Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 290 The Lingering Leaving

Chapter 290 The Lingering Leaving

Sometimes, no amount of effort can stop the roulette wheel of fate. Just as Tang San went to the Star Dou Forest, Empress Bibi Dong also launched a soul hunting operation!
In the end, Xiao Wu sacrificed for him, and the three clans of Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus were exterminated. Because of Oscar, Ning Fengzhi broke through the title, and had two titled Douluo guarding the sect. The sect only suffered a slight blow!

Heaven Dou Palace has been strictly guarded!

Inside Shrek Academy!

"Siyin, we're home!"

Walking out of the tunnel, Oscar, who had been away for several days, returned with three beauties and a daughter!
"Well, Dad, this place is even more beautiful than Mom's!" The little girl in Oscar's arms looked at this beautiful and unique small courtyard with big eyes.



The two brothers Osihua and Osicheng, who were playing with Xue Lian's little rabbit and bear next to the small courtyard, shouted that they were also curious to see Osiyin who looked similar to them in Oscar's arms.

"Well! Sihua, this is your sister, Sicheng, this is your sister, Xiao Siyin, go play with your brothers and sisters!"

Oscar put down Osiyin with a smile, waved the old routine, and let the three children have a great time playing. The three brothers and sisters immediately became hot, especially Osihua who already had two soul rings and one ice silkworm , Siyin called her brother sweetly, Sicheng was very quiet and made people very protective, and my brother was committed.

"It's true, you have taken us all Barak's three beauties!" Mu Xian'er said while looking at Princess Crescent Moon and Lin Wanjun with a smile.

Oscar walked over, gave the regular wife a comforting hug, and said quietly: "Xian'er, that will prove your vision, and you are unique!"

Feeling a pain in his waist, Oscar continued to speak, if he deliberately defended, even if Mu Xianer slashed him with a knife, he would not bleed.

"Hmph! Let's see how you explained it to Zhuqing and the others!" Unable to help this man, Mu Xian'er walked towards the three women.

"Hey, Zhuqing!"

"I will go to class!"

Oscar smiled at Zhu Zhuqing, the ice beauty is very straightforward, apart from training, class is her pleasure!


"I'm going to class too, oh no, go to see Zhuqing's class!" Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong, who smiled playfully and followed Zhu Zhuqing to leave.

"Zhu'er, let's go to the Star Map to practice together. If he wants, he can come to us!" Ye Lingling flicked the blue waterfall hair, and pulled the crimson-haired Jiangzhu away!

"Slightly slightly slightly! Bad guy!"

Before Jiang Zhu left, she made a mischievous face, looking at this lecherous man younger than herself, she couldn't beat her or scold her!
"Brother, I think..."

In the end, Nini was the only one left, as if she didn't know what to do other than take care of the child.

"I want to do the same to my brother!"

As Oscar said, he gave her a firm hug, as if melting the perfect holy peak into his chest!

"Brother, you misunderstood me. I want to welcome our sisters with Sister Xian'er. Hee hee, brother, you are thinking wrong!"

Xiao Nizi smiled and said, but it will take a while to hug, after all, Oscar is not private property, there are more monks and less meat!
"Welcome to your new home!"

Mu Xian'er stretched out her hand, and expressed her welcome with simple words. Looking at the three women with different characteristics, especially Meng Yiran, who hadn't seen him for several years, turned out to be so unique, with feminine charm and perseverance.

Yue Ya'er looked at the simple "welcome" ceremony, then looked at Oscar, and in order not to embarrass him, she patted Mu Xianer's hand lightly!

"Thank you, this princess will remember it!"

Afterwards, she walked towards Oscar very coolly.

"Hehe! Xian'er, I will take good care of your husband with you."

When it was Lin Wanjun's turn, she laughed and laughed. The two of them held hands like good best friends.

"I want to test his wife's strength!"

Then, Meng Yiran held hands with Mu Xianer. For her who practiced hidden weapons hard, after Mu Xianer used her soul power, she still had the upper hand!
"But so!"

Meng Yiran clapped his hands, and also walked over, leaving behind an angry Mu Xian'er, who secretly scolded this Meng Yiran for taking Dali pills.

"Welcome! There are many free rooms inside. We have all tidied up, especially Sister Xian'er, who knew you were coming and cleaned very carefully. You can choose whatever you want!"

Nini smiled, her weak and pitiful face was somewhat sly.

The three of them looked at Nini, and then at Mu Xian'er. It turned out that she... has such a big heart...

" name is Yueya'er, just call me like that!" Yueya'er said, accepting their kindness.

"My name is Lin Wanjun, you can call me Wanjun or, little gentleman!" Lin Wanjun smiled gracefully at Nini Shu.

In the courtyard, apart from the three babies and a few birds...soul beasts, there are only three of them left!

"Xian'er, it's all right, my husband promises that there will be no more in the future!" Oscar smiled, and his heart was full of joy. Unexpectedly, Xian'er's wife understood him so well.

"Also! Believe it or not..."

Mu Xian'er gasped, she was really helpless!

night!The courtyard is brightly lit!


All the women shouted in unison, looking at the dazzling array of fruits and delicacies, the three newly arrived women were immediately moved, and soon united front!
On this day, Oscar once again returned to the life of a salted fish with a baby. There is Xuan Ming in the north, so don't let him worry too much!
Siyin said curiously: "Hey! Dad is gone again!" Looking at Oscar who was relaxing on the couch just now, the silver light flashed and disappeared!
"Hey! Siyin, you don't know this. Dad is going to meet other mothers privately. I don't know if there is a beautiful sister like you!"

Oswald smiled, revealing his father's true face.

"Sicheng also wants a younger sister, so that he can play with Sicheng!" Ao Sicheng said, wanting to be an elder brother very much.

"What kind of sister do you want, wait for my sister to awaken my martial spirit first, and my sister will cover you later." Ao Siyin promised Ao Sicheng, patting her small chest.

Heaven Dou City Imperial Palace!

There was a flash of silver light, and an eighteen-year-old girl showed a smile, as bright as a blooming flower.

"This..." Oscar looked at the princess Xue Ke who was hugging him, and suddenly felt that the development was too fast, he was just guiding her into the artistic conception!
"Xiao Ao, Xue Ke will leave it to you, and don't interfere!" The young Xue Qinghe said with a serious face, she just wanted to prove to him that she also wanted to build an empire of her own, or, Wuhundian unifies the mainland!

Oscar patted Xue Ke's snow-white jade neck lightly, knocked her out, and gently put her aside!
"I know, Xue'er, pay attention to safety, no matter whether you succeed or not, you will always be Qian Renxue, my woman!"

As Oscar said, he let Xue Ke stay aside quietly. Oscar, who already knew the result, only wanted to have another good night with her when she left!
"Little Ao! I love you!"

It was this scene again, she was very reluctant to let him leave like this, so she could only whisper the love in her heart!
"Well, Cher, I love you!"

Oscar smiled slightly, this is because of her lingering when she left, hope to see you next time, she has become the god of angels!

(End of this chapter)

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