Douluo's ancestor roams

Chapter 298 The Ninth Spirit Pet Sea Witch

Chapter 298 The Ninth Spirit Pets the Sea Witch

"As a teacher, this is for your own good!"

Hong Ming cheerfully responded to this bastard apprentice, and she secretly collected the energy emitted by the god-bestowed spirit rings absorbed by the other seven women!


Oscar suddenly felt a surge of energy and was puzzled, thinking that Master had changed his mind!

"This is the excess energy emitted by those soul rings of your women, which can compress your aura to four revolutions!" Hong Ming said, clearing his doubts!

Oscar absorbed those energies and compressed them. As the master said, his aura in the Mahayana period finally reached the level of four rotations!
In the second test, a circular blockade, Oscar was only practicing Xuan Ming Jue on the shore, and his reward for the first test was only 5.00% Affinity to the Sea God, but this great white shark, Oscar has the position of the ninth spiritual pet, and he really wants to accept it She, but the sea god is still watching, the so-called beating the dog, no, it depends on the owner to collect the fish!
After the second test, everyone's soul power will be upgraded by one level, and the lifespan of the red-level examiner's soul ring will be increased by [-] years. This made Oscar want to study, and he can do the same when looking for inheritors in the future!
The third test, tidal body training!Oscar, who has a [-]% Seagod affinity, sleeps standing up all day long, because he is invincible!
The fourth test, the battle of peak sharks and whales!And Oscar's fourth test is to assist the inheritors and kill the evil killer whale king!
"Why do you want to accept her more and more?"

Oscar saw a great white shark appearing again, and muttered.The whale already has one, and it seems pretty good to have another shark.

Knowing from Xiaobai that there are hundreds of evil killer whales, Oscar also breathed a sigh of relief, this should be enough for his woman to find a suitable spirit ring.

Shark and whale battle, funny...

One-sided slaughter all right!

"Xiao Ao, thank you!"

Looking at this gigantic Orca King with a scarlet 10 year spirit ring, Tang San thanked Oscar with a smile.

"It's okay!" Oscar said flatly, but cursed from the bottom of his heart, thank you Lim, that's a 10-year soul ring, you ****!

"Nini, this 5000-year-old soul beast is just right for you! Still, Yueya, you should absorb these two 4-5-year-old soul beasts! Wanjun, Roland, Xue Ke, you guys Just absorb these three 6000-year-olds! Qingzhao, your fourth spirit ring absorbs the [-]-year-old ones!"

Oscar was like catching chickens, grabbing several soul beasts over 5000 million years old and distributing them one by one, as if these soul beasts were raised by him.

"Xiangxiang, this ten thousand year old soul ring should be your fifth soul ring!" Oscar said with a smile, throwing it to Bai Chenxiang's half-dead soul ring.

"Yeah! Thank you Ogo!"

The girl smiled sweetly, calling her Oscar like the fat man!
"It's okay!" Oscar replied simply.

Other than him, there are Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling, and Wan Xiangyan who will continue the assessment.The other people who have completed the assessment have been promoted by two levels.Except for Qingzhao who started slowly and is only level 45 now, the rest are Soul Emperor cultivators, and most of them are already close to Contra level!
The fifth test is to challenge the guardians of the holy pillar, and Oscar's test has been changed again, to challenge seven guardians at the same time!
"It's so boring, you guys are too weak, you can't even stop me with a little snow sausage!"

Because of knowing the content of their assessment and challenging the guardian of the sacred pillar, Oscar became the target of everyone's training, throwing skills one by one, Oscar also made them feel what it means to be crushed by absolute strength!

Everyone faces the sea in the sea again, the tactical arrangement, the first Oscar goes first, then Tang San, and then the others, Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling, Wan Xiangyan follow the support!

"My assessment is to challenge at the same time!" Oscar looked at the seven guardians under the Seven Sacred Pillars, and said domineeringly.

"Very good!" said a middle-aged man with relatively strong strength and domineering aura, he was the strongest Sea Dragon Douluo.

"Hee hee, I'm not good at fighting, brother, let me play a song for you?" A girl with a beautiful fishtail and a girlish appearance said with a smile.

"Okay! After listening to the song, can you go out to play with your brother? There are a lot of delicious food and fun outside!" Oscar said while looking at the mermaid.Thinking, your mount is left to you, I can take this mermaid away!
"Yes, it's a pity I can't leave!"

The mermaid girl said regretfully, with her lively heart, she really wanted to go out and have a look, instead of staying bored in Sea God Island.

"Brother has a way, moreover, brother can also play a song for you!" Oscar comforted the innocent girl, took out the seven-color fairy piano, and secretly formed a spiritual pet contract.

"Okay, I'm going to play a song for you!"

The mermaid princess smiled, put a beautiful piccolo on her pink and charming red lips, and began to play.The same goes for Oscar, with the sound of the piano, no one disturbed their duel, but Oscar is a drunkard, and his goal is this talented mermaid princess, Sea Witch, his ninth spiritual pet, returning to her place!
"The artistic conception in the piano? It's amazing!"

The mermaid princess came to the beach, without the shackles of Sea God Island, and saw a charming man with snow-white hair smiling at her!
What happened in the artistic conception, only Oscar knows, this is a mental and psychedelic attack!

"Husband! Will we be together forever?" In the end, the heart of the mermaid princess was quietly taken away by him, and she leaned on him and asked.

In the story, the two are playing at the beach, and the mermaid princess also sees the colorful world of human beings. In the end, the two become husband and wife, which is another story of mermaid love!

"Yes! Yes, my little witch, because you are already mine!" After the man finished speaking, he disappeared, and the beach and the world of people coming and going also disappeared, and she returned to the ordinary Sea God Island. !

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up!"

The playful face of the mermaid princess is obviously more mature, experiencing the ups and downs and bitterness of the world, and the companionship between men and women!

"This is not a dream, come here, my little witch!" Oscar stretched out his arms, with a warm smile on his face.

"Well! I'm already yours!"

The mermaid princess flicked her beautiful fish tail and rushed towards Oscar. Her hair, which was as long as the sea, intertwined with Oscar's snow-white hair. Finally, she came to a new home, Oscar's sea of ​​consciousness!
"Well, I'll take good care of you!"

As Oscar said, he looked at the other six blinded guardians of the sacred pillar.They all had only one thought in their hearts: This kid actually took the Sea Witch?And the sea witch seems to have the tenderness of a woman!
Oscar laughed and said, "Haha, for the sake of my ninth beautiful pet, I'll try to be as gentle as possible!"

This is, blatant contempt!

Nine soul rings flickered on each of the six sacred pillars!It indicates that a battle of top powerhouses is about to begin again!

(End of this chapter)

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