Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 279 The Shocked Gathering

Chapter 279 The Shocked Gathering

In the quiet courtyard, the six beautiful women finally reached an agreement, and Mu Xianer and Nini also made concessions. Just when they were about to enjoy the fruits of victory, an unexpected visitor came outside the courtyard gate.

"Hey, we're all here, Brother Ao, Rongrong, Zhuqing, we're all waiting for you!"

A fat man who looked [-] years younger, with hair like fire and body like a meat ball, poked his head and shouted with ease.

Oscar looked at the fat man and shrugged his shoulders at the four women, as if to say, it's none of my business, I also want to be a hardworking farmer.

"Zhuqing, I'll help you, beat up that fat man!" Ning Rongrong clenched his fists and said gnashing his teeth at the fat man.


The ice beauty Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and Ye Lingling Crimson Pearl was also a support, but the healing ones didn't have the speed-up effect like Ning Rongrong.

"Fatty, you can ask for more blessings!"

Oscar was secretly happy, but Zhuqing should be able to control it when he started. He kissed every woman with different characteristics on the forehead and said, "Wait for my husband to come back!"


His woman nodded, Oscar also took Ning Rongrong to chase Zhuqing away, today is the day when the seven monsters gather together.

"Oh my god, Zhuqing, why are you chasing me and beating me? I'm just running errands!"

Facing Zhu Zhuqing, who was speeded up by Ning Rongrong, whose body was shining yellow, purple and black, he couldn't escape even if he activated the Phoenix Martial Soul. Facing the fierce Nether Claw, Fatty Already accepted the arrangement of fate!

"Okay, Zhuqing, today is the day when our seven monsters get together, please forgive him!" Oscar appeared in a red dress with ice crystals and white hair, embracing her seductive slender waist in a black dress.

"Brother Ao, I'm just an errand runner!"

The fat man opened his eyes and cried, his expression was too fake, I couldn't imagine it, his skills had improved a lot.

"Okay, fat man, don't you just care about your life's important affairs, hurry up!" Oscar explained his little thoughts.

"Hey, brother Ao, I've been guarding it seriously for five years!"

The fat man scratched the back of his head and said with a smile, looking at the gray-haired Oscar, he couldn't imagine, could it be that Ao Ge was overworked and had already entered old age?
Dean chamber!
"Are you really a mistress? Why have you changed so much, your appearance and temperament are no less than Oscar!"

Flender, the leader of Shrek Academy, stared at the fresh and refined young man in his twenties with a natural aura, and said incredulously.

"Okay, Flender, don't wander around anymore. This is the effect of the second awakening of Xiaosan's martial soul. Although I know the news, I am surprised to see it now!"

A middle-aged man with a stiff face was talking, and beside him was a beautiful woman who still looked like a 30-year-old woman. She was Liu Erlong, and the middle-aged man was the master, the national teacher of the empire, The theoretical think tank of the academy.

Afterwards, the young man named Xiaosan was very humble, he practiced with his father for many years, talked with his teacher and asked some questions about martial arts!

"Teacher, I'm back!"

A fat man with fiery red hair broke in, and the temperature of the room began to warm up, but when a man with ice crystal hair and beautiful hair appeared, the room became cool again.

"Dean, Master, Teacher Erlong, long time no see!" The man with white hair and red clothes said with a smile, fascinated them. up!
Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who were beside the charming man also greeted: "Principal! Master, Teacher Erlong!"

The three nodded in response, and then invited the three to sit down and began to discuss the five-year changes of the six!

"Look, Xiao San, you two are really monsters among monsters!"

Dai Mubai on the side smiled, seeing Oscar's arrival, he hadn't mentioned Oscar's identity, Emperor Beixue, an emperor, otherwise they would have been even more surprised.

"Eh! Xiao Ao, the dean's hair is only a little gray. Why are you all white? Is there any trouble?" Flender asked the "grey-haired" Oscar with shock and concern.

Oscar replied: "Eh! Dean, didn't Mubai tell you guys!"

Dai Mubai on the side was taken aback by Oscar's words, what did he say, he didn't know what was going on.

"Cough cough, yes, Dean, Xiao Ao is the hardest one among us, the boy's head has turned white with worry, he is worried for millions of people!"

Dai Mubai coughed dryly, and the more he talked, the more confused everyone's minds became, the more they talked, the more confused they were.

"Boss Dai, you shouldn't say that Xiao Ao went to save the mainland!" Tang San with a fresh temperament said with a smile.

He also didn't expect that Oscar's appearance hadn't changed, his hair was like sparkling ice crystals, and he still had a mysterious feeling.

"Ahem! Xiao Ao, tell me, what kind of change is this!" Flender finally ended the discussion and said to Oscar.Everyone looked at Oscar, compared with Tang San's new changes, he had a glacier soft beauty.

Even Ning Rongrong said coquettishly: "Yes, Xiao Ao, don't be a fool!"

Zhu Zhuqing watched with clear eyes, they were all curious about how Oscar became like this, his body was still cold when they were intimate, but he was well controlled by him.

"Well, in fact, this is the strongest form of my strength. I awakened it with the help of a 60-year-old Ice Snow Maiden Spirit Beast, allowing me to control ice!"

As Oscar said, he raised his right hand, and a piece of crystal clear ice instantly condensed. He said that he was a spirit beast, but he didn't want to admit that Xue Nu was a soul beast.

"Six...60-year-old soul beasts!"

So people were shocked, what kind of spirit beast was that? Oscar relied on her to awaken, no wonder he was so horribly cold. One question, how did Oscar use such a spirit beast?
"Little Ao, is that one of your two 10-year spirit rings!" Dai Mubai, who saw Oscar's two scarlet spirit rings with his own eyes, asked, Gulu swallowed.

"Two 10 years! Wori..."

At this party, Xiao San's second awakening was already abnormal, but when Oscar came, he seemed to have become a green leaf. The 10-year soul ring is owned by the pope and Tang San's father, now...

"Xiao Ao, have you become a soul saint?"

Flender asked in shock, as if he wanted to know the brilliance of Oscar, the soul saint who has not yet reached the age of 22, who can match him, the youngest Titled Douluo in the mainland in the future, he is none other than him.

"Dean, don't say if it's okay, or I'll be a little cruel to you!" Oscar smirked, letting Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun relax, this guy is going to make trouble.

"Xiao Ao, tell me quickly, Dean, I have never seen such a big storm, even if you break through Contra, I won't be surprised!"

I saw him raise his eye sockets and look at Oscar, which he couldn't see through. It's only been a long time, and he's already terrified.

"Oh, Dean, he is Contra!"

Dai Mubai made up his sword, he couldn't bear to watch Oscar, it's obviously a gathering of seven monsters, you have a big scare party.

It's one thing to say it, but it's another thing to hear it, and it's another thing if Oscar releases the martial spirit.


Everyone looked at Oscar, as if they were looking at a monster, swallowing in shock.

"Everyone, don't be like this. I just managed to break through. I'm only at level [-]. There is still a suitable soul ring. Let's talk about Xiaosan. He has changed a lot, and he is almost better looking than me. !” Oscar said innocently, trying to divert attention, but there was no intention of diverting attention in his words.

"It's only level ninety! One soul ring is missing..."

Everyone here has the same expression, surprised!The originally good gathering was spent in shock!

(End of this chapter)

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