Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 296 Poseidon Examination

Chapter 296 Poseidon Examination
Sea God Island!Sea in sea!
After Oscar, the next person who entered Haizhonghai was his wife, Mu Xianer.She also didn't take Oscar's little snow sausage, and under the possession of the white ape cat martial soul, the combination of strength and speed cleverly avoided the seawater!

"Hee hee! Husband, my wife didn't embarrass you!" Mu Xian'er smiled and walked to Oscar's side with two dimples on her face!


When Oscar was about to praise her, a cold voice came, and Zhu Zhuqing, who was charming in a long black dress, also came.

"Fifth Soul Skill, Channel of the Sea!"

On Nini's right hand, two yellow, two purple, and one black spirit rings flickered, and the fifth spirit ring was taken from a sea spirit beast. She didn't expect to help her pass this level!

Nini smiled and said, "Brother!"

He came to Oscar's side with joy, and then Daoning Rongrong, Ye Lingling, Wan Xiangyan, Wanjun, Luo Lan, Qingzhao, Jiangzhu, etc. all swallowed the little snow sausages, exuding a icy air, and the soul beasts on the seabed did not Dare to get close, but also through the sea in the sea!
Meng Yiran stretched out her tender body, controlling her own soul power, passing through gracefully like a heroine, and Yue Ya'er and Xue Ke were both swan martial souls, and they also belonged to the agility attack system. And Shangguan Xueer and Shui Binger finally shook the field, they were tough!

"Ao Ge's women are not easy to mess with!"

The fat man looked at this scene and said, suddenly felt a pain in his waist, and the Bai Chenxiang with the pure beauty of a girl gritted his jade teeth and said, "Could it be that I'm easy to provoke!"

After finishing speaking, she, who is pure acuity, cleverly touched the sea water and passed by.Then Fatty, Tang San and Xiao Wu came over one after another!
Haimian Douluo asked about the background of this business and said, "Okay, let's start accepting the Seagod's assessment, one person!"

It was still the order of the sea that just passed through the sea, Dai Mubai was the first to go!I saw Seahorse Douluo praying devoutly, and then a pillar of azure light like the sea rose up, covering Dai Mubai under his finger!
"It turned out to be the sixth test of the black level. Is this person a sinner, Lord Seagod!" The color changed, and Seahorse Douluo finally smiled wryly.

Under the fat man's curious question, Oscar also knew the reality of the assessment. There is only one assessment for the white level and the yellow level, there are at most three for the purple level, six tests for the black level at most, seven tests for the red level, and nine tests for the god level. !
"Mubai, don't be afraid, I will accompany you! Senior, please grant me the assessment!" Shui Yue'er listened to Seahorse Douluo's explanation, and resolutely stood up and said.

Haima frowned slightly and asked, "Don't you think about it?"

Shui Yue'er resolutely said again: "For the one I love, senior, let's start!"

"Okay!" Seahorse Douluo said, another blue beam of light descended from the sky, covering the delicate and charming Shui Yue'er!

"It's purple, go up, up a little!"

Shuiyue'er murmured, leaving Haima speechless for a while, and it was too late for her to hide, but she still begged to go up!

"The fourth test for the black class!" Haima announced, quite surprised, even Oscar didn't know that it was the result, and looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

Oscar said, "I'm coming!"

The boss and his wife have finished testing, and it's his turn to be the second child!

"I'm looking forward to what level of assessment you will have!" Haima said with a smile, looking at the charming and unique Oscar!

"Well, I am also looking forward to what level of assessment he will give me. If it is a little low, I will be angry!" Oscar said with a shallow smile, looking at the sky!

"You're being rude to Lord Seagod, hmph!"

Seahorse Douluo snorted coldly, Oscar is too rude, and cursed in his heart: Give you a black level six test, let you experience the punishment of Sea God!

Shrouded in blue light, the Lunar True Water in Oscar's body seemed to be aroused, and they seemed to be cheering. The beam of light reached black at once, then soared to red, and then suddenly glowed with a golden light, still rising, and finally a total of eight, It turned into an eight-pointed star and was printed on Oscar's forehead.

"What level of assessment is this!"

Seahorse Douluo muttered, his face had already changed several expressions, black level, red level, what level is the golden one now.

"This is the Eight Trials of the Sea God! Am I right, great offering!" Oscar answered for him, then saw a 30-year-old beautiful woman approaching not far away, and laughed.

"Well, it seems that you don't know much. It's a pity that you are not the one I want to wait for!" The woman replied simply.

"Please enshrine and punish!" Seahorse Douluo respectfully said.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, it's the first time I've even seen it, go ahead, I'll just watch it here!" The great priest said plainly, his eyes swept over the people who hadn't been assessed, and when they reached Tang San, , her intuition seemed to tell her that that was the person she was waiting for.

The fat man said: "It's cheating! Brother Ao!"

Oscar came down, and many women came to look at the golden and beautiful eight-pointed star imprint on Oscar's forehead, the imprint covered the back, and there was also a beautiful mini snow-white elf imprint with wings!

"Follow the trend you just followed, go up one by one!" Oscar said with a smile.

"Black Level Four Tests!" Seahorse Douluo said, looking at the woman in light yellow dress, Oscar's regular wife, Mu Xian'er!

Then it's Nini's turn!
"Black Level Four Tests!" Haima was shocked again.

It's the turn of the ice beauty Zhu Zhuqing!

"Black... black level... six tests!"

Seahorse Douluo was already numb, talking about the result of the assessment level!

When it was the turn of the pretty Ning Rongrong, under the blue light, after the black six test, she kept muttering: "Lord Sea God, be taller, black is too ugly!"

"Red...Red level seven exams! Top seven exams!"

Because the big enshrinement was there, he quickly controlled his expression.

"It's really interesting!" the priest said with a smile, but no one noticed, or rather, she concealed it very well, and Oscar was obviously interested in the old lady, and she was also famous.

It's Ye Lingling's turn!
"Red...Red Level Seven Tests!"

Haima was really shocked and said, who are these people, two top seven exams!

"That's a good plan, I've brought my two women over to help you inheritors!" Oscar murmured, but it was beneficial to them, so he didn't care about it anymore.

Next, Oscar's women are all black-level four exams, only Wan Xiangyan is red-level five exams and Jiangzhu, the third top seven exams, Seahorse Douluo is extremely numb!


Oscar looked at the women who had passed the level assessment and said, after all, he knew that the Black Level Five Test was to challenge the Seven Sacred Pillars. It was originally prepared for the Shrek Seven Monsters, but now, except for Ning Rongrong and a few assistants, they are all almost black level. Four test.

In the next assessment, Tang San's identity as an inheritor had already appeared, nothing changed, Bai Chenxiang was just a yellow-level test, and performed a public kiss!

"It's horrible, why are we so strong to take the black-level fourth test!" Living in a comfortable place, the women headed by Shangguan Xue'er began to complain, and those few assistants were all red-level.

"Okay, dear ones, follow my arrangement!" Oscar said to a room full of women.

Next, he plans to teach them how to absorb the weak energy of the Seagod's Light to cultivate, and hopes that after the test, all of them can reach level sixty or above. It has to be said that this is a big plan.

(End of this chapter)

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