Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 294 Immortal Sword First Soul Ring

Chapter 294 Immortal Sword First Soul Ring
In the vast sea, the surface of the sea was rippling and the wind turned up several waves. Tang San and the others had already arranged a simple journey. Oscar began to confront the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.


Oscar stepped on the waves and was instantly frozen for thousands of miles, while snow-white flowers were floating on the sea. He was like a king in the snow, and more like a lonely knight, looking for an opponent with whom he could discuss strength.

The strange sound waves emitted by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King stirred up several sea eddies, like traps enclosing Oscar layer by layer, and then the huge body dived into the sea, and the huge tail fin stirred up shocking waves.

"Mysterious Nether Body!"

Oscar shouted, although he was surrounded by a bottomless sea vortex, but that was not the reason for him to use the Mysterious Body, but the huge black shadow swimming rapidly under the sea.

Roar!The Deep Sea Demon Whale King opened his giant jaws, broke through Oscar's ice, and attacked Oscar!
"Is this the strength!"

Oscar Xiaoyu, a black man, said leisurely while supporting the giant whale with one hand.

Dragon sucks water!
Bang bang bang!
In the sea, a sudden jet of water washed away Oscar, and the deep sea demon whale king dived into the sea again, waiting to swallow this tiny human again with his strength.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being a super overlord. He is like a dragon in the sea." Oscar laughed, and the sea water on his body turned into ice powder and scattered.

"A Thousand Feet of Eternal Frozen!"

Oscar looked at the deep sea demon whale king attacking again with the power of the sea, his right hand seemed to be pressing the sea surface, and a wave of extreme cold quickly froze thousands of meters below the sea!
"All evil is haunted!"

Oscar demonstrated the chain of doom, and tens of thousands of black lights pierced the ice with a sound, shooting towards the shadow like sharp fish arrows. A scarlet soul ring rose from Oscar's body, which was the first soul ring of the chain of doom.

"Come out, my big fish!"

Oscar withdrew the chain, the top spirit weapon was like the world's top martial spirit, and it was controlled by the immortal cultivator Oscar, how could the Deep Sea Demon Whale King break free!
"Sea God, how long do you have to watch? Oh, yes, you are just a divine thought now!"

Oscar captured the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and spoke to the air above the sea, but no trace of anyone was found.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you!"

On the surface of the sea, an azure blue figure instantly condensed. The handsome young man with sword eyebrows and charm looked at Oscar and said.

"If it was your real deity, I might still be interested, but you are just a divine thought right now. I hope my woman can get an answer that satisfies me when I practice on your island. Otherwise, you sea god Whether or not the position of God will be passed on, I can't guarantee it!"

Oscar was smiling and speaking flatly, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter.

"Haha, it's been so many years, you are the first person who dared to threaten me, but you have that strength, their aptitude is extraordinary, I will consider it as appropriate, it seems that the two guys Shura and Ruin will not be lonely anymore!" The man smiled and disappeared into the sea. His appearance gave people the feeling of the tolerance of the sea.

"I hope so, God of Asura and God of Destruction, I don't know if I can defeat them after I overcome the catastrophe!" Oscar looked at the disappearing divine sense and muttered, his current strength should be at the level of ordinary gods, only the After the catastrophe, break the shackles, and you can go to a higher level.

"Of course, my silly apprentice, you are my man!"

Suddenly, Master's moving voice came from my mind.Oscar knew that this master would not be able to afford it early!

Oscar asked: "Master, do you want this fish? You want to say it directly, and those gods are all at the level of main gods."

"Second apprentice, no one is big or small. If it weren't for the presence of a Da Luo-level god, I'll show you some color!" Hong Ming replied, obviously being hit by the apprentice. She came out just for the big road. For the fish, but also for him.

"Tch, white or black? It seems that I like to see both!" Oscar responded with a smile.

"Okay, don't be silly, let Xuanmingjian absorb this semi-holy monster. I will store the energy for you. When you pass the catastrophe period, you will be able to trigger the catastrophe and achieve the immortal body. I will use these All the energy is fed back to you, allowing you to break through to Da Luo in one fell swoop!" Hong Ming said calmly, but the people who listened were not calm, and after crossing the catastrophe, they became Da Luo!

What Oscar didn't know was that it was only a matter of time before he was able to reach the Da Luo level after being exposed to the two powerful laws of real water and extreme ice. .

Oscar laughed, "Well, listen to Master!"


The Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who had no time to struggle, was still shocked by the conversation between the Sea God and Oscar, and was killed by the Xuanming Sword!
"Hmm! It smells so good, it's really time to transform into a dragon, this pure energy is so refreshing!"

Oscar took a deep breath of the fragrance emanating from the big fish's brain and rippled, and then, a dazzling golden soul ring appeared.

"At first, I thought I would rely on you, or the god bestowed spirit ring to break through the catastrophe, but it seems that I can only stay in the Mahayana period for a while!" Oscar muttered, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

"Stop rambling, apprentice, I forgot to tell you as a teacher. During the Mahayana period, it is best to compress and purify the energy nine times, which is called nine revolutions. Your current energy level is about two revolutions. First absorb its soul ring. As a teacher, I will teach you the method of compression!"

As Hong Ming said, Oscar suddenly felt different. He had already lost touch with his previous cultivation. The Mahayana period was to accumulate energy, but he didn’t say that he had to purify and compress so much. He was too junior, so he didn’t know about it. In order to save time, the author has deleted this aspect, and directly entered the period of crossing the catastrophe, and lived for ten thousand years.

"Xuan Mingjian, your first soul ring is a million years old, where will you find so many soul rings like this in the future!"

As Oscar said, pulling the golden soul ring onto the black and simple but looking extremely ordinary Xuanming Sword, Oscar really couldn't feel the slightest energy supply, and began to blame her master for being too picky.Nine times of compression, how to compress without energy.

"The million-year-old soul is really good nourishment for my Netherfire!" Oscar said while looking at the still struggling giant whale soul.

The Netherfire has already broken away from the spirit fire level at this time, and Oscar doesn't know if it has reached the legendary sky fire.

"The first soul skill! Shocking waves!"

The golden soul ring of Xuanming Sword's first soul ring shone brightly, Oscar waved lightly, and the sea area of ​​the magic whale rolled like a giant dragon, and the sea surface boiled like boiling water!
"Dragon sucks water!"

Oscar swung the Xuanming Sword again, stirring up a sky-shattering water column. Compared with the 10-year-old soul ring, it is not only a qualitative improvement, but also has more than one soul skill.

"The power is not bad! Against Limit Douluo, you should be able to take away one with one sword!" Oscar said while evaluating the first soul ring of Xuanming Sword.

Next, under the command of his master, Oscar took care of this deep-sea demon whale king full of treasures, brains, and dragon balls, all of which were taken away by her, leaving only a corpse and a torso bone. Hongming finally agreed to take the frozen big fish into Xuanming Sword.Let Oscar know more about the space of the Xuanming Sword, and also learned how to use the Xuanming Sword to store it, and how to compress the spiritual energy at nine turns.

"Sea God Island, Oscar is here!"

Oscar smiled and saw the peaceful and beautiful island, and couldn't help exclaiming, after this experience, he can take his women to travel around the world, looking for their gods.

(End of this chapter)

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