"

Two small heads protruded from the bathtub, choking and coughing.When they saw the two peaks in front of them, their faces turned red, and the person in the bathtub was like a frightened rabbit, ready to get up and get dressed, with a ruddy face knowing that there was no cover underneath.

The older one blushed and said, "Hey, sister Xiangyan, hello!"

"Osiwa, Osicheng, it's you two little perverts again!"

The man named Xiangyan showed his proud peaks, looked at the two spooky children, and lifted them to the sides of the bathtub, revealing their white butts!
With two crisp sounds, a red cloud rose from his brother's white buttocks.

"Sister, stop beating, it's none of our business, a big brother threw us in, we just had a look!"

The older one spoke, and there was another crisp sound, just looking at it, if you don't learn it, you even peeked at others taking a bath!
"Sister Xiangyan, it has nothing to do with me and my brother. It was a big brother in red who looked very similar to us who threw us in."

The younger one was talking, so that sister Xiangyan stopped her hands, and released the two brothers out of the bathtub like chickens, saying: "Hurry up and change clothes!"

"Yeah! Sister, goodbye!"

After all, they are children, the two brothers said politely, and then hurriedly escaped.

"Teacher, are you back!"

The woman asked about the air, recalling the back view that made them feel safe in the Star Dou Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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